Number of all enrolled students in classes 1st to 12th covered under Health check ups, Iron and Folic Acid Supplemention Medicine & De- worming Medicine distriibution,
Regarding Training programme
Regarding disability meeting dated 22-03-2025
Regarding 15-G Point meeting dated 22-03-2025
Regarding NSS Monthly Progressive Report March 2025
Regarding status of Funds/Bank Accounts/FDR available in the schools
Regarding district Level awareness workshop on HIV and AIDS.
Status of convergence and resource sharing in the cluster schools
Regarding implementation of POCSO Act 2012
List of Principals /HMs are going to retire during running calendar year 2025 are requested to make efforts to produce their pension case timely.
Information regarding Video Conferencing Cameras, Microphones, UPS in r/o GSSS/GHS district Sirmour
ATR and outcome Report in r/o Agenda points of state meeting held on 05-03-2025(Google form)
ATR and outcome Report in r/o Agenda points of state meeting held on 05-03-2025
Regarding Settlement of pending audit paras.
Regarding inspection report of schools.
Regarding to change the vacation schedule from summer to winter.
Regarding Filing of compliance affidavit in Miscellaneous Application Diary No(S).22553/2023-Aureliano Fernandes vs. The State of Goa through the Chief Secretary State of Goa.
Tender Document for supply of Library Books
Regarding Marking 120th Anniversary of the 1905 Great Kangra Earthquake as Disaster Awareness Day on 4 April 2025
Provide the information regarding Girls Students Drop out for the year 2022-23, 2023-24 & 2024-25 by 19-03-2025 at 2.00PM.
Uploading School Disaster Management Plans (SDMPs) on the school Safety app
अधिकारियों एवंम लिपिक वर्गीय कर्मचारियों की वर्ष 2024-25 की वार्षिक गोपनीय रिपोर्ट भेजने बारे |
Regarding irregularity found during the conduct of Ayurvedic Pharmacy officer Examination 2024 held on 14-09-2024 in the examination i.e. Government Girls Senior Secondary School, Portmore, Shimla.
Regarding the List of Students selected from the State of Himachal Pradesh under the INSPIRE- MANAK Scheme for the year 2024-25
Regarding providing details of GSSS/GHS in r/o district Sirmour
Regarding Drive against Drug Abuse.
Regarding Seniority/regularization of clerk/JOA(IT) appointed on contract basis.
Regarding regularization of clerk /JOA(IT) appointed on daily waged basis-information thereof.
Regarding Key Performance Indicator (KPI) of Education Department.(provide the information by Tomorrow at 2.00PM positively.
for Utilizing NABL and BIS certified testing services of CIPET : CSTS
support to observing 2nd round of National De-worming Day
and Vitamin A on 20th Feb,2025.
Information regarding installation of Herbal Garden in schools.
“Time Bound” “AQ No. 2372 (Reply/Information of Elementary Staff should be sent to the Dy. Director of Elementary Education, District Sirmour on email
“Time Bound” “AQ No. 14/08/197 (Reply/Information of Elementary Staff should be sent to the Dy. Director of Elementary Education, District Sirmour on email
Please furnished the RTI information on Google Form before 10-03-2025 at 2.00 PM positively.
Regarding Filing of compliance affidavit in Miscellaneous Application Diary No(s)22553/2023-Aureliano Fernandes vs. The State of Goa through the Chief Secretary State of Goa.
Reagrding Central Board of Secondary Education exminations scheduled to be held from 15th February to April, 2025
Acceptance of only Online Birth Certificate (Form No.5) during the admission of child in school.
Information regarding retired employees w.e.f 01/01/2022 to 20/02/2025
Information regarding Library GSSS/GHS
Status of Anti Drug Squads in School
Permission to install School Health Corner Sun Boards and conduct Adolescent Health Day activity.
Regarding distribution of Question Papers 9th and 11th Classes.
Kindly provide the status of STV I.e. Sampark TV supplied and installed in the institutions listed above. These items were provided Sampark Foundation.
Regarding 8th session of Fourteenth Vidhan Sabha (Budget session) is commencing w.e.f 10/03/2025 to 28/03/2025
Proforma for Typing Test datd 25-02-2025
Regarding biometric attendance Report ID in r/o of GSSS/GHS district Sirmour
To carry out special drive for Aadhar Enrolment of enrolled students in school in the state-reg.
Regarding Observance of Road Safety Month 2025
Training Programme in r/o Principals/HMs (w.e.f 10-03-2025 to 14-03-2025)
Information regarding DPEs in r/o GSSS district Sirmour
जिला स्तरीय एनसीओआरडी समिति की 11वीं मासिक बैठक के संबंध में।
Information regarding Dropout and Disadvantaged Children as sought by Secretary -cum-Additional Chief Judicial Magistrate , Distt. Legal Services Authority Sirmour at Nahan , supply on attached excel sheet by today on 18-02-2025 at 2.00 PM positively.
Regarding providing the list of Teaching staff who were appointed under the SMC Policy in the Winter & Summer Closing Schools
Regarding NSS Activities Report
Regarding Typing Test
Regarding deputation for mandatory baseline assessment for teachers under CCE (continuous and comprehensive evaluation) teacher training project on 24th February.
Regarding Biometric Machine in r/o GSSS/GHS district Sirmour
Provide the information only such schools who had celebrate the Annual Function after 31-12-2024 .
Regarding Training on
National De-warming day (NDD & WIFS).
Regarding 2 days Orientation Programme of school Heads as KRPs on NIEPA Module under STARS Project.
Training Programme in r/o LAs (w.e.f 17-02-2025 to 22-02-2025)
Setting up of School Nutrition Gardens (SNG) in all Schools in the State.
Regarding Awareness about Himachal Pradesh Common Entrance Test -2025 (HPCET-2025).
Information regarding Pariksha Pe Charcha Program
Information regarding Solar lights (w.e.f 19-09-2024 to till date)
योंन हिंसा के खिलाफ कमेटियों का गठन एंव चाइल्ड प्रोटेक्शन के संदर्भ में
Regarding Pvt. Senior Sec. Schools / Pvt. High Schools Sexual Harassment of women at work place(Prevention, prohibition and Redressal ) Act,2013
Regarding Non Submission of Road Safety Clubs UC
Regarding Junior Red Cross
Information regarding surplus TGTs posted in GSSS/GHS in Distt. Sirmour
Sehedule & Mecbanism for Free Textbook Distribution (Classes 1-10 Winter / Summer Closing Schools ) for Academic Session 2025-26
Training programmme in r/o Principal
Tentative Schedule of Regular inspection for the Month of February 2025
Format for submitting details
Regarding Library room in r/o GSSS/GHS District Sirmour
Steps to enhance the quality of Education in Schools
Youth Red Cross & Junior Red Cross गठन कर सदस्य बनाये
How many Teacher & Students Registered in History of Time & Clocks Ep2 - 3030 Eklavya
Furnished the Information regarding Trainings programmme in r/o Teaching and non Teaching Staff (Principal/HM/Lect/Supdt G-II/Sr. Astt./Clerk/JOA/LA/DPE/)
Sataus of Tracking of pass out Students of class 10th/12th for at last 3 years.
Regarding NSS Monthly Progressive Report January 2025
Regarding transfer of RTI Application under section 6(3) of Right to information Act,2005.
Information regarding ICT Labs/ IT/PMIS/ Biometric in r/o GSSS/GHS district Sirmour (Agenda Points Meeting dated 05-02-2025 in the DHE Shimla)
Regarding updation of e-service books of Govt. employees on Manav Sampada Portal.
Regularization of Class- IV employees
Regarding review the development plans of the different Departments of the State Government and ensure that prevention and mitigation measures are integrated therein.
Regarding issues Related to NDRF Monsoon Deployment compliance of Guidelines.
Notification regarding inclusion of chapter on Road Safety in the syllabus of classes 11th & 12th.
Training programme for Lecturers & DPEs at SCERT Solan w.e.f. 03-02-2025 to 06-02-2025 on School Safety.
Training programme at HIPA Shimla for School Principals and Headmaster w.e.f. 27-01-2025 to 31-01-2025.
National Voters' Day 25th January. 2025-reg
सरकारी स्कूलों में मूल भूत सुविधाओं बारे I
Training programme at HIPA Shimla for School Principals and Headmaster w.e.f. 27-01-2025 to 31-01-2025.
DPE/Lect. who are interested to attend the Training Programme at SCERT w.e.f. from 03-02-2025 to 06-02-20205 on School Safety Programme in r/o Summer Vacation Schools Only
Uploading School Disaster Management Plans (SDMPs) on the school Safety App
Regarding updation of e-service books of Govt. employees on Manav Sampada Portal
30-06-2024 तक असामायोजित लेखापरीक्षा आपतियों के विवरण से सम्बन्धित उत्तर बारे
Facilities for Development of Computer Based (CBT) Centres.
Regarding meeting of Food Safety and Standard Act,2006 held on 31-12-2024
दिनांक 20-12-2024 को
आयोजित 15 सूत्रीय बैठक
के संदर्भ में I
Urgently required - Reg. PRINCIPAL
7वीं अपेक्स एनसीओआरडी समिति (Apex Level NCORD Committee meeting) की बैठक में दिए गए निर्देशों की अनुपालना बारे।
Facilities for Development of Computer Based (CBT) Centres.
Regarding information of public Libraries running Govt.Sen.Sec.Schools .
Regarding providing the latest category wise/ class wise enrolment & Staff Position as on 31-12-2024.
Provide the Information regarding Visually Impaired students
Regarding Pending ACRs of Principals from Vocational Lecturer School Cadre for Regularization of Placement Promotion
Tentative Schedule of Regular inspection for the Month of January 2025
Regarding Observance of Road Safety Month 2025
Regarding Sexual Harassment of women at work place(Prevention, prohibition and Redressal ) Act,2013 .
Collection of data (IT-Fee, Students Enrolment and number of Teachers.
Agenda Points of Meeting
Regarding NSS Monthly Progressive Report Dec. 2024
Regarding conduct of Teacher Traing programme for class Teacher and Special Education in Govt. School having Enrollment Visually impaired
Regarding meeting of the status of winter season preparedness 2024-25
Outstanding Electricity Dues of Education Institutes under ED Paonta Sahib.
Regarding Pariksha Pe Charcha
Office order regarding Two days Holiday.
Information regarding Food Safety
Office Order (LA)
Training programme for Senior Assistants & Clerks/JOA(IT) at HIPA Shimla w.e.f. 06-01-2025 to 07-01-2025.
Providing third party information under provision of section 8(1)(j) of RTI Act,2005.
Status of Smartclassroom provided by the DHE/SRMSA/SSA
Regarding Theme of NSS activities for the year 2024-25
Regarding Mega Camp 2024
Establishment Return of Lecturers/DPE(Lect-Phy.Edu.)/JOA-Library & All category of Ministerial Staff i.e. Supdt.Gr-II, Sr.Asstt. & JOA-IT
Submission of Enrollment of NSS Volunteers for the year 2024-25
Regarding Upload School Disaster Management Plans (SDMPs) on the School Safety App.
Regarding Vacation Schedule for Government Schools in H.P
Regarding Log in the site of HPBOSE for registration
Regarding establishment of Road Safety Clubs and UC.
Tentative Seniority list of Daily Wagers as 30-11-2024
Training programme at SCERT Solan w.e.f. 16-12-2024 to 21-12-2024 for School Lecturers in Hindi.
Lecturers/PGT(S/N) who are interested to attend the CCRT Training programme at Udaipur w.e.f.26-12-2024 to 15-01-2025, at Hyderabad w.e.f. 02-01-2025 to 23-01-2025, at New Delhi w.e.f. 08-01-2025 to 28-01-2025 & at Hyderabad w.e.f. 06-02-2025 to 26-02-2025.
Training programme at SCERT Solan w.e.f. 09-12-2024 to 14-12-2024 for School Lecturers in Physics.
Regarding enrolment of NSS Volunteers for viksit Bharat Quiz
Regarding Selection of NSS Volunteers for Mega Camp2024 (Block Level/District Level camp).
Tentative schedule of inspection for the Month of December 2024
AQ Diary No. 14/6/603 Reg. Librarian/Asstt. Librarian
Development of School Nutrition gardens (SNGs) in all schools under PM Poshan (Mid Day Meal) Scheme in the State.
Regarding inviting nominations for State Level Awards i.e. Service Award/Prerna Srot Samman/Himachal Gaurav Purskar-2025
AQ Diary No. 14/6/223
Regarding NSS Monthly Progressive Report Nov. 2024
Provide the information regarding DPE (Vidhan Sabha Matter)
Urgent Matter: Provide the information regarding deputation (CWPIL No 31/2024).
Regarding adoption of school under programme named "APNA VIDYALY" The School Adoption Programme.
Release of funds for repair/restoration of damaged Secondary Senior Secondary Schools buildings caused by heavy rain fall and flash floods.
Training programme at SCERT Solan w.e.f. 02-12-2024 to 07-12-2024 for Superintendents G-11 & Senior Assistants .
Regarding granting of daily wager status and regularisation in view of order passed bythe Hon'ble HPAT in OA No. 5475/2017 Narender Kumar V/s State of H.P. and CWP No.244 of 2019 and SLP No. 9148/2021
Regarding adoption of School under programme named "APNA VIDYALAYA". The School Adoption Program.
Lecturer/Lecturer(SN) who have not attended In-Service Training Programme in the discipline of Physics during the Last Three years at SCERT Solan.
Regarding World AIDS Day-1st December 2024-Campaign from 1st December, 2024
Regarding list of Schools which are not under cluster in r/o district Sirmour
Regarding list of cluster schools and resources sharing by the schools.
Regarding starting of twospecial period in all the GHSs/GSSSs /Pvt institutions of the state for preparendness of NAS/SLAS/PARAKH Rashtriya Sarvekshan.
OFFICE ORDER (Training Programme in r/o Lect.)
Regarding submission of cases for the cases for the promotion of eligible in service peons to the post of LA as per R &P Rules for promotion up-to 30-11-2024
Regarding NSS Monthly Progressive Report Oct. 2024
OFFICE ORDER (Cultural Programme)
All the concerned Principals/HOO are requested to remain open the part of school building on said date in which Polling Both is being going on, for convenience to worthy Public.
Information regarding Road Safety activities,Navchetna Programme,Disaster Samarth Programmme , Other activities in r/o GSSS/GHS District Sirmour
Tentative schedule of inspection for the Month of November 2024
Meeting regarding Special Summary Revison 2025
Information desired by Smt Anita Kumari (Kullu, 9418309457) under RTI Act 2005 in r/o PTA GIA Teachers worked under PTA-GIA Policy 2006, whose services have been taken on contract basis in January 2015 and who availed without pay leave during his/their entire service as PTA.
Strengthening Access to Legal Serices through wide publicity of information on NALSA's Legal Aid Helpine Number and NALSA Portal at prominent places in all district.
Regarding National Program, The Jal Jeevan Mission 2019
Regarding issues related to Girls admission in JNV Schools in the District Sirmour.
Regarding NSS Monthly Progressive Report Oct. 2024
OFFICE ORDER ( Training programme School Lect. on Drug Abuse. w.e.f 11-11-2024 to 13-11-2024 at SCERT Solan)
Regarding regularization Daily waged workers/contingent paid workers
Conversion of PTWCs to Daily Wager employee.
Regarding online registration/ Guidelines for ESSAY WRITING/ SLOGAN WRITING in Distt. Level CHILDREN'S SCIENCE CONGRESS 2024 at GSSS Kolar on 06-11-2024
Installation of Exhibition in International Level Shri Renuka Ji Fair-2024
OFFICE ORDER (Training Programme in r/o Lect. Economics)
Information Regarding Drug Abuse in r/o GSSS/GHS district Sirmour.
स्थानीय निधि लेखा समिति दिनांक 21-07-2024 से 25-07-2024 तक जिला शिमला तथा सिरमौर का प्रवास कार्यक्रम |
Regarding Second Round Meeting Schedule of Audit Committee Meeting for Settlement of A.G.(Audit) Paras.
Regularization of class- IV
Regarding NSS Meeting of Principals and Programme Officers for the session 2024-25
Submission of particulars of eligible students for Exposure Visit on the prescribed performa along with all relevant certificates/ documents to this office by 18-10-2024 at 1.00P.M. through special messenger positively.
Latest Ministerial staff position 10-2024
OFFICE ORDER (Training programme in r/o Principls/HMs)
नशा मुक्त भारत अभियान (NMBA) के अन्तर्गत 50 Master Volunteers के प्रशिक्षण प्रदान करने बारे।
Regarding online registration/Schedule/Guidelines for 32nd HP Children's Science 2024
Information regrading Lecturer in Economics who have not attend the Un-Service Training in Discipline of Economics during the last three years.
Provide the establishment return of Lecturer/DPE/Lect Phy.Edu/JOA Library.
Provide the information regarding ClassIV Employees (For GSSS)
Provide the information regarding ClassIV Employees (For GHS)
Provide the information regarding ClassIV Employees (For GMS)
Tentative schedule of Regular inspection for the Monthe of October, 2024
Regarding Exposure/International visit for Teachers and Head Teachers.
Observance of International Day of older Persons in October 2024-"Ageing with Dignity"
Regarding Extension of Last Date for the Online Nominations under INSPIRE- MANAK Scheme for the session 2024-25
Regarding Second Round Meeting Schedule of Audit Committee Meeting for Settlement of A.G (Audit) Paras.
Training programme for School Lect./PGTs at SCERT Solan w.e.f. 08-10-2024 to 10-10-2024.
Regarding providing the detailed report of Sanitary Napkin Incinerators functional or non functional
Regarding Best Disaster Management Plan submitted by School
Regarding NSS Monthly Progressive Report September 2024
Providing of Information of Students (Only Scholarship Applicants) who discontinued their studies/Left the Institute/school Prior to appearing in the Annual Examination.
Regarding Baseline Survey of Government Buildings of District Sirmour for solarisation with Rooftop Solar Power Systems
शैक्षिक वर्ष 2022-2023 में केंद्र तथा राज्य प्रायोजित प्री-मैट्रिक अनुसूचित जाति छात्रवृत्ति योजनाओं के अन्तर्गत छात्रवृत्ति जारी करने के लिए छात्रों के बचत बैंक खाते के साथ आधार को सीड (Seeding of Bank Account with Aadhaar) बारे
शैक्षिक वर्ष 2023-24 में केंद्र तथा राज्य प्रायोजित पोस्ट-मैट्रिक अनुसूचित जाति छात्रवृत्ति योजनाओं के अन्तर्गत छात्रवृत्ति जारी करने के लिए छात्रों के बचत बैंक खाते के साथ आधार को सीड (Seeding of Bank Account with Aadhaar) बारे
शैक्षिक वर्ष 2023-24 में केंद्र तथा राज्य प्रायोजित प्री-मैट्रिक अनुसूचित जाति छात्रवृत्ति योजनाओं के अन्तर्गत छात्रवृत्ति जारी करने के लिए छात्रों के बचत बैंक खाते के साथ आधार को सीड (Seeding of Bank Account with Aadhaar) बारे
Regarding reconciliation of IT-Fee collection
Request for co-ordination and participation of Educational Institutions in Herbal Plantation Drive with Himalaya Unnati Mission
Verification of the list & providing of Students detail.
Regarding Anti Drug Squad.
Regarding Merit Lists for various State Sponsored Scholarship Schemes for the Year 2024-25.
Merit List of Swami Vivekanand Utkrisht Chattravriti Yojna for Students. (2024-25)
Merit List of Dr. Ambedkar Medhavi Chatravriti Yojna for SC Students.(2024-25)
Merit List of Dr. Ambedkar Medhavi Chatravriti Yojna for OBC Students.(2024-25)
MERIT LIST OF Female Kalpana Chawla Chatravriti Yojana For The Year 2024-25
Merit List of Male Students +2 Indira Gandhi Utkrisht Chatravriti Yojana For the year 2024-25
Regarding Grading/Rating of Libraries of Department of Higher Education Himachal Pradesh.
- Provide the Total Enrolment of the School as on 13/09/2024 (Time Bound Matter) Informaton is still pending from some Schools:-.
Regarding 5 days Capacity Building Programme of School Principals as District KRPs under STARS Project
Regarding Preparendness for South-West Monsoon 2024
राजभाषा हिन्दी सम्बंधी प्रतियोगिताओं के आयोजन बारे (Most Urgent)
Regarding submission of category wise information regarding Free Text Books issued to 9th & 10th classes to the year 2024-25
Regarding required information of stainless steel safe Drinking water Bottles (Thermos) to the school student for the year 2024-25
Regarding transfer of ANOs (NCC)- Instructions thereof.
OFFICE ORDER (Zonal Tournaments certificates or Register)
Corrigendum (Zonal duties)
Notification Regarding Amendment in Rules & Centre Creation/Upgrade/Renewal Fees
Regarding Adoption of School under program named "APNA VIDYALAYA"
Regarding official duties Boys/Girls Zonal tournament session 2024
Online Registration & submission of NMMSS beneficiaries on NSP Portal.
Regarding adoption of school under programme named "ΑΡΝΑ VIDYALAYA: THE HIMACHAL SCHOOL ADOPTION PROGRAMME".
Information and link for online Applying for NMMSS Examination 2024-25 for the students studying in Class VIII, which is scheduled to be held on 10th November 2024.
Regarding information AQ D.No. 14/6/290
Regarding Training Programme in r/o Principals at HIPA Shimla
Regarding required information os stainless Steel Safe Drinking Water Bottles (Thermos) to the School Student for the year 2024-25
Regarding Utilization of 10% of Structural Measures for Non- Structural Measures (NSM)
Regarding Provide the information NSS Programme Officer
Regarding the Mass Pledge Programme against Drugs on 12th August at 09:00 A.M across the country.
Regarding implementation of Tobacco Free Educational Institutions ( ToFEI) guidelines across all educational institutions and become tobacco free.
Regarding Children & Adolescents Libraries and Digital Infrastrecture
Regarding 3rd National Conference of Chief Secretaries was held during 27-29 December 2023 in New Delhi on the sub- theme of '' Drug De-Addiction & Rehabilitation'' on 28th December, 2023
Appeal for donation in the Chief Minister Relief fund H.P.
Regarding organizing State Level Event for Launch of Intensified Campaign and international Youth Day on 12th August, 2024 at Peterhoff Shimla
निदेशालय (उच्चतर शिक्षा )हिमाचल प्रदेश से प्राप्त साथ लगे पत्र वांछित सूचना के संदर्भ में
Regarding submission of Category wise information regarding Free Text Books issued to 9th &10th classes to the year 2024-25
Regarding transfer of RTI Application under Section 6(3) of Right to Information Act, 2005
Regarding 9th meeting of Governing Council Viksit @2047 NITI Aayog.
Regarding Report of library equipped in GSSS/GHS in r/o district Sirmour
Regarding counting of contract service as per the Finance Memorandum No. Fin(Pen)E(1)-1/2020 dated 10-06-2024
दिनांक 29-07-2024 को जिला बाल कल्याण एंव सरंक्षण समिति की बैठक
दिनांक 01-08-2024 को आपदा प्रबंधन की बैठक बारे
Regarding supplying of documents/Work & Conduct in r/o Class-IV employees for the promotion to the post of Clerk.
(For Private Schools only) Provide the Latest Contact Numbers/Email IDs
In-Service Training Program for Lecturers Political Science.
Regarding rationalisation of ministerial staff (google form link)
Regarding rationalization of ministerial staff.
Online Orientation Program under INSPIRE-Manak Scheme on 07/08/2024 (11AM to 12PM)
Regarding Submission of Amount under 50% Share of Building fund (Common Pool.)
Regarding NSS Monthly Progressive Report July 2024
Reminder 1 for Providing the Funds Available/Local Audit Paras in Schools. Latest Google form Link to submit information.
Guidelines to improve Quality of Education through Convergence and Resource Sharing
Google Form link to submit the students Funds Available/Local Audit Paras in Schools. Letter received from DC Office.
Regarding counting of contract service as per the Finance Memorandum No. Fin(Pen)E(1)-1/2020 dated 10-06-2024
Office Order (Training Programme w.e.f. 29-07-24 to 03-08-24
CORRIGENDUM (Training Programme w.e.f. 29-07-24 to3-08-24)
स्थानीय निधि लेखा समिति का दिनांक 21-07-2024 से दिनांक 25-07-2024 तक जिला सिरमौर का प्रवास कार्यक्रम Click here for Proforma
Dissemination of Awareness Videos on the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act, 2012 - reg
Office Order (Training Programme w.e.f 29-07-20204 to 03-08-2024) in r/o JOA/Clerk
Press release regarding Vidhyarthi Rin Yojna.
Regarding Tobacco Free Educational Institutions (ToEEI) Guidelines for safeguarding minors and youth from tobacco use.
Drive Against Drug Abuse (Dated 22-07-2024)
Regarding celebration of "Shiksha Saptah" from 22-28 July 2024
Drive Against Drug Abuse (Dated 06-07-2024)
Regarding regularization of the services of Part Time Water Carrier.
Status of Rain Water Harvesting system
National Teachers-Awards-2024-Revised timeline thereof
WWF-India's Wild Wisdom Global Challenge for School Students 2024 reg.
Name of GHS/GSSS schools which are not unde cluster in r/o district sirmour
Regarding list of cluster schools/composite schools for single line Administration
स्थानीय निधि लेखा समिति का दिनांक 21-07-2024 से दिनांक 25-07-2024 तक जिला सिरमौर का प्रवास कार्यक्रम Click here for Proforma
Guidelinesto improve Quality of Education throughConvergence and Resource Sharing
OFFICE ORDER (Training Programme w.e.f. 18-07-2024 to 20-07-2024)
Utilization of ICT Labs and Smart TV for Educating Children with special Needs (CWSN)
Issue of Show Cause Notice regarding appointments made on Local PTA basis.
Important Information about Inspire Manak.
Regarding Consolidation of nearby schools
Information of IT Teachers and Lecturer (CS/PGT-IP) deployed in GSSS
Information regarding SMC Lect.
Office order (Training Programme w.e.f 15-07-2024 to 24-07-2024)
वर्ष 2024के शिक्षक दिवस के अवसर पर प्रकाशित स्मारिका के लिये लेख एंव आलेख प्रेषित करने बारे
Information required reg. Class-wise, subject-wise enrollment of students in +1 & +2 Classes and sanctioned strength & surplus Lectures in GSSS
Reg. Strength of Students in Physical Education Subject in +1 and +2 Class for the running Session 2024-2025
दिनांक 08/07/2024 को उपायुक्त महोदय के कार्यालय में बैठक के सम्बन्ध में I
Information regarding institutions without Aadhaar Enabled Biometric Attendance System
Regarding MBM Quiz Contest 2024
Baseline Survey of Government High & Sr. Secondary Schools notified as Institutions of Excellence
Regarding renaming of Govt. Schools in the name of Martyre(Defence/Para Military forces)Special Dignitaries.
Regarding Opening of NSP for AY 2024-25 under NMMS Scholarship.
Regarding wrong Bank Account of the students for the financial year 2021-22.
Press release regarding opening of NSP Portal for the submission of online applications for AY 2024-25.
Annual result Class 10th for the academic session 2023-24
Annual result Class 10+2 for the academic session 2023-2024
Detail of Without CCTV Camera and Without ICT Labs in r/o of GSSS/GHS
OFFICE ODER (Training Programme w.e.f. 08-07-2024 to 10-07-2024
Regarding Quarterly report School Safety Policy in r/o GSSS/GHS
हिंदी विकास मंच द्वारा आयोजित 8वें अंतर्राष्ट्रीय हिंदी ओलिंपियाड सूचना प्रपत्र को हिमाचल प्रदेश सरकार के अंतर्गत सभी निजी , सरकारी एवं सहायता प्राप्त विधालयो में प्रेषित करने बारे।
Regarding Vetting of Unsettled Audit Paras till 6th July, 2024.
Directions/Advisories for the safety of school children going by schools buses.
Detail of required Desk/ Office Table /Chairs/Solar light /computer in r/o GHS/GSSS
Schedule of Adhoc Committee Meeting for settlement of A.G. (Audit) paras at Directorate of Higher Education, HP Shimla.
List of Settled Audit Paras Settled during Adhoc committee Meeting held on 03/10/2023 to 05/10/2023.
Regarding one day online virtual basic Training to cook cum Helpers engaged in Schools under PM Poshan (MDM) Scheme in the State.
OFFICE ORDER (Training Programme w.e.f 08-07-2024 to 12-07-2024
OFFICE ORDER (Training Programme w.e.f.02-07-2024 to 09-07-2024
Regarding distribution fo question papers of 9th and 11th classes.
Regarding Opening of online nominations for 2024-25 under INSPIRE-MANAK Scheme.
OFFICE ORDER (Training program in r/o Lect w.e.f. 01-07-2024 to 06-07-2024)
Requesting to submit nominations for "CIPS' Innovations Awards 2024
OFFICE ORDER ( Training programme supdt.Gr-II w.e.f 27-06-2024 to 28-06-2024)
Office Order (Training Progrmmm Lect. w.e.f 26-06-2024 to 28-06-2024
DHEHP letter dt. 18-05-24 regarding Teaching Staff information on prescribed format
DHEHP letter dt. 18-05-24 regarding Non Teaching Staff information on prescribed format
- 100% Health Check-ups of all enrolled students, Distribution of Weekly Iron and Folic Acid Supplementaion (WIFS) Tablets & Provision of De-worming Medicine on Biannually Basis to them -reg
- Activities for preparation for International Day of Yoga 2024
- Office Order (Regarding Training )
- Office Order (Regarding & Child Rights Training Programme)
- Office Order (Regarding Scout and Guide advance course w.e.f 16-06-2024 to 22-06-2024)
- Regarding Category wise-Enrolment and detail of Principal & POs
- Regarding Conduct of Evacuation Drill in all Education Institutions during 8th Statewide Mega Mock Exercise.
- Office Order (POCSO & Child Rights Training Programme w.e.f. 19.06.2024 to 21.06.2024
- Notice for comments and hearing regarding the status of Special Schools, Inclusive Education and guidelines on homeshooling across the State /UTs/
- Medha Protsahan Yojna (Financial Year 2024-25).
- वर्ष 2022-23 तथा 2023-24 में केंद्र और राज्य प्रायोजित छात्रवृत्ति योजनाओं के अन्तर्गत छात्रवृत्ति जारी करने के लिए छात्रों के बचत बैंक खाते के साथ आधार को सीड (Seeding of Bank Account With Aadhaar) बारे।
- Regarding Conduct of Evacuation Drill in all Education Institutions during 8th Statewide Mega Mega Mock Exercise.
- Corrigendum regarding Annual DSSA Meeting of District Sirmour.
- Information regarding following points and send the informtation Today before 4:00 PM (Most Urgent )
- Annual Meeting of General Council of Distt Sirmour School Sports Association on 14 June, 2024
- To identify eminent educationalists to organize workshops related to quality education
- वर्ष 2024 के राज्य स्तरीय शिक्षक पुरस्कार बारे I
- Regarding Extension of Co-Operation to the Audit Parties.
- Regarding Disaster Management Nodal officer
- Regarding providing latest Category - wise/Class-wise, subject-wise Enrolment as on 10-06-2024
- Regarding Preparendness for South-West Monsoon 2024
- Regarding Poor Result of 10th and +2 Classes for the session 2023-24.
- OFFICE ORDER (Regarding activity/Day)
- Regarding Funds transferred to DDOs Bank Accounts: Link to submit the information.
- District Yoga Olympiad 2024 to be held at G(B)SSS Sarahan
- Provide the Class-wise Enrolment of all the Private Managed Schools. Click here for Annexure-A
- Regarding Voters' Pledge on 31st May, 2024
- Office Order regarding closing of all the Schools falls under summer vacation schedule.
- Lok Sabha Election-2024-Boarding and Lodging arrangements for polling parties regarding.
- ORDER (Patwar Circles, Khala Kyar & Dadahu, Tehsil Dadahu & Patwar Circles Bankala, Moginand, Trilokpur, Burma Papri, Balsar, Surla & Nahan-III(Gramin), Tehsil Nahan, )
- ORDER (Sub Divisional Paonta Sahib)
- Providing proper electricity facilities/furniture/water/ramp/signage in the various Polling Stations.
- Compensation to Victims of Hit and Run Motor Accidents Scheme, 2022-regarding
- Regarding marking teacher attendance on Smart Upasthiti for effective implementation of VSK solution across the state.
- 31-03-2024 तक असमायोजित लेखा परीक्षा एंव निरीक्षण टिप्पणी व पैरे बारे I
- Regarding status of Sanitary Napkin Incinerators.
- Regarding NSS monthly progressive report of May 2024
- Information to State Information Commission Himachal Pradesh for the Annual Report 2024
General Election Lok Sabha-2024 to clean the Water Tanks electricity facilities/furniture/ramp/ signage in the various Polling Station
Lok Sabha General Election -2024 Regarding opening of school and other buildings have been identified for Polling Staions.
Regarding deputing NCC/NSS/BS&G Volunteers at Polling Booths.
Regarding change in school timings of summer closing schools, due to heat wave conditions.
जिला स्तरीय एनसीओआरडी समिति की 8वीं मासिक बैठक के संबंध में।
- Regarding Children & Adolescents Libraries and Digital Infrastrecture.
- Coorigendum (Regarding 2nd rhearsal )
- Supply of Stainless Steel Safe Drinking Water Bottles (Thermos) to the School Students for the year 2024-25
- Regarding proper cleanliness of water Tanks/Toilets/availability of electricity, furniture, ramps facilities in the poling Booths Building Established for ULB/Lok sabha election 2024 thereof.
- Supplying of information for preparation of Seniority List at State Level in r/o eligible willing Laboratory Attendants for the promotion to the post of JLA as on 31.12.2015.
- भारतीय संस्कृति ज्ञान परीक्षा के आयोजन बारे I
- जिला सिरमौर के स्कूलों में विद्यार्थियों की संख्या के अनुरूप कक्षाओं के कमरों की संख्या स्पष्ट करे
- Information regarding selection of School uniform,in the GSSSs/GHSs of District Sirmour
- Regarding providing the latest Category -wise/Class-wise as on 30-04-2024
- Regarding Permission for B.Ed Students 1st Internship.
- Free online coaching classes for JEE and NEET for 11th -12th grade govt. school students who want to pursue their career in the field of Medical and Engineering
- पाठशालाओं में बच्चों के मध्याहन भोजन तैयार करने व जल से फैलने वाले संक्रमणसे सुरक्षा हेतु दिशा निर्देश।
- Regarding issue of Certificate under GPF withdrawal/Advance.
- Regarding deposit of 50% Share Under Bharat Scouts and Guides.
- Regarding Registration of schools Under Bharat Scouts and Guides unit.
- Lok Sabha Election 20024 Distribution of appointment orders of mobile Teams Polling Personnel.
- Collection of appointment orders of Poling Personal from DC Office Nahan on 22/04/2024
- अध्यापकों की अनावश्यक डयूटी न लगाने बारे I
Establishment Return of Lectures/DPE/Supdt.G-II/SeniorAsstt/Clerk/JOA(IT) as on 12/04/2024. Click here to download the ProformaA&B
Establishment Return of LA/Peon/DailyWager/PTWC & PTMTW as on 31/03/2024 (click here to download the Proforma-I & Proforma-II.)
Regarding Conduct/evaluation duty of School Board Examination
Regarding supplying the Bio-data of in service TGT's (PTA GIA provided teacher).
Guidelines to improve Quality of Education through Convergence and Resource Sharing
Regarding revision of SDCF Fund.of session 2024-25
Regarding Submission of Amount under 50% Share of Building fund(Common Pool)
Regarding Provide the list of NSS/NCC/Scouts and Guides for forthcoming Lok Sabha Election 2024
जिला स्तरीय माँ नगरकोटी मेला ,नारग में खेलकूद प्रतियोगिता करवाने हेतु शारीरिक शिक्षकों की तेनाती बारे
जिला स्तरीय एनसीओआरडी समिति की 7वीं मासिक बैठक के संबंध में।
Lok Sabha Election 2024- Training regarding Next Gen. DISE Software for Data Entry of Staff.
Regarding provide the list of NSS/NCC/Scouts and Guides for forthcoming Lok Sabha Election, 2024
Regarding quarterly report Disaster management in r/o Distt.Sirmour
(PVT. School )Regarding Stream wise Enrollment 10+1 and 10+2 Students in r/o District Sirmour
(GSSS) Regarding Stream wise Enrollment 10+1 and 10+2 Students in r/o District Sirmour
Notification regarding Dr. Y. S. Parmar Vidyarthi Rin Yojna.
Regarding Grace Marks for 10+1 Class, Mathematics Examination- 2024.
Lok Sabha Election 2024- Training regarding next Gen DISE software for Data Entry of Staff,
Training Progarmme Principals /HM (w.e.f 28-03-2024- to30-03-2024)
Regarding Office Procedure and Financial Management Training for School Heads, Principal /HM
Regarding extention of dates on National Scholarship Portal. (NSP)
Regarding quarterly meeting of the District level Aadhaar Monitoring Committee (DLAMC)
Office Order Model code of Conduct after announcement of General Election to Lok Sabha-2024
Regardign transfer of RTI Application under Section 6(3) of Right to Information Act, 2005.
जिला मुख्यालय / कार्यालय का कार्यभार ग्रहण करने के संदर्भ में I
- Regarding re-submission of Post Matric PM Yashsvi Defective Scholarship Application AY 2023-24
- Regarding re-submission of Post Matric PM Yashsvi Defective Scholarship Application AY 2023-24
- Regarding ACR Session 2023-24
- Regarding functioning status of Libraries.
- Providing of data related to various educational institutions along with strength of students to sensitize them about Road Safety Awareness
- Re-Submission & Re-Verification of all the Defective Scholarship Applications within the Prescribed Timelines by the Applicants and their Institutions, reg. (List of Schools where Scholarship Applications are pending at Institution Level)
- Regarding Meeting of DDHEs to held on 12-03-2024 information thereof.
- Reminder-3 Important Notice about Scholarship Scheme.
- Regarding Provide the list of NSS/NCC/Scouts and Guides for forthcoming Lok Sabha Election 2024
- Regarding Status of PMIS and Biometric machine in r/o district Sirmour
Instructions Regarding Reducing the Non-teaching workload of the Teachers in Himachal Pradesh.
Re-Submission & Re-Verification of all the Defective Scholarship Applications within the Prescribed Timelines by the Applicants and their Institutions, reg.
Regarding NSS Monthly Progressive repor Feb. 2024
Meeting SVEEP Core committee regarding.
Corrigendum to conduct the Swaran Jayanti Middle Merit Scholarship Scheme SJMMSS Examination 2023-24. (Observer Duty).
Instructions Regarding Reducing the Non-teaching workload of the Teachers in Himachal Pradesh.
Re-Submission & Re-Verification of all the Defective Scholarship Applications within the Prescribed Timelines by the Applicants and their Institutions, reg.
Regarding NSS Monthly Progressive repor Feb. 2024
Meeting SVEEP Core committee regarding.
Corrigendum to conduct the Swaran Jayanti Middle Merit Scholarship Scheme SJMMSS Examination 2023-24. (Observer Duty).
Regarding cooperation during IPPI campaign March 2024
Office Orders to conduct the Swaran Jayanti Middle Merit Scholarship Scheme SJMMSS Examination 2023-24. (Observer Duty).
Regarding upload the school Disaster Management Plan (SDMP) in school Safety app/Portal developed by HPSDMA & NIC, Shimla (H.P)
Regarding Observance of silence on 30th January (Martyrs'Day in the memory of those who scrificed their lives during in the struggle for India's freedom.
Verification of the list of meritorious students.
Regarding transfer of RTI Application under Section 6(3) of Right to information Act,2005.
Examination Centers to conduct of HP Swaran Jayanti Middle Merit Scholarship Examination (SJMMSSE) 2023-24
Regarding Urgent Training Centres for PM Vishwakarma Scheme in Distict Sirmour
Celebration of Energy Conservation Day 2023.
Important Notice about Scholarship Scheme
Letter regarding reciving and distribution of question paper 9th & 11th class Examination Feb/March-2024
Press Release regarding Extended Dates for Students registration & filling of Scholarship Applications on NSP Portal 2023-24.
Regarding Issuance of instuction and sending off the participants Singapore on 22.02.2024 from Hotel Peterhoff, Shimla.
Training programm Lect. Comm w.e.f 26-02-2024 to 02-03-2024
Supplying of information for preparation of Seniority list of eligible, willing plus two pass Class-IV employees having five years continue regular service up to 31-12-2023 for the promotion of clerk.
Instructions Regarding Reducing the Non-teaching workload of the Teachers in Himachal Pradesh.
Regarding regularization of Clerk /JoA(IT) appointed in daily waged basis information thereof.
Regarding Seniority/regularization of Clerk/JOA(IT) Appointed on contract basis.
Regarding submission of particulars of Clerk Junior of Assistants for promotion to the post of Senior Assistants
Issuance of NSS Certificates after Signature of Higher Authorities
(NEW Formate) Utilization status of (75%) of Grant -in Aid released for NSS Activities (Regular Activity as well as Special Camp) for the year-2023-24
Regarding Conduct of ELC/Chunav Pathshala activities.
Guidelines to improve Quality of Eduction through Convergence and Resource Sharing.
Provide the IMPORANT INFORMATION of your School.
- Regarding Non Submission of Road Safety Clubs UC.
- Training Programme in SCERT Solan in r/o Lect.Hindi (w.e.f. 12/02/2024 to 17/02/2024)
- Regarding complete operationalization of Manav Sampada.
- Regarding Writ Petition (Civil) No 1224 of 2027 initiatve for inclusion foundation & Anr vs Union of India & Ors.
- Vidhan Sabha (Budget Session) is commencing w.e.f. 14-02-2024 to 29-02-2024, for which following information is required at Directorate(HE) level. Please provide latest information accordingly.
- गैर शिक्षक कर्मचारी वर्ग की दिनांक 31/1/24 की स्थिति में निर्धारित प्रपत्र पर वाछित विवरण बारे I
- गैर शिक्षक कर्मचारी वर्ग की दिनांक 31/1/24 की स्थिति में निर्धारित प्रपत्र पर वाछित विवरण बारे I
- CWP (C) No. 132/2016 & 876 of 2017 - Rajneesh Kumar Panday & ors Vs Union of India.
- शैक्षिक वर्ष 2021-22 हेतु चयनित गुणित्कृष्ट विद्यार्थियों के प्रोत्साहन हेतु प्राप्त सम्मानित सामग्री 'टेबलेट ' को सम्बन्धित विद्यार्थी को वितरण के संदर्भ में -
- Action Taken Report: वर्ष 2022-23 में केंद्र और राज्य प्रायोजित छात्रवृत्ति योजनाओं के अन्तर्गत छात्रवृत्ति जारी करने के लिए छात्रों के बचत बैंक खाते के साथ आधार को सीड (Seeding of Bank Account With Aadhaar) बारे।
- Regarding Development of Annual School Health Calendar of all health related activities.
- Regarding Postpone of the Date of State Swaran Jayanti Middle Merit scholarship Examination Stage-I (SJMMSE) 2023-24
- Assembly question Starred Diary No.14/5/13
- Permission for Extending School Internship Programme of B.ED 3rd Semester
- नशा मुक्त भारत अभियान (National Action plan for Drug Demand Reduction (NAPDDR) के अन्तर्गत नुक्कड़ नाटक करवाने बारे
- Present Status of introducing Information Technolgy as subject in the school be intimated.
- CWPIL No. 146/20217- Court on its own motion V/S State of H.P & Others.
- Regarding Area Familiarization Exercise of NDRF at District Sirmour
- Regarding coverage under CCS(Pension) Rule, in place of NPS, of those Govt. employees who were recruited against the posts/vacancies advertised/notified for recruitment, on or before 14-05-2003
- Uploading of Documents i.e. Income Certificate, Caste Certificate, Bonafide/Domicile Certificate on the National Scholarship Portal, under Centre and State Sponsored Schemes, reg.
- Regarding observance of silence on 30th January in the memory of those who sacrificed their lives during in the struggle for India's freedom
- Regarding NSS Monthly progressive report month of January. 2024
- (Pre Matric Scholarship) वर्ष 2022-23 में केंद्र और राज्य प्रायोजित छात्रवृत्ति योजनाओं के अन्तर्गत छात्रवृत्ति जारी करने के लिए छात्रों के बचत बैंक खाते के साथ आधार को सीड (Seeding of Bank Account With Aadhaar) बारे।
- Office Order (all BPOs-cum-Principals)
- (Post Matric Scholarship) वर्ष 2022-23 में केंद्र और राज्य प्रायोजित छात्रवृत्ति योजनाओं के अन्तर्गत छात्रवृत्ति जारी करने के लिए छात्रों के बचत बैंक खाते के साथ आधार को सीड (Seeding of Bank Account With Aadhaar) बारे।
Provide the Information of Left out Students(Session 2023-24) who couldn't apply for their Scholarship in the stipulated time period finalized by the Higher Authorities.
Scheduled Test Notivication Agniveervayu Intake 01/2025
Corrigendum (under Navchetna-1)
Non-Supply of latest Category - wise enrolment as on 20-12-2023 List of defaulter schools thereof.
Office Order
Guidelines to improve Quality of Education through Convergence and Resource Sharing.
Regarding Teacher Exchange and Student Exchange Programme Under Ex Bharat Shresta Bharat Programme.
Urgent: Provide the Information of Government Employees(Lecturer/DPE) due for Retirement in 2024.
Information required urgently under RTI Act-2005, regarding Lecturer of Pol. Science Subject having acquired qualification of Law Graduate/Law post Graduate Degree
Regarding transfer of RTI Application under Section 6(3) of Right to Information Act, 2005.
Regarding Non Submissionof Road Safety Clubs UC.
Regarding request for making Board duties mandatory for all teachers of Government Schools
List of meritorious students of class +2 for the academic session 2021-22
List of Meritorious students of class 10th for the academic session 2021-22
Regarding Organishing disaster Management exhibition and mock drill in the schools of AMRUT Cities.
Regarding finalization of UDISE+data entry for all the Modules.
वर्ष 2022-23 में केंद्र और राज्य प्रायोजित छात्रवृत्ति योजनाओं के अन्तर्गत छात्रवृत्ति जारी करने के लिए छात्रों के बचत बैंक खाते के साथ आधार को जोड़ने (Seeding of Bank Account With Aadhaar) बारे।
Regarding subject wise vacancy position along with enrolment of 11th , 12th Classes
Regarding information for AEBAS, CCTV in r/o District Sirmour
Regarding refund of unutilized NSS Grant to the Directorate of Higher Education NSS Account.
Press Note: Regarding Biometric Authentication of the Institutions HOI's/INO's.
Last Chance for Biometric Authentication of the Institutions HOI/INO's.
Regarding Training Program in r/o Supdt. Gr-II / Sr.Asstt. A w.e.f 18/12/2023 to 23/12/2023
- Online Registration and submission of NMMSS Beneficiaries on NSP
- Information regarding Govt. Employees teaching staff only both (husband & wife) posted in same station
- Information regarding Govt. Employees non Teaching staff only with C-IV (both husband & wife) posted in same station
- Correcting and updating of bank account number seeding of Aadhar Number with Saving Bank Account of the Students for the year 2020-21 under Dr. Ambedkar Post Matric Scholarship of Economically Backward Classes Students reg.
हिमाचल संस्कृत अकादमी द्वारा आयोज्य राज्यस्तरीय, विद्यालयीय संस्कृत प्रतियोगिताओं के संदर्भ में
To provide the detail of beneficiaries under Swaran Jayanti Super 100.
Option to Update the Bank Account Details on National Scholarship Portal through the Login ID of the Students, reg.(Pre Matric Scholarship)
Provide details for Profile Change of H.O.I./I.N.O. on National Scholarship Portal. (link only for those Institutions where HOI/INO has been Changed.)
Online Registration and submission of NMMSS Beneficiaries on NSP
Press Note regarding Bio-Authentication of Institutions (H.O.I.&I.N.O.) on NSP 2.0
Tentative schedule of Regular inspection for the month of December, 2023
Biometric Authentication Schedule for HOIs/INOs under Centrally Sponsored Scholarship Schemes, reg.
Training program SCERT solan Lect. Physics w.e.f 04/12/2023 to 09/12/2023
- Regarding Adolescent Guide for Building Better Mental Health.
- 9th India International Science Festival (IISF) 2023 during 17-20 January, 2024.
- Reminder:- Online Registration and submission of NMMSS Beneficiaries on NSP
- Regarding Non Submission of Road Safety Clubs UC.
- SJVN Silver Jubilee Merit Scholarship Scheme 2023.
- Regarding Category Wise Consolidated NSS Enrollent in r/o District- Sirmour 2023-24.
- Regarding of Route for Hamara Sankalap Viksit Bharat in District Simour
- Road safety awareness activities.
- Regarding Conduct of ELC/ Chunave Pathshala activities
- Online Registration and submission of NMMSS Beneficiaries on NSP.
- Regarding Training program Lect. Economics w.e.f. 20-11-2023 to 25-11-2023
- Guidelines for Schools regarding Audit Paras & List of Settled Audit Paras during Adhoc Committee Meeting held on 05/06/2023 to 07/06/2023.
- Filling of Registration Form on National Scholarship Portal.
- Training program Lecturers in Economics w.e.f 20-11-2023 to 25-11-2023
- Reg. Joint action plan for prevention of drugs and Substance Abuse among Children and Illicit Trafficking (Govt. Schools)
- Reg. Joint action plan for prevention of drugs and Substance Abuse among Children and Illicit Trafficking (PVT. Schools)
- Seeding of Aadhar with the Saving Bank Account of the Students to release the Scholarship.
- Office order (Principals/HM w.e.f 16-11-2023 to 30-11-2023
- Office order (Principals/HM) w.e.f 16-11-2023 to 18-11-2023
- Regarding Renewal Scholarship Form 2023-24.
- Conversion of PWTWCs to Daily Wager employee.
- Regarding Conduct of Electors Literacy Clubs
- Regarding review of functioning of Virtual Classrooms
- Physical verification of the Institutes.
- Non Teaching Day on 04-11-2023 at the examination Centres of JNVST -2023
- Provide the up to date Enrolment Data of the Minority Students in this Google Sheet link.
- Regarding reason for not installing CCTV Cameras in schools (Google Sheet)
- Regarding reason for not installing CCTV Cameras in Scools
- Schedule of Regular inspection for the month of November, 2023
- Regarding Auro Scholar Micro Scholarship Program in Schools. Guidelines
- Officer order (Cultural Program Tournament)
- Regarding Updating of Contact Numbers/Email ID.
Regarding quiz on occasion of International Day of Sign Language (IDSL)
Regarding NSS Monthly progressive report Month of October 2023
Provide the details of the Meritorious Students Mentioned in the letter (CM Announcement on Medhavi Chattervriti Samman Samaroh-2023 organised by Amarujala Newspaper.) Click→ Submit details of the Students (Google Form)
- Merit List of Kalpna Chawla Utkrisht Chhatervriti Yojna 2023-24.
- Merit List of Indira Gandhi Utkrisht Chhatervriti Yojna 2023-24.
- Provide the detail of students who have updated their Aadhar Card details (Correction in Aadhar Card) (Now Applying for Scholarship 2023-24)
- Submission of information regarding building fund available in GSSSs/GHSs.
Training program in r/o Principals w.e.f. 25-10-2023 to 31-10-2023
Training program in r/o Headmistress w.e.f. 19-10-2023 to 21-10-2023
Regarding Subject wise details of Lecturer (Schools) as on 15-10-2023 (Total 19 Google Sheets)
Regarding Subject wise details of Lecturer (Schools) as on 15-10-2023 on prescribed format
Regarding Rainwater Harvesting System in all Educational Institutions.
Regarding seniority/regularization of clerk/JOA (IT) appointed on contract basis
Regarding regularization of clerk appointed on daily waged basis information thereof
Regarding Establishment return in r/o Lect./DPE/Minst. Staff as on 30-09-2023
Trining Programme in r/o Principals in SCERT w.e.f 16-10-2023 to 21-10-2023
Regarding information of Broadband connection in GSSSs/GHS in district sirmour
- एनएमएमएसएस परीक्षा वर्ष 2019, 2020, 2021 उत्तीर्ण करने वाले राष्ट्रीय मीन्स-कम-मेरिट छात्रवृत्ति लाभार्थियों के नए/नवीनीकरण के संबंध में।
- 05/08/23 से 16-09-23 तक आईएनओ का जैव-प्रमाणीकरण करने वाले स्कूलों द्वारा आईएनओ परिवर्तन घोषणा के लिए प्रोफार्मा तत्काल जमा करना। (केवल अल्पसंख्यक योजना के लिए)
- कार्यालय आदेश (प्रिंसिपल/एचएम)
- बी.एड शिक्षण अनुमति
- कार्यालय आदेश (टूर्नामेंट)
- कार्यालय आदेश (टूर्नामेंट)
- कार्यालय आदेश (प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम एससीईआरटी व्याख्यान 9-10-2023 से 14-10-2023 तक)
- वर्ष 2023 में प्रधानाध्यापकों और एनएसएस पीओ का अद्यतन विवरण
- सीडब्ल्यूपी नंबर 2083/2021 के संबंध में जिसका शीर्षक अजय कुमार और अन्य बनाम एचपी राज्य और अन्य है- सेवा पुस्तिकाएं और संबंधित विवरण प्रस्तुत करना।
- एनएसपी पोर्टल पर विभिन्न केंद्र और राज्य प्रायोजित छात्रवृत्ति योजनाओं के तहत शैक्षणिक वर्ष 2023-24 के लिए छात्रवृत्ति आवेदन भरना।
- शुद्धिपत्र (टूर्नामेंट)
- अक्टूबर 2023 माह के लिए नियमित निरीक्षण की अस्थायी अनुसूची
- एडहॉक कमेटी की बैठक के संबंध में
- कार्यालय आदेश (हिपा शिमला में प्राचार्य प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम)
- Office Order CCRT Training
- Office Order SCERT Trainning programe Lect. 4-10-2023 to 06-10-2023
- State Leavel Painting, Slogan and Essay Writing Contest" on occassion of Wildlife Week 2023 regarding Participation of Students.
- Information regarding Vacancy position of DPEs in GSSS during period 01-09-2021 to 15-09-2023 is required (on attached performa) urgently being Court Case.
- OFFICE ORDER (Tournaments)
- Regarding NSS monthly Progressive rport September 2023
- Urgent Submission of Category wise (6th to 12th) Enrolment as on 30-09-2023
- Regarding regularization of clerk appointed on daily waged basis information thereof.
- Regrding Seniority /regularization of clerk /JOA (IT) appointed on Contract basis
- Office Order (Training programe in r/o Lect. w.e.f 25-09-2023 to 30-09-2023)
- Office Order (regularization of daily wages)
Regarding INSPIRE Award MANAK online nominations for 2023-24
OFFICE ORDER (Training- SCERT on w.e.f 18-09-2023 to 23-09-2023)
Regarding School wise Enrollment Status & Staff Position as on 31-08-2023
Regarding U-19 Boys and girls zonel and district tournament .
- Regading Vidyarthi Van Mitra Yojna
Regarding extxtension of date for online nominations for 2023-24 to september 30,2023 .
Regarding distribution of question papers of 9th and 11th classes.
Regarding Display Board on anti-drug in all the Education Institutions
Regarding information Examination appointed Centre suptt.(JNV ).
Regarding notification HP Board of School Education, Dharamshala.
Tentative schedule of Regular inspection for the month of september2023
Regarding monthly meeting of District level NCORD committee.
Regarding Quarterly report of functioning of all CCTV Cameras r/o GSSS/GHS in district Sirmour
Information regarding CCTV Cameras installed in GHS and GSSS of the State.
OFFICE ORDER ( Training programme w.e.f. 17-08-2023 to 19-08-2023 has been cancelled.
Regarding opening of online nomination for 2023-24 under INSPIRE MANAK Scheme.
Information During COVID Vaccination Drive up to Dated on the record of the Schools.
Regarding monthly meeting of District Level NCORD Committee.
Regarding Submission of BASP Proposals/Estimates for the year 2023.
Regarding holding the regular meeting of Parliamentary Constituency Committee for Road Safety.
Regarding NSS Monthly progressive Report for the month july 2023
Regarding transfer of RTI Application under Section 6(3) of Right to Information Act,2005
Regarding proceeding of the meeting of District welfare Committee.
Tentative schedule of Regular inspection for the Monthe of August, 2023
दिनाक 31/12/2022 तक के उच्चतर शिक्षा विभाग के असमायोजित / लम्बित पड़े पेरो के समायोजन बारे I
Regarding Training program in r/o JOAs/Clerks SCERT Solan 31-07-2023 to 05-08-2023
Regarding Enrollment for Classes 6th-12th in r/o District Sirmour as on 30-06-2023
Instruction regarding State and Centrally Sponored Schemes for the year 2023-24
Vacancy position as on 05-07-2023 in r/o Class-IV/LA employees of District Sirmour.
Regarding not providing the requisite information on Google sheets or DDHE Sirmour blogspot.
Establishment return and vacancy position of LA/Peon/DW/PTMTW/PTWCP as one 10-07-2023.
Estt Returm Ministrial staff GHS/GSSS Distt sirmour at Nahan as on dated 10/07/2023
Regarding transfer of RTI Application under Section 6 (3) of Right to Information Act, 2005.
Regarding quarterly meeting of the District Level Aadhaar Monitoring Committee (DLAMC)
Regarding incomplete reply of class 10th & 12th poor result.
Regarding Award for best song on Road Safety in Pahadi, hindi, English.
Regarding permission to perform " Save Birds and Save Environment.
Vacancy position as on 05-07-2023 in r/o Class-IV/LA employees of District Sirmour.
Regarding submission of Certificate under International day against drug abuse.
Regarding Seminars, Debates, Declamations, Lectures, Slogans, Posters, Rallies & Skits etc.
Regarding poor result of 10th and +2 classes for the session 2022-2023.
Tentative Schedule of Regular inspection for the month of July 2023
OFFICE ORDER LA Training at SCERT Solan 03-07-2023 to 8-07-2023
Regarding Tentative District School Sports Calendar for the year 2023-24
Regarding not to park the vehicle in the school ground / premises.
International Day against Drugs Abuse & Illicit Trafficking.
Regarding Establishment of library room in each Govt. Sr. Sec. School in HP
Action Taken Report Under Celebration of International Yoga Day 2023
“हिमाचल संस्कृत अकादमी” द्वारा आयोज्य विद्यालयस्तरीय, संस्कृत
प्रतियोगिताओं के संदर्भ में I
Regarding Conduct of Tritiye Sopan Camp. w.e.f 17-06-2023 to 20-06-2023
Regarding regular use of ICT infrastructure provided in 29 ICT Labs Phase-1 and functionality thereof (Google Sheet)
Annual Meetin of General Council of Distt. Sirmour School Sports Association on 14th June, 2023
Regarding Establish Return and Vacancy Position of LA/PEON/DW/PTWC&PTMTW as on 31-05-2023
Regarding Collection of monthly attendance of IT Faculty deployed on outsourced basis
OFFICE ORDER (Principals Trainings w.e.f 12/06/2023 to 17/06/2023 SCERT Solan)
विश्व पर्यावरण दिवस -2023 के अवसर पर स्कूली छात्रों की जिला स्तरीय चित्रकलाप्रतियोगिता बारे
Tentative Schedule of Regular inspection for the month of June 2023
विश्व पर्यावरण दिवस -2023 के अवसर पर स्कूली छात्रों की जिला स्तरीय चित्रकलाप्रतियोगिता बारे
Regarding Participation in the "Pradhaav-Wipe out Drug" Campaign.
Reg. completion of Scholarship Payment pervious academic years latest by 31.05.2023
Office Orders for sports students to participate in National Games
OFFICE ORDERS for training to NSS Coordinators Hallan, Majra and Bhargarh
Submission of information regarding joining Link (Registration) on National Digital Library:Kharagpur
Regarding Sharing of link to join National Digital Library, Kharagpur
- मिशन लाइफ सम्बन्धित गतिविधियों कि रिपोर्ट एवं एक्शन
फोटोग्राफ्स, 45 सकेंड तक की विडियोज भेजने सम्बंधी
- Pl. find the list of employees who require Change in their Office Location for Biometric Attendance to avoid being blocked
- Filling up of IMEI Number of Smartphones distributed to meritorious students of Year 2020-21 session
- Pl. submit complete Status of ICT Phase-II Project at Present
- Action Taken Report Under Nasha Mukt bharat abhiyan/Drug
- Instruction/Guidelines regarding Biometric Attendance system
- Regarding Training Program, HIPA Shimla and SCERT Solan
- Regarding organizing Youth Parliament competition for the Session 2023-24.
- Instructions/suggestions regarding Biometric attendance System
- Seeding of Aadhar with Saving Bank Account of students to release of Scholarship Amount for the Year 2022-23 & 2023-24
Regarding cooperation during IPPI campaign March 2024
Office Orders to conduct the Swaran Jayanti Middle Merit Scholarship Scheme SJMMSS Examination 2023-24. (Observer Duty).
Regarding upload the school Disaster Management Plan (SDMP) in school Safety app/Portal developed by HPSDMA & NIC, Shimla (H.P)
Regarding Observance of silence on 30th January (Martyrs'Day in the memory of those who scrificed their lives during in the struggle for India's freedom.
Verification of the list of meritorious students.
Regarding transfer of RTI Application under Section 6(3) of Right to information Act,2005.
Examination Centers to conduct of HP Swaran Jayanti Middle Merit Scholarship Examination (SJMMSSE) 2023-24
Regarding Urgent Training Centres for PM Vishwakarma Scheme in Distict Sirmour
Celebration of Energy Conservation Day 2023.
Important Notice about Scholarship Scheme
Letter regarding reciving and distribution of question paper 9th & 11th class Examination Feb/March-2024
Press Release regarding Extended Dates for Students registration & filling of Scholarship Applications on NSP Portal 2023-24.
Regarding Issuance of instuction and sending off the participants Singapore on 22.02.2024 from Hotel Peterhoff, Shimla.
Training programm Lect. Comm w.e.f 26-02-2024 to 02-03-2024
Supplying of information for preparation of Seniority list of eligible, willing plus two pass Class-IV employees having five years continue regular service up to 31-12-2023 for the promotion of clerk.
Instructions Regarding Reducing the Non-teaching workload of the Teachers in Himachal Pradesh.
Regarding regularization of Clerk /JoA(IT) appointed in daily waged basis information thereof.
Regarding Seniority/regularization of Clerk/JOA(IT) Appointed on contract basis.
Regarding submission of particulars of Clerk Junior of Assistants for promotion to the post of Senior Assistants
Issuance of NSS Certificates after Signature of Higher Authorities
(NEW Formate) Utilization status of (75%) of Grant -in Aid released for NSS Activities (Regular Activity as well as Special Camp) for the year-2023-24
Regarding Conduct of ELC/Chunav Pathshala activities.
Guidelines to improve Quality of Eduction through Convergence and Resource Sharing.
Provide the IMPORANT INFORMATION of your School.
- Regarding Non Submission of Road Safety Clubs UC.
- Training Programme in SCERT Solan in r/o Lect.Hindi (w.e.f. 12/02/2024 to 17/02/2024)
- Regarding complete operationalization of Manav Sampada.
- Regarding Writ Petition (Civil) No 1224 of 2027 initiatve for inclusion foundation & Anr vs Union of India & Ors.
- Vidhan Sabha (Budget Session) is commencing w.e.f. 14-02-2024 to 29-02-2024, for which following information is required at Directorate(HE) level. Please provide latest information accordingly.
- गैर शिक्षक कर्मचारी वर्ग की दिनांक 31/1/24 की स्थिति में निर्धारित प्रपत्र पर वाछित विवरण बारे I
- गैर शिक्षक कर्मचारी वर्ग की दिनांक 31/1/24 की स्थिति में निर्धारित प्रपत्र पर वाछित विवरण बारे I
- CWP (C) No. 132/2016 & 876 of 2017 - Rajneesh Kumar Panday & ors Vs Union of India.
- शैक्षिक वर्ष 2021-22 हेतु चयनित गुणित्कृष्ट विद्यार्थियों के प्रोत्साहन हेतु प्राप्त सम्मानित सामग्री 'टेबलेट ' को सम्बन्धित विद्यार्थी को वितरण के संदर्भ में -
- Action Taken Report: वर्ष 2022-23 में केंद्र और राज्य प्रायोजित छात्रवृत्ति योजनाओं के अन्तर्गत छात्रवृत्ति जारी करने के लिए छात्रों के बचत बैंक खाते के साथ आधार को सीड (Seeding of Bank Account With Aadhaar) बारे।
- Regarding Development of Annual School Health Calendar of all health related activities.
- Regarding Postpone of the Date of State Swaran Jayanti Middle Merit scholarship Examination Stage-I (SJMMSE) 2023-24
- Assembly question Starred Diary No.14/5/13
- Permission for Extending School Internship Programme of B.ED 3rd Semester
- नशा मुक्त भारत अभियान (National Action plan for Drug Demand Reduction (NAPDDR) के अन्तर्गत नुक्कड़ नाटक करवाने बारे
- Present Status of introducing Information Technolgy as subject in the school be intimated.
- CWPIL No. 146/20217- Court on its own motion V/S State of H.P & Others.
- Regarding Area Familiarization Exercise of NDRF at District Sirmour
- Regarding coverage under CCS(Pension) Rule, in place of NPS, of those Govt. employees who were recruited against the posts/vacancies advertised/notified for recruitment, on or before 14-05-2003
- Uploading of Documents i.e. Income Certificate, Caste Certificate, Bonafide/Domicile Certificate on the National Scholarship Portal, under Centre and State Sponsored Schemes, reg.
- Regarding observance of silence on 30th January in the memory of those who sacrificed their lives during in the struggle for India's freedom
- Regarding NSS Monthly progressive report month of January. 2024
- (Pre Matric Scholarship) वर्ष 2022-23 में केंद्र और राज्य प्रायोजित छात्रवृत्ति योजनाओं के अन्तर्गत छात्रवृत्ति जारी करने के लिए छात्रों के बचत बैंक खाते के साथ आधार को सीड (Seeding of Bank Account With Aadhaar) बारे।
- Office Order (all BPOs-cum-Principals)
- (Post Matric Scholarship) वर्ष 2022-23 में केंद्र और राज्य प्रायोजित छात्रवृत्ति योजनाओं के अन्तर्गत छात्रवृत्ति जारी करने के लिए छात्रों के बचत बैंक खाते के साथ आधार को सीड (Seeding of Bank Account With Aadhaar) बारे।
Provide the Information of Left out Students(Session 2023-24) who couldn't apply for their Scholarship in the stipulated time period finalized by the Higher Authorities.
Scheduled Test Notivication Agniveervayu Intake 01/2025
Corrigendum (under Navchetna-1)
Non-Supply of latest Category - wise enrolment as on 20-12-2023 List of defaulter schools thereof.
Office Order
Guidelines to improve Quality of Education through Convergence and Resource Sharing.
Regarding Teacher Exchange and Student Exchange Programme Under Ex Bharat Shresta Bharat Programme.
Urgent: Provide the Information of Government Employees(Lecturer/DPE) due for Retirement in 2024.
Information required urgently under RTI Act-2005, regarding Lecturer of Pol. Science Subject having acquired qualification of Law Graduate/Law post Graduate Degree
Regarding transfer of RTI Application under Section 6(3) of Right to Information Act, 2005.
Regarding Non Submissionof Road Safety Clubs UC.
Regarding request for making Board duties mandatory for all teachers of Government Schools
List of meritorious students of class +2 for the academic session 2021-22
List of Meritorious students of class 10th for the academic session 2021-22
Regarding Organishing disaster Management exhibition and mock drill in the schools of AMRUT Cities.
Regarding finalization of UDISE+data entry for all the Modules.
वर्ष 2022-23 में केंद्र और राज्य प्रायोजित छात्रवृत्ति योजनाओं के अन्तर्गत छात्रवृत्ति जारी करने के लिए छात्रों के बचत बैंक खाते के साथ आधार को जोड़ने (Seeding of Bank Account With Aadhaar) बारे।
Regarding subject wise vacancy position along with enrolment of 11th , 12th Classes
Regarding information for AEBAS, CCTV in r/o District Sirmour
Regarding refund of unutilized NSS Grant to the Directorate of Higher Education NSS Account.
Press Note: Regarding Biometric Authentication of the Institutions HOI's/INO's.
Last Chance for Biometric Authentication of the Institutions HOI/INO's.
Regarding Training Program in r/o Supdt. Gr-II / Sr.Asstt. A w.e.f 18/12/2023 to 23/12/2023
- Online Registration and submission of NMMSS Beneficiaries on NSP
- Information regarding Govt. Employees teaching staff only both (husband & wife) posted in same station
- Information regarding Govt. Employees non Teaching staff only with C-IV (both husband & wife) posted in same station
- Correcting and updating of bank account number seeding of Aadhar Number with Saving Bank Account of the Students for the year 2020-21 under Dr. Ambedkar Post Matric Scholarship of Economically Backward Classes Students reg.
हिमाचल संस्कृत अकादमी द्वारा आयोज्य राज्यस्तरीय, विद्यालयीय संस्कृत प्रतियोगिताओं के संदर्भ में
To provide the detail of beneficiaries under Swaran Jayanti Super 100.
Option to Update the Bank Account Details on National Scholarship Portal through the Login ID of the Students, reg.(Pre Matric Scholarship)
Provide details for Profile Change of H.O.I./I.N.O. on National Scholarship Portal. (link only for those Institutions where HOI/INO has been Changed.)
Online Registration and submission of NMMSS Beneficiaries on NSP
Press Note regarding Bio-Authentication of Institutions (H.O.I.&I.N.O.) on NSP 2.0
Tentative schedule of Regular inspection for the month of December, 2023
Biometric Authentication Schedule for HOIs/INOs under Centrally Sponsored Scholarship Schemes, reg.
Training program SCERT solan Lect. Physics w.e.f 04/12/2023 to 09/12/2023
- Regarding Adolescent Guide for Building Better Mental Health.
- 9th India International Science Festival (IISF) 2023 during 17-20 January, 2024.
- Reminder:- Online Registration and submission of NMMSS Beneficiaries on NSP
- Regarding Non Submission of Road Safety Clubs UC.
- SJVN Silver Jubilee Merit Scholarship Scheme 2023.
- Regarding Category Wise Consolidated NSS Enrollent in r/o District- Sirmour 2023-24.
- Regarding of Route for Hamara Sankalap Viksit Bharat in District Simour
- Road safety awareness activities.
- Regarding Conduct of ELC/ Chunave Pathshala activities
- Online Registration and submission of NMMSS Beneficiaries on NSP.
- Regarding Training program Lect. Economics w.e.f. 20-11-2023 to 25-11-2023
- Guidelines for Schools regarding Audit Paras & List of Settled Audit Paras during Adhoc Committee Meeting held on 05/06/2023 to 07/06/2023.
- Filling of Registration Form on National Scholarship Portal.
- Training program Lecturers in Economics w.e.f 20-11-2023 to 25-11-2023
- Reg. Joint action plan for prevention of drugs and Substance Abuse among Children and Illicit Trafficking (Govt. Schools)
- Reg. Joint action plan for prevention of drugs and Substance Abuse among Children and Illicit Trafficking (PVT. Schools)
- Seeding of Aadhar with the Saving Bank Account of the Students to release the Scholarship.
- Office order (Principals/HM w.e.f 16-11-2023 to 30-11-2023
- Office order (Principals/HM) w.e.f 16-11-2023 to 18-11-2023
- Regarding Renewal Scholarship Form 2023-24.
- Conversion of PWTWCs to Daily Wager employee.
- Regarding Conduct of Electors Literacy Clubs
- Regarding review of functioning of Virtual Classrooms
- Physical verification of the Institutes.
- Non Teaching Day on 04-11-2023 at the examination Centres of JNVST -2023
- Provide the up to date Enrolment Data of the Minority Students in this Google Sheet link.
- Regarding reason for not installing CCTV Cameras in schools (Google Sheet)
- Regarding reason for not installing CCTV Cameras in Scools
- Schedule of Regular inspection for the month of November, 2023
- Regarding Auro Scholar Micro Scholarship Program in Schools. Guidelines
- Officer order (Cultural Program Tournament)
- Regarding Updating of Contact Numbers/Email ID.
Regarding quiz on occasion of International Day of Sign Language (IDSL)
Regarding NSS Monthly progressive report Month of October 2023
Provide the details of the Meritorious Students Mentioned in the letter (CM Announcement on Medhavi Chattervriti Samman Samaroh-2023 organised by Amarujala Newspaper.) Click→ Submit details of the Students (Google Form)
- Merit List of Kalpna Chawla Utkrisht Chhatervriti Yojna 2023-24.
- Merit List of Indira Gandhi Utkrisht Chhatervriti Yojna 2023-24.
- Provide the detail of students who have updated their Aadhar Card details (Correction in Aadhar Card) (Now Applying for Scholarship 2023-24)
- Submission of information regarding building fund available in GSSSs/GHSs.
Training program in r/o Principals w.e.f. 25-10-2023 to 31-10-2023
Training program in r/o Headmistress w.e.f. 19-10-2023 to 21-10-2023
Regarding Subject wise details of Lecturer (Schools) as on 15-10-2023 (Total 19 Google Sheets)
Regarding Subject wise details of Lecturer (Schools) as on 15-10-2023 on prescribed format
Regarding Rainwater Harvesting System in all Educational Institutions.
Regarding seniority/regularization of clerk/JOA (IT) appointed on contract basis
Regarding regularization of clerk appointed on daily waged basis information thereof
Regarding Establishment return in r/o Lect./DPE/Minst. Staff as on 30-09-2023
Trining Programme in r/o Principals in SCERT w.e.f 16-10-2023 to 21-10-2023
Regarding information of Broadband connection in GSSSs/GHS in district sirmour
- एनएमएमएसएस परीक्षा वर्ष 2019, 2020, 2021 उत्तीर्ण करने वाले राष्ट्रीय मीन्स-कम-मेरिट छात्रवृत्ति लाभार्थियों के नए/नवीनीकरण के संबंध में।
- 05/08/23 से 16-09-23 तक आईएनओ का जैव-प्रमाणीकरण करने वाले स्कूलों द्वारा आईएनओ परिवर्तन घोषणा के लिए प्रोफार्मा तत्काल जमा करना। (केवल अल्पसंख्यक योजना के लिए)
- कार्यालय आदेश (प्रिंसिपल/एचएम)
- बी.एड शिक्षण अनुमति
- कार्यालय आदेश (टूर्नामेंट)
- कार्यालय आदेश (टूर्नामेंट)
- कार्यालय आदेश (प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम एससीईआरटी व्याख्यान 9-10-2023 से 14-10-2023 तक)
- वर्ष 2023 में प्रधानाध्यापकों और एनएसएस पीओ का अद्यतन विवरण
- सीडब्ल्यूपी नंबर 2083/2021 के संबंध में जिसका शीर्षक अजय कुमार और अन्य बनाम एचपी राज्य और अन्य है- सेवा पुस्तिकाएं और संबंधित विवरण प्रस्तुत करना।
- एनएसपी पोर्टल पर विभिन्न केंद्र और राज्य प्रायोजित छात्रवृत्ति योजनाओं के तहत शैक्षणिक वर्ष 2023-24 के लिए छात्रवृत्ति आवेदन भरना।
- शुद्धिपत्र (टूर्नामेंट)
- अक्टूबर 2023 माह के लिए नियमित निरीक्षण की अस्थायी अनुसूची
- एडहॉक कमेटी की बैठक के संबंध में
- कार्यालय आदेश (हिपा शिमला में प्राचार्य प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम)
- Office Order CCRT Training
- Office Order SCERT Trainning programe Lect. 4-10-2023 to 06-10-2023
- State Leavel Painting, Slogan and Essay Writing Contest" on occassion of Wildlife Week 2023 regarding Participation of Students.
- Information regarding Vacancy position of DPEs in GSSS during period 01-09-2021 to 15-09-2023 is required (on attached performa) urgently being Court Case.
- OFFICE ORDER (Tournaments)
- Regarding NSS monthly Progressive rport September 2023
- Urgent Submission of Category wise (6th to 12th) Enrolment as on 30-09-2023
- Regarding regularization of clerk appointed on daily waged basis information thereof.
- Regrding Seniority /regularization of clerk /JOA (IT) appointed on Contract basis
- Office Order (Training programe in r/o Lect. w.e.f 25-09-2023 to 30-09-2023)
- Office Order (regularization of daily wages)
Regarding INSPIRE Award MANAK online nominations for 2023-24
OFFICE ORDER (Training- SCERT on w.e.f 18-09-2023 to 23-09-2023)
Regarding School wise Enrollment Status & Staff Position as on 31-08-2023
Regarding U-19 Boys and girls zonel and district tournament .
- Regading Vidyarthi Van Mitra Yojna
Regarding extxtension of date for online nominations for 2023-24 to september 30,2023 .
Regarding distribution of question papers of 9th and 11th classes.
Regarding Display Board on anti-drug in all the Education Institutions
Regarding information Examination appointed Centre suptt.(JNV ).
Regarding notification HP Board of School Education, Dharamshala.
Tentative schedule of Regular inspection for the month of september2023
Regarding monthly meeting of District level NCORD committee.
Regarding Quarterly report of functioning of all CCTV Cameras r/o GSSS/GHS in district Sirmour
Information regarding CCTV Cameras installed in GHS and GSSS of the State.
OFFICE ORDER ( Training programme w.e.f. 17-08-2023 to 19-08-2023 has been cancelled.
Regarding opening of online nomination for 2023-24 under INSPIRE MANAK Scheme.
Information During COVID Vaccination Drive up to Dated on the record of the Schools.
Regarding monthly meeting of District Level NCORD Committee.
Regarding Submission of BASP Proposals/Estimates for the year 2023.
Regarding holding the regular meeting of Parliamentary Constituency Committee for Road Safety.
Regarding NSS Monthly progressive Report for the month july 2023Regarding transfer of RTI Application under Section 6(3) of Right to Information Act,2005
Regarding proceeding of the meeting of District welfare Committee.
Tentative schedule of Regular inspection for the Monthe of August, 2023
दिनाक 31/12/2022 तक के उच्चतर शिक्षा विभाग के असमायोजित / लम्बित पड़े पेरो के समायोजन बारे I
Regarding Training program in r/o JOAs/Clerks SCERT Solan 31-07-2023 to 05-08-2023
Regarding Enrollment for Classes 6th-12th in r/o District Sirmour as on 30-06-2023
Instruction regarding State and Centrally Sponored Schemes for the year 2023-24
Vacancy position as on 05-07-2023 in r/o Class-IV/LA employees of District Sirmour.
Regarding not providing the requisite information on Google sheets or DDHE Sirmour blogspot.
Establishment return and vacancy position of LA/Peon/DW/PTMTW/PTWCP as one 10-07-2023.
Estt Returm Ministrial staff GHS/GSSS Distt sirmour at Nahan as on dated 10/07/2023
Regarding transfer of RTI Application under Section 6 (3) of Right to Information Act, 2005.
Regarding quarterly meeting of the District Level Aadhaar Monitoring Committee (DLAMC)
Regarding incomplete reply of class 10th & 12th poor result.
Regarding Award for best song on Road Safety in Pahadi, hindi, English.
Regarding permission to perform " Save Birds and Save Environment.
Vacancy position as on 05-07-2023 in r/o Class-IV/LA employees of District Sirmour.
Regarding submission of Certificate under International day against drug abuse.
Regarding Seminars, Debates, Declamations, Lectures, Slogans, Posters, Rallies & Skits etc.
Regarding poor result of 10th and +2 classes for the session 2022-2023.
Tentative Schedule of Regular inspection for the month of July 2023
OFFICE ORDER LA Training at SCERT Solan 03-07-2023 to 8-07-2023
Regarding Tentative District School Sports Calendar for the year 2023-24
Regarding not to park the vehicle in the school ground / premises.
International Day against Drugs Abuse & Illicit Trafficking.
Regarding Establishment of library room in each Govt. Sr. Sec. School in HP
Action Taken Report Under Celebration of International Yoga Day 2023
“हिमाचल संस्कृत अकादमी” द्वारा आयोज्य विद्यालयस्तरीय, संस्कृत
प्रतियोगिताओं के संदर्भ में I
Regarding Conduct of Tritiye Sopan Camp. w.e.f 17-06-2023 to 20-06-2023
Regarding regular use of ICT infrastructure provided in 29 ICT Labs Phase-1 and functionality thereof (Google Sheet)
Annual Meetin of General Council of Distt. Sirmour School Sports Association on 14th June, 2023
Regarding Establish Return and Vacancy Position of LA/PEON/DW/PTWC&PTMTW as on 31-05-2023
Regarding Collection of monthly attendance of IT Faculty deployed on outsourced basis
OFFICE ORDER (Principals Trainings w.e.f 12/06/2023 to 17/06/2023 SCERT Solan)
विश्व पर्यावरण दिवस -2023 के अवसर पर स्कूली छात्रों की जिला स्तरीय चित्रकलाप्रतियोगिता बारे
Tentative Schedule of Regular inspection for the month of June 2023
विश्व पर्यावरण दिवस -2023 के अवसर पर स्कूली छात्रों की जिला स्तरीय चित्रकलाप्रतियोगिता बारे
Regarding Participation in the "Pradhaav-Wipe out Drug" Campaign.
Reg. completion of Scholarship Payment pervious academic years latest by 31.05.2023
Office Orders for sports students to participate in National Games
OFFICE ORDERS for training to NSS Coordinators Hallan, Majra and Bhargarh
Submission of information regarding joining Link (Registration) on National Digital Library:Kharagpur
Regarding Sharing of link to join National Digital Library, Kharagpur
- Regarding permission to conduct Seminar/Webinar
- IMEI Number of Smartphones distributed to meritorious students of Year 2020-21 session
- हिमाचल के सभी राजकीय /अराजकीय माध्यमिक /उच्च तथा वरिष्ठ माध्यमिक विद्यालयों के विद्यार्थियों की संस्कृत प्रतियोगिता बारे I
- Regarding Prevention of Drugs and Substance Abuse among students.
- नशा मुक्त भारत अभियान के तहत विभिन्न गतिविधियों के आयोजन बारे I
- नशा रोकने के लिए स्कूलों एंव कॉलेजों में जागरूकता अभियान चलाने बारे सुझाव पत्र I
- Regarding Prevention of Drugs and Substance Abuse among Children and Illicit Trafficking.
- अखण्ड शिक्षा ज्योति मेरे स्कूल से निकले मोती I
- Regarding regularization of contract Lect. as per Govt. instructions as mentioned in the letter.
- Regarding no Magic shows in schools
POCSO Act 2012 एवं शिकायत पेटी बारे
Establishment return and Vacancy Position LA/Peon/Daily-wager/PTWC&PTMTW as on 10-05-23
Enrolement Data to be filled by 12.00 Noon today for submission at Shimla. Pl. update
Filling-up of left out entires in Google sheet of CCTV Status. This has to be done by 4.30 PM today as it has to be submitted to worthy Secy. of Education H.P. Shimla. Urgent matter
Google sheet to submit information of IT fee collected session 2023-24
Reg. Award of Scholarship in Mountaineering Course for the year 2023-24
Google Sheet to supply the 16 digit
EMEI Number of Smartphones distributed to meritorious students of Year 2020-21 session
Orientation of PRASHAT Mobile App
Finalization of Dates for the "Talent Hunt Championship" i,e. on 13,14 May 2023.
Regarding to extend full co-operation to Audit Parties
Filling the post of Block Resource Coordinator BRCs on secondment basis
Regarding providing Biodata of outsourced IT faculty working in GSSS of the state through Email by 03-05-2023
Requirement of ACRs from Lecturer for Promotion to HM
Requirement of ACRs from Lecturers
NSS Monthly Progressive Report for the Month of April 2023
Regarding meeting as on 03.05.2023
Regarding opening of online nomination for 2023-24 under INSPIRE MANAK Scheme
हिमाचल के सभी राजकीय /अराजकीय माध्यमिक /उच्च तथा वरिष्ठ माध्यमिक विद्यालयों के विद्यार्थियों की संस्कृत प्रतियोगिता बारे I
Information regarding student furniture (Desks) as required in MLA Priority, by 23th April
Annual Meeting of General House of Distt Sirmour School Sports Association on 3rd May,2023.
Regarding participation of students in Talent Hunt Championship on 13-14th May 2023
All schools are requested to update the UDISE Code and Contact detail using this link please
Submission of Enrolement through Email as per format enclosed
Submission of Enrolement Data through Google sheet as well as Email: as on 20-04-2023
Regarding selection trial of talented players for the Sports Hostels.
- Regarding 50% share Bharat Scout and Guide
- Performa for suplementary text-book demand for summer/winter closing schools (Academic session 2023-24)
- Regarding Pending Budget Demand in r/o SMC/PTA teachers
- Regarding providing suport to AVANTE FELLOWS for off-line Mock Test for aspiring NEET students
- Regarding registration of Schools under Bharat and Scout & Guide units
- Reg. Aadhaar authentication beneficiaries reporting under the DBT Schemes on DBT Portal
- Reg providing information of newly upgraded school w.e.f. 01 Apr 2022 Summer and Winter Closing
- Reg Admission in GHSs and GSSSs upgraded after 01 Apr 2022
- Regarding submission of ACRs of Employees
- Regarding Submission of amount under 40% Share of Sports Fund & 30% Share of Sports Development Contributory Fund 2022-23.
- Submission of ACRs of Lecturers/PGT for Promotion to the post of Principals
- Submission of ACR in r/o Headmasters for the Promotion to the post of Principal
- Updation of Electoral Role-No Voter be Left Behind
- Procurement of Solar PhotvolticStreet Lighting System
- Common Pool Submission of Amount under 50% Share
- Covid-19 Advisory
- Regarding Unspent balance lying in Bank Account in respect of NSS Grant. (old Bank Account)
- PMIS-Reporting
Tuesday, April 4 · 11:15 – 13:15Google Meet joining infoVideo call link:
- Varification regarding disallowing option to the incubement on notional fixation
- Tentative Schedule of Regular Inspection for the month of April 2023
- Google Form link for Monthly Attendance IT Faculty NIELIT
- Regarding implementation of Road Safety guidelines in Educational Institutes.
- Submission of Monthly Attendance Report of IT Faculty (NIELIT) so as to avoid delay in their Salary
- Quarterly Yearly Annual Progress Report of NSS Activities
Conduct of Terminal Assessment (SA-II) of class 3,5,and 8th in all Govt summer closing schools
Regarding submission of ACRs of Officials and Clerical staff
Google sheet to update the School data of contact etc. due to new joinings and relievings
Detail of Vacancy position institution(Establisment and Current)
Detail of Vacancy Position as available to this office Establishment-wise
List of School/Office/NCC registred inPMIS Record. Pl. inform if your school is not listed
Reagarding Seniority List of DPEs
Regarding RTI Act,2005 Annual Report for the year 2022-23 w.e.f. 1st April,2022 to 31st March,2023.
- All Principals/DDOs to fill and upload the PMIS Competion Certificate
Regarding Updating Office Location/Organisation of Employees in Biometric
For Supply of Pannel of Lecturers/TGTs for setting and Moderation of Question papers
Data Sheet To Fill the Establishment Data of Lecturers Subject-wise
Google sheet for updation of IT Education Teachers Establishment
Collection of Question Paper for the Exam 9 &11 March 23 wef. 28-02-23 to 01-03-2023
Reg quarterly department review meeting for Scholarship schemes
Link to Join Distt. Sirmour Heads WhatsApp Group. Pl. select it to Join
Submission of Data/Proforma by HM/Lecturers for promotion to the post of Principal
Updation of remaining Vacancy Position Data for PMIS by Principals for their clusters GHS and GMS
Regarding Prevention of Drugs and substance Abuse among Children and illicit Trafficking
Training programme at SCERT Solan for School Lect. w,e,f, 27-02-2023 to 04-03-2023.
Training programme for School Lect. at SCERT Solan w.e.f. 23-02-2023 to 25-02-2023.
All Govt. Schools where Virtual Classrooms have been installed, will be inspected by Hon'ble Education Minister and worthy Secretary education. today 21st Feb 2023. Therefore keep virtual classes ready with internet connectivity and cameras. Teachers should be taking classes virtually with another institutions.
Urgent Matter:Submission of Sanctioned and Filled Posts Compex Schools (High & Middle)
Information required for GIS Mapping in reference of GHS and GSSS.
Distribution of School Bags under Atal Vardi Yojna during 2022
Some Helpful Tips regarding PMIS before making a call to DDHE Office
Regarding submission of case for promotion of Peon to the post of LA
Regarding download of admit card for NMMSS Examination 2023-23 held on 19 Feb 2023
- Regarding conduct of Special Chance for Term-I Exam 2022-23
- Name of Complex schools with their clusters whose Principal/(DDO) will be provided rights to update "Fill Sanctioned Post details" Pl.check and inform if any discrepancies are found
- PMIS eService Books completion
- Link to submit the Status of PMIS Updations and Verifications by Schools
- Updation of PMIS E-Service Book of All employees along with Vacancy strength of all cadre
- List of schools who have not submitted the Annual Sexual Harrassment Report 2022-23
- SOP for Republic Day Celebrations in schools of the Country
- Regarding verification of Scholarship Applications Fresh/Renewal/Defective for the Year 2022-23.
- Revised Schedule of Distribution of Free Text Books
- Celebration of shiksha Parv 5.0
- Regarding submit the information regrading Drop Out Students.
- Information of Examination Centre (GSSS) to conduct of SJMMSS Exam on 26 Feb 2023.
Regarding Monitoring and Impact Evaluation Study of Minority Scholarship (MOMA)
Urgent matter:Award for Innovation in Public Sys
Tentative Schedule for Inspection of schools Feb 2023
NSS Monthly Data January 2023
Regarding Utilisation certificate:Student Cadet Fund
Regarding Annual Income Certificate required for centrally scholarship Schemes.
Regarding Utilization Certificates with regard to Utilization of Funds in R/O Student Cadet Programme.
Corrigendum:Regarding inspection of ICT Phase-I Labs:Addition of one member more
Submission of Information about schools who do not have ICT in their schools
Submission of CCTV and Biometric installation status in GHS/GSSS with in two days
Regarding Non Submitting the latest Category –wise/Class-wise Enrolment
&Staff position as on 31-12-2022(List of defaulter schools thereof.).
- Particulars of JOA-IT working on regular basis
- Non submission of Distt. Share of Sports Fund & Sports Development Contributory Fund.
- Promotional Video Pariksha Pe Charcha
- National Voter's Day Celebration on 25th January
- Cleanliness Guidelines to shools
- Regarding scholarship schemes for Minority (Begum Hazrat Mehal & Post Matric Scholarship for Minority)
- Regarding undistributed school uniform under Atal School vardi Yojna
- Submission of Detail of Contact No. of schools where 10th Class Girls have been registered for Math Founadtioin Course 2023, within 2 days positively
- Google form regarding activities being run in schools
- सरकारी कर्मचारी के स्थानान्तरण अथवा सेवानिवृति होने के उपरान्त सरकारी आवास को खाली न करने के सन्दर्भ में
- Regarding requirement of supporting documents to be enclosed for ACP- Pay Fixation
- 4th Edition of Fit India School week reg.
- Information regarding procurement of Store/Articles purcahsed through Rate Contract oe GeM-Google sheet to furnish the information with in two days
Regarding Commemoration of 1st Veer Bal Diwas on 26th December, 2022
Regarding submission of information of Staff in newly upgraded schools after 01-04-2022
Requisition of information for mapping of GSSS/GHS/GMS for PMIS Verification and Data Entry Roles
- Regarding Schools to maintain record as per Inspection Proforma
- Regarding request for Extension of Dates for the Registration and filling the scholarship applications on NSP for the year 2022-23
- Supply of NSS Information regarding Units
- Information regarding procurement of Store/Articles purcahsed through Rate Contract oe GeM-Google sheet to furnish the information with in two days
- Regarding procurement of Articles/store through Rate Contract or GeM in session 2021 and 2022-23
- List of students for INSPIRE 2022-23 District Sirmour
- Regarding last date forverification of defective applications (scholarship) for the AcademicYear-2022-23.
- Regarding registration of 10th Class Girls only for Math Foundation Course 9-15 jan 2023 and Link thereof
- Link of Google Form for above
- Regarding opening of zero Balance Subsidiary Account.
- Regarding duties of DPE's/Lecturers for State Level Maestro Sports events H.P. 2023.
- For all Sr. Sec. School where enrollment in any subject of 11th or 12 classes is less than 10, Please complete this form as the informatiion is urgently required at DHE Shimla by 11.00 am tomorrow Sunday
- Regarding marking of attendance through Biometric Machine
- List of Officials who attended one day General Info. course Bharat Scout and Guide
- Still there are about 60 schools who have not filled up Biometric Attendnce Status after 01-01-2023. Pl. do the same at this link
- Regarding Pending ACRS for Placement of Principals from HM Cadre
- These sessions will be telecast on PMeVIDYA DTH TV Channels (classes VI to XII), NCERT YouTube channel ( from 02-06 January, 2023 from 11:00 AM to 12:00 Noon.
Requisition of information for mapping of GSSS/GHS/GMS for PMIS Verification and Data Entry Roles
- Regarding marking of attendance through AEBAS
- Regarding celebrating the 75th year of Amrit Mahotsav of Indian Independence
- स्कूल क्प्म्लेक्स / क्लस्टर से संबन्धित महत्वपूर्ण (एनईपी) सूचना जुटाने हेतु
- Link to Join WhatsApp group for Biometrics and PMIS Solutions
- Demonstration of Virtual Labs on DIKSHA 27th Dec 2022 at 11.00 Jin through Given Link, DTH or Youtube Channel
- Regarding attendance on Aadhaar Enabled Biometric Attendance System(AEBAS)
- NSS Monthly Report for the month of Dec 2022
- This is the google sheet showing the names of schools who have filled in the Biometric status data so far. If your name is not in this list pl. complete it or inform this office. Thanks
- Submission of Account details by New NSS Units
- Celebration of Constitution Day/Week
Requisition of information for mapping of GHS,GMS for PMIS Verification and Data Entry Roles
Proceeding of the meeting regarding Swachh Vidyalya Puruskar
Information from NSS Units for opening Virtual accounts for NSS Grant
- Regarding organising NSS Pre Republic Day Camp 2022-23
- Orientation regarding PRASHAST Mobile App
- Regarding Distribution of School Bags
Regarding organising of Personality development training cum workshop for the year 2022-23
It is for the information of all concerned that from now onwards issued related to PMIS will also be enetertained in the WhatsApp group PMIS-Biometric Sirmour along with Biometric issue (for three days only). Follow this link to join WhatsApp group created for PMIS-Biometric device solutions:
Updation of PMIS E-Service Book of All employees along with Vacancy strength of all cadre
Organization of 10th (SLEPC) 2021-22 under INSPIRE award MANAK on 03rd and 04th Jan 2023.
- List of ICT Phase -I
- Heads of the Institutions are requested provide / fill the contact numbers in the Excel sheet attached.
- Submission of Stock entry proof of equipments supplied to ICT Phase-I schools
- Information regarding adopted villages under NSS
- Google sheet for submission of IT fee details by left over schools till Nov. 2022 (Urgent)
- Google sheet for information of NPS employees (all categories) retiring between 2023 and 2027
- Google Sheet for information of NPS employees (all categories) retired till 2003 to 2022
- Google sheet to furnish by 15th Dec, names of Coordinators for Pariksha Pe Charcha 6th Edition
- Pariksha Pe Charcha 6th Edition to be held in January-23
- All head of the institutions are requested to furnish the information under NPS Scheme of all employees as per proforma attached herewith though email by today 5.00 PM
- Subject: Detail of employees covered under NPS.
Detail of employees covered under NPS is required, which is likely to be Discussed very soon. So it is directed to keep the information ready as per detailed below in excel sheet. As and when required you should be able to provide the same immediately.1. Year wise No.of C-IV and LA retired after implementation of NPS i.e. 15-5-2003 till December 2022. 2. Year wise No.of C-IV and LA who are going to retire w.e.f. Jan-2023 to December 2027. - Submission of Power Point Presentation about established Utkristh Vidialya Schools 2020-21 and 2021-22 through email by tomorrow
- List of Participant State CSC
- Regarding Evaluation of Term-I Exam
- Regarding award of Scholarship in Skiing Sourse to candidate of Himachal Pradesh for the year 2022-23
- Submission of vacancy position of employees
- Regarding private tuitions by Govt. teachers
- Google sheet to submit Status of CV Raman Virtual Class Room by today 3.00 PM positively by GSSS Shillai, Rajana,Timbi,Millah,Drabil,haripur Dhar,Badli Dhadas,Kandyari and Bakra
- Submission of Status of CV Raman Virtual Class Room
- Follow this link to join my WhatsApp group created for Biometric device solutions (Biometric Sirmour):
Regarding submission of IT (PGT/Lect)/NIELIT Faculty information by 8th Dec 2022
Google Form for submission of Biometric Attendance Status as on 10th Dec 2022
submission of School wise/Class wise Enrolment
as on 30-09-2022( Private Managed Schools).
submission of School wise/Class wise Enrolment
as on 30-09- 2022.(GSSS/GHS).
- Follow this link to join my WhatsApp group created for Biometric device solutions:
- Regarding implementation of judgement passed by HHH in LPA No. 105 of 2010
- Regarding write-ups for State Level Science, Maths and Environmemt Exhibition
- Regarding consolidated list of NSP Prematric..........
- Extension of dates for the Registration and Filling the Scholarship Application on National Scholarship Portal for the current Academic Year 2022-23.
- Nomination for State Level Awards for State Civil Services
- Some tips to start Biometric Machine
- Election Counting Officer Duties for rehearsal on 03-12-2022
- Election Couting officer Duties for Rehearsal on 02-12-2022
- Election Counting officer duty for rehearsal on 01-012-2022
- Downlable APK file for AEBAS application in Biometric Machine
- Submission of Rain water Harvesting Data by GSSSs Sirmour
- Submission of Rain water Harvesting data by GHSs Sirmour
- Marking of attendance by all employees through Biometric Machine installed in schools
- NSS Monthly Report Nov 2022
Corrigendum:Regarding inspection of ICT Phase-I Labs:Addition of one member more
Submission of Information about schools who do not have ICT in their schools
Submission of CCTV and Biometric installation status in GHS/GSSS with in two days
Regarding Non Submitting the latest Category –wise/Class-wise Enrolment &Staff position as on 31-12-2022(List of defaulter schools thereof.).
- Particulars of JOA-IT working on regular basis
- Non submission of Distt. Share of Sports Fund & Sports Development Contributory Fund.
- Promotional Video Pariksha Pe Charcha
- National Voter's Day Celebration on 25th January
- Cleanliness Guidelines to shools
- Regarding scholarship schemes for Minority (Begum Hazrat Mehal & Post Matric Scholarship for Minority)
- Regarding undistributed school uniform under Atal School vardi Yojna
- Submission of Detail of Contact No. of schools where 10th Class Girls have been registered for Math Founadtioin Course 2023, within 2 days positively
- Google form regarding activities being run in schools
- सरकारी कर्मचारी के स्थानान्तरण अथवा सेवानिवृति होने के उपरान्त सरकारी आवास को खाली न करने के सन्दर्भ में
- Regarding requirement of supporting documents to be enclosed for ACP- Pay Fixation
- 4th Edition of Fit India School week reg.
- Information regarding procurement of Store/Articles purcahsed through Rate Contract oe GeM-Google sheet to furnish the information with in two days
Regarding Commemoration of 1st Veer Bal Diwas on 26th December, 2022
Regarding submission of information of Staff in newly upgraded schools after 01-04-2022
Requisition of information for mapping of GSSS/GHS/GMS for PMIS Verification and Data Entry Roles
Requisition of information for mapping of GSSS/GHS/GMS for PMIS Verification and Data Entry Roles
Requisition of information for mapping of GHS,GMS for PMIS Verification and Data Entry Roles
Proceeding of the meeting regarding Swachh Vidyalya Puruskar
Information from NSS Units for opening Virtual accounts for NSS Grant
Regarding organising of Personality development training cum workshop for the year 2022-23
It is for the information of all concerned that from now onwards issued related to PMIS will also be enetertained in the WhatsApp group PMIS-Biometric Sirmour along with Biometric issue (for three days only). Follow this link to join WhatsApp group created for PMIS-Biometric device solutions:
Updation of PMIS E-Service Book of All employees along with Vacancy strength of all cadre
Organization of 10th (SLEPC) 2021-22 under INSPIRE award MANAK on 03rd and 04th Jan 2023.
- List of ICT Phase -I
- Heads of the Institutions are requested provide / fill the contact numbers in the Excel sheet attached.
- Submission of Stock entry proof of equipments supplied to ICT Phase-I schools
- Information regarding adopted villages under NSS
- Google sheet for submission of IT fee details by left over schools till Nov. 2022 (Urgent)
- Google sheet for information of NPS employees (all categories) retiring between 2023 and 2027
- Google Sheet for information of NPS employees (all categories) retired till 2003 to 2022
- Google sheet to furnish by 15th Dec, names of Coordinators for Pariksha Pe Charcha 6th Edition
- Pariksha Pe Charcha 6th Edition to be held in January-23
- All head of the institutions are requested to furnish the information under NPS Scheme of all employees as per proforma attached herewith though email by today 5.00 PM
- Subject: Detail of employees covered under NPS.
Detail of employees covered under NPS is required, which is likely to be Discussed very soon. So it is directed to keep the information ready as per detailed below in excel sheet. As and when required you should be able to provide the same immediately.1. Year wise No.of C-IV and LA retired after implementation of NPS i.e. 15-5-2003 till December 2022.2. Year wise No.of C-IV and LA who are going to retire w.e.f. Jan-2023 to December 2027. - Submission of Power Point Presentation about established Utkristh Vidialya Schools 2020-21 and 2021-22 through email by tomorrow
- List of Participant State CSC
- Regarding Evaluation of Term-I Exam
- Regarding award of Scholarship in Skiing Sourse to candidate of Himachal Pradesh for the year 2022-23
- Submission of vacancy position of employees
- Regarding private tuitions by Govt. teachers
- Google sheet to submit Status of CV Raman Virtual Class Room by today 3.00 PM positively by GSSS Shillai, Rajana,Timbi,Millah,Drabil,haripur Dhar,Badli Dhadas,Kandyari and Bakra
- Submission of Status of CV Raman Virtual Class Room
- Follow this link to join my WhatsApp group created for Biometric device solutions (Biometric Sirmour):
Regarding submission of IT (PGT/Lect)/NIELIT Faculty information by 8th Dec 2022
Google Form for submission of Biometric Attendance Status as on 10th Dec 2022
Regarding submission of School wise/Class wise Enrolment as on 30-09-2022( Private Managed Schools).
Regarding submission of School wise/Class wise Enrolment as on 30-09- 2022.(GSSS/GHS).
Election Counting officer duties (for urgent compliance)
- Mukhyamatri Bal Suposhan Yojna and Displaying of Name and Designation and Photo of teachers on Notice Board
- Distribution of Funds under Rashtrya Avishkar Abhiyan 2022- 2023
- is the link to join a Zoom meeting with worthy DHE H.P. Shimla with Principal, teachers, students who have been selected through QUIZ for NEET and JEE preparation
- Monitoring and Impact Evaluation study of Scholarship Schemes of Ministry of Minority Affairs in the school of Distt Sirmour (HP)
- Organization of District Level Tournament for Divyang (Disable) Players wef 02.12.2022 to 03.12.2022 at Chaugan Ground, Nahan.
- 13thPrativedan information (urgently)
- To Join a ZOOM meeting on Agniveer Vayu starting at 10.30 am today
Zoom meeting letter and link:
Meeting ID: 731 4914 9292
Passcode: maJ7My
- Google sheet to submit status of Toilets and other facilities
- Regarding Distt. Level Competition INSPIRE on 25th and 26th Nov
- Google sheet to update the Stream of NSS Volunteers data already supplied by you
- Marking of attendance through Biometric Device installed in schools
- Organization of INSPIRE AWARDS-MANAK Scheme DLEPC for students selected during 2021-22
- District Level Exhibition and Project Competition (DLEPC) under INSPIRE 2021-22
- Regarding observing 2nd round of De-worming Day
- Google sheet to fill IT Fee Collection details for the session 2022-23 till Date
- Regarding U-19 Boys/Girls Athletics State Level Tournament and Camp
- Regarding honour of organising U 19 Zonal and Distt. Level tournamnet
- Link to update the School/Contact details of Head of the institutions Distt. Sirmour
- Google sheet to submit the status of Biometric Machines GHS/GSSS/College as desired by worthy director of Higher Education by 2.00 PM today positively
- Submission of Annual Sexual Harrasment Reporrt-2022
- Information and link regarding online applying for NMMSS Examination 2022-23 for the students studying in Class VIII of all GMSsGHSsGSSSs of Himachal Pradesh in current year i.e. 2022-23
- Regarding settlement of outstanding Audit Paras & Reports
- Revised schedule of U-19 Boys/Girls Athletics State Level Tournament & Camp.
- Closing date for applying of Scholarship under National Scholarship Portal 2022-23
- Regarding Food arragement (boarding and lodging) for Polling Parties
- DELPC Exhibition (Inspire)
- Google Sheet for filling Establishment return of Class IV
- Regarding providing Establishment return of Class IV Employees
- Providing list of NSS/NCC/Scout and Guide Volunteers (Nahan Constituency only) deputed for Poll Duty
- Distt. Level NRP Competitoin at GSSS nainatikker
- Office orders for Distt. Level national Role Play Competiton at GSSS Nainatikker
- Regarding National Role Play Distt. Level
- Request regarding to keep proper cleaning of Water Tanks in school in view of Election 2022
- Regarding providing NCC/NSS volunteers for Poll duty
- Regarding assisting the staff on Poll Duty
- List of Inspire Awardees
- Regarding Opening of School and other building Vidhan Sabha Election 2022
- NSS/NCC VolunteersFor Poll Duty
- Creation of Studnet ID for +1,+2 for e-Samwad who don't have it
- Office Orders Duty at Renukaji Fair for Sports Events
- NSS Monthly Report Oct. 2022
- Notice of absent under section 134 of Representation of People Act 1951 (List of Employees who are not attended Vidhan Sabha Election Rehearsal)
- Conduct of 100 Unity Runs
- Regarding Promotion LA to JLA ACRs thereof
- स्कूलों के खेल मैदान का विशेष ध्यान व रख रखाव
- राष्ट्रीय एकता दोड़-31 अक्तूबर 2022 के बारे में
- Submission of Biometric attendance data report by all Through Google form, of your school to be filled if not done already
- State level U-19 Tournament
- Regarding submission of Category-wise information for Free Text Books
- AEBAS APK file for Biometric Machine
- Helping instruction for starting Bio metric Machine
- Election Duty Orders
- Extension of Date: Nasha Mukt Bharat Abhiyan Competitions
- Invitation link join the WhatsAppo Group created for Head of Schools Distt. Sirmour
- Reg.conducting of Essay, Elocution and Painting competition under Nasha Mukt Bharat Abhiyan and submission of compliance report to this office within two days
- Reg. report on settlement of audit paras settled during Adhoc Committee Meeting held on 07 Jun to 09 Jun 2022
- Providing the list of NSS/Scout-Guides and NCC for forth coming Vidhan sabha Election 2022
- Organising competitons on the occassion of Pahari Pakhwara-2022
- Submission of Biometric attendance data report of your school
- Veer Gaath 2.0. link
- Veer Gaath 2.0 Project ( Guidelines link to join by all Heads tomorrow)
- Pl. visit for new employee registration in Biometric machine
- Regarding conducting Morning Assembly, other activities and starting Biometric attendance in schools
- Consequent upon new joining in schools all heads are requested to update their contact details
- Amount of Road safety and submission of UC
- Scholarship for outstanding performance Yuva Vigyan Puraskar (for Class12th Science Stream students, Medical & Non Medical)
- Regarding extension the date of National Scholarship Portal (NSP) due to assembly election for the year 2022-23
- Vidhan sabha Election 2022 Model Code of Conduct
- Regarding availability of FTB e-Indent in r/o Winter Closing Schools
- Organising Painting Competiotion
- Office Orders
- Regarding HP Swaran Jayanti Vidyarthi Anushikshan Yojna.
- (Most Urgent )Regarding information under RTI Act,2005.
- Urgently required: NSS Volunteers details from schools
Google sheet link for submission of NSS Monthly Report for the Month Sept. 2022
- Information regarding RTI (IT fee during Corona Period ) is still awaited from many schools. Pl. fill the same in Google sheet. If there is no IT subject in school fill Nil.
- MERITORIOUS STUDENTS LIST FOR SMARTPHONES. Distribution started from 11th of Oct. 2022. Pl. contact Principal GSSS Sangrah (Renukaji), GSSS(B) Sarahan (Pachhad), GSSS(G) Paonta Sahib (Paonta), GSSS Shillai (shillai) and DDHE Nahan (Nahan) for mentioned contituencies in the list above.
Google sheet for RTI Act Point No. 5 IT Fe Urgent matter, by tomorrow 11.00 AM
Regarding Supreme court order COVID 19 Children virus protection
अनुसूचित जाति कार्यक्रम (SCDP) के तहत हुये कार्यों में साईन बोर्ड लगवाने बारे |
TS NEGI 100 Topper Boys and 100 Toppers Girls of ST Category for the yr 2022-23
Swamy Vivekanand 2000 Topper of General Category for the yr 2022-23
DR Ambedkar Medhavi Chhatrivirity Yojna 1250 Topper of SC for the yr 2022-23
DR Ambedkar Medhavi Chhatrivirity Yojna 1000 Topper of OBC for the yr 2022-23
Training programme for School Lect./PGTs at SCERT Solan w.e.f. 10-10-2022 to 12-10-2022.
GSSS Kurla kharak renamed as Prashant Thakur GSSS Kurla Kharak
One day General Information course (Scout&Guide) at Nahan on 03-10-2022
Regarding preparation and updation of school disaster management Plan
Pl. fill the New Google sheet for IT fee details session 2020-21
Regarding pending online RTI applications/appeals on the dashboard of PIOs/FAAs.
Regarding duties of DPEs/PETs for U-19 Girls State level Tournament & Coaching Camp.
Google Sheet Link for submission of School safety Quarter Report (July to Sept 2022)
Google sheet link for submission of NSS Monthly Report for the Month Sept. 2022
- Lata Mangeshkar Distt. Level Music Competition
- Transfer Orders Class IV
- Process Flow of Scholarship to be Implemented by all Govt and Pvt Educational Institutions and Specimen of Affidavit to be submitted by all the Private Institutions in the Academy Year 2022-23
- Regarding violation of Conduct Rules by Govt. Employees
- Regarding Delivery and installation of new infrastructure of ICT Phase-I Labs
- Pl. provide the data of IT Teachers of your school through NIELIT (By. 11.00 am tomorrow)
- On-Line acceptance Form for Spot Evauation duty as Examiner and submitting the list to HPBOSE Dharamsala
- Establishment of Road Safety Clubs in Educational Institutions
- Tentative Seniority List of Matriculate LAs at Directorate Level for promotion of JLAs
- Regarding Delivery and installation of new infrastructure of ICT Phase-I Labs
- प्रधानमन्त्री नया 15सूत्रीय अल्पसंख्यक कल्याणार्थ कार्यक्रम की कार्यवाही बारे एवं अल्पसंख्यक समुदायों के विद्यार्थियों द्वारा छात्रवृति योजनाओं में कम आवेदन करने बारे
- Second Round of Adhoc Committee Meeting on 12 Oct 2022
- Distt. Level Competition-Lata Mangeshkar Menorial
- Work and Conduct Part Time Wtaer Carrier
- Road Safety-Follow up action taken by Govt.
- Implementation of Advocay and HIV/AIDS Awarness Programme
- Organising Competition -Wildlife week 2022
- Training programme at SCERT Solan for Lect./PGTs in Chemistry w.e.f. 26-09-2022 to 01-10-2022.
- सिप्तंबर अक्तूबर 2022 मे आयोजित होने वाली परीक्षाओं मे सावित्री बाई फुले के नाम से अलंकृत परीक्षा केन्द्रों मे महिला केंद्र अधीक्षक एवं उप अधीक्षक की नियुक्ति के बारे मे
- RegardingUp-gradation of GMSs to the level ofGHSs and GHSs to the level of GSSSs.
- Information regarding Biometric Machines installed in school. Pl. fill the Google form by today. Thanks
- Google sheet for Names of IT/IP Officials for Webcasting Duty - AC 56 Nahan only
- (Pl. provide the infor mation today by 3.00 PM positively)
- Submission of Names of IT and IP Teachers/PGTs for Webcasting duty in forthcoming election (Urgent Matter)
- Kinf Attention: Kindly upload forms for Evaluation of Anserbooks through "HE SE for Evaluation" Link provided under your School User ID.
- Final Seniority List of Peons as on 31-03-2022
- Proposal for filling up of vacant post of Principals
- Regularisation of Contract Appointees instructions thereof
- Pl. check and correct the name of school or other details of teachers for Evaluation duty so that it could be sent to HPBOSE office today
- U-17 Selection Trial for National Tournaments from 2022-23
- Promotion of Class-IV to LAs Office Orders
- Regarding submission of Particulars of Lab Attendants
- उत्तरपुस्तिकाओं का मूल्यांकन करवाने हेतु दसवीं तथा जमा दो कक्षाओं के समस्त विषयों के पात्र प्रवक्ताओं/ अध्यापकों (नियमित सेवा जो कम से कम 3 वर्ष का अनुभव तथा Contract Basis, PTA, SMC सेवा अध्यापक जो कम से कम 4 वर्ष अध्यापन का अनुभव रखते हैं) की सूची
- Advisory Disaster management Authority (DDMA)
- Regarding submit the tournament register U-19 (Boys/Girls) Zonal & Distt. Tournament .
- DO letter regarding Cyber Crime against women and children
- Regarding Drawal of Salary of Multi task wokers
- Office Order SCERT Training Lecturer/PGT(Maths)
- Tentative Seniority List of Class -IV
- Regarding provision of Double Doors in all Poliing stations of the Distt.(Urgent matter)
- Work and Conduct certificates of Peopn for Promotion to LA
- Proceeding of 3rd Meeting of State Transport Development and Road safety
- House to House visit by BLOs for updation of Voter's List (strict compliance by individual)
- District election officer(Office order)
- Regarding providing proper Electricty/Water/Furniture/Ramp/Signage in the Poling Station
- Regarding providing detail of schools in Distt. Sirmour
- Guidelines reagrding organizing Shiksha Samwad
- Submission of cases for promotion to LAs
- Urgent Matter :Regarding Vacancy Position of TGTs and C&V staff
- Disallowing "Option" to the incubements on Notional Fixation from Back Date
- Google Sheet of NSS Monthly Report August 2022
- राजभाषा हिन्दी संबन्धित प्रतियोगिता करवाने बारे
- Lata mangeshkar Lok Sangeet Competion at Distt. Level
- Road safety Curriculum Teaching Regarding
- Supereme Court Committee on Raod safety
- Training Program SCERT Lecturer Economics 29-08-22 to 03-09-2022
- Regarding Dropped Out Students during Covid After March 2020-21 and 2021-22 Session Protection of Children due to loss of parents during Covid-19
- Reagrding free Text Book Demand 2023-24
- Regarding Implementation for Central Sector Scheme of Top Class Education in Schools for OBC,EBC & DNT Students for the Year 2022-23
- Regarding complete operationalisation of Manav Sampada (Urgent Matter Reminder)
- Regarding providing of Sign Language Interpretation during meeting.
- CWSN identification and enrollment , exam accommodations for CWSN and other IE related issues-reg.
- Kindly provide the Bank Account Numbers/IFSC Code of the Officers/Officials who had performed the duty as Centre Superintendents /Invigilators for the written examination to the post of Constable before 26-08-2022 on the attached sheet.
- Regarding provision of Double Door in all the Polling Stations of AC56 Nahan.
- Regarding provision of Double Door in all the Polling Stations of Distt. Sirmour.
- Regarding availability of Teacher for A/Books for 10th and 12th ..
- Celebration of HIV Prevention Campaign 12th to 31st August 2022
- Reporting of Losses in Monsoon HPSDM
- NSS Annual Meet of Principals and Program Officers
- Establishment of Road safty Clubs
- Renaming of Schools
- Regarding duties of DPEs/Lecturers for U-19 Distt. Boys/Girls Chess tournaments at GSSS Bankala
- Regarding Contingency for U-19 Boys/Girls Distt. Tournaments.
- Virtual Lab/Class is a room where a separate set of equipments were installed in schools (CPU, roof mounted Projector, High end Camera), with a purpose of conneting to DIETS for virtual lectures delivered by experts to benefit those schools where no. of vacant posts were large. These are different with ICT Phase-I or Phase-II equipements).
- The Google sheet attached is required to be filled by such schools only having virtual Lab facilities
- Google sheet link for sending seniority of JLA
- Regarding distribution of School Uniform
- Submission of ACRs
- Supplying of information for preparation of Seniority List of state level in respect of eligible Laboratory Attendants for the promotion of the post of JLA as on 31-12-2010.
- Kindly provide the Bank Account Numbers/IFSC Code of the Officers/Officials who had performed the duty as Centre Superintendents /Invigilators for the written examination to the post of Constable before 20-08-2022 on the attached sheet.
- Office order regarding appointment of Supervisors/BLOs/DOs of 57 AC Sri. Renuka Ji at Sangrah.
- VC on 26th August 11.00 AM regarding 2nd round of settlement of pending Audit Paras. Link will be provided to you soon
- Regarding organization National Role Play & Folk Dance Competition -2022.
- Google Sheet to supply School informatuion related to NDRF Data Govt. and Pvt. Schools
- Har Ghar Tiranga Campaign
- Regarding providing Basic information about your school (Contact email etc.)
- Regarding providing details NDRF Sheltering capacity in schools
- Regarding deities of DPE/PET for U-19 Boys/Girls Distt. Hockey tournament at GSSS Manpur Devra.
- Notification regarding Scheme of Assessment of 9th and 11th classes for the Academic session 2022-23.
- Regarding correction in Bank Details/Aadhar Card Number/UID etc. in the Scholarship Applications for the Academic Year -2021-22
- Reminder- Seniority List of Class_IV data
- Training programme at SCERT Solan 16-08-2022 to 18-8-2022 for School Lecturers.
- Regarding keeping the interest of the Public involved in Libraries.
- Non- providing of latest subject-wise Enrolment as on 20-07-2022.
- Regarding Meeting of Organizing Secretary /Incharges of Zonal & Distt. Tournament at o/o DDHE Sirmour on dated 12-08-2022.
- Regarding NSS Certificates and Safe Gaurding against Natural Claimities
- Regarding Online Coaching Classes
- Celebration of Covid Vaccine Azadi ka Amrit Mahotasav
- Submission of Virtual Lab/Class Room status
- Plantation of Trees Campaign 2022
- Regarding duties of DPE/PET for U-19 Boys/Girls Distt. Level Tournaments 2022.
- Invitation link join the WhatsAppo Group created for Head of Schools Distt. Sirmour
Supply order for
supply of 750ML Stainless Steel Drinking Water Bottles to the Education
Google sheet link for submission of NSS Monthly Report for the Month Sept. 2022
Google sheet for RTI Act Point No. 5 IT Fe Urgent matter, by tomorrow 11.00 AM
Regarding Supreme court order COVID 19 Children virus protection
अनुसूचित जाति कार्यक्रम (SCDP) के तहत हुये कार्यों में साईन बोर्ड लगवाने बारे |
TS NEGI 100 Topper Boys and 100 Toppers Girls of ST Category for the yr 2022-23
Swamy Vivekanand 2000 Topper of General Category for the yr 2022-23
DR Ambedkar Medhavi Chhatrivirity Yojna 1250 Topper of SC for the yr 2022-23
DR Ambedkar Medhavi Chhatrivirity Yojna 1000 Topper of OBC for the yr 2022-23
Training programme for School Lect./PGTs at SCERT Solan w.e.f. 10-10-2022 to 12-10-2022.
GSSS Kurla kharak renamed as Prashant Thakur GSSS Kurla Kharak
One day General Information course (Scout&Guide) at Nahan on 03-10-2022
Regarding preparation and updation of school disaster management Plan
Pl. fill the New Google sheet for IT fee details session 2020-21
Regarding pending online RTI applications/appeals on the dashboard of PIOs/FAAs.
Regarding duties of DPEs/PETs for U-19 Girls State level Tournament & Coaching Camp.
Google Sheet Link for submission of School safety Quarter Report (July to Sept 2022)
Google sheet link for submission of NSS Monthly Report for the Month Sept. 2022
Supply order for supply of 750ML Stainless Steel Drinking Water Bottles to the Education
- Department for use by the students of 9th class of Government schools.
- Regarding observance of COVID SOPs during the school tournaments.
- Pl. Click to the link to register yourself to get new connection from BSNL
- Training programme for NSS Trainers w.e.f. 05-08-2022 to 09-08-2022 at GBSSS Bharmaur (Chamba)
- Enhancement of remuneration by Maximum limit 1000/- (SMC Category)
- NMMSS Scholarship Scheme for the year 2022-23
- Revised rates of various Scholarship 2022-23.
- Google sheet for sbmission of NSS Monthly Report July 2022
- Submission of ACR for promotion to the post of Headmaters (TGT/Lecturers)
- Non- providing of latest Subject-wise Enrolment as on20-07-2022.
- Regarding Board results of 10th and 12th Classes for the year 2021-22.
- Regarding Supply of result of 10th and 12th class for the year 2021-2022 (Google Sheet Link)
- Regarding submission of the consolidated verified list(NSP) under Pre-Matric,Post Matric,Merit Scholarship for the year 2022-23.
- Revised date for collection of 9th and 11th classes compartment question papers August -2022.
- Corrigendum Promotion List Class-IV Daily wager
- Press Release National Scholarship Portal for the session 2022-23 apply all State , Centrally Sponsored Scholarship Scheme
- Announcement of Scholarship 2022-23 Pre-Matric , Post-Matric and Merit-sum-Means
- Press Release of Post Matric and Merit-cum-Means Scholarship Schemes for the year -2022-23
- Instructions/Guidelines related to National Scholarship Portal (NSP) for the year -2022-23
- Appointment of Nodal Officers for Electoral Literacy Clubs.
- Submission of Details One day conference with Secretary (NSS) Youth Affairs
- Regarding meeting of NCPCR to discuss the decision of Hon'ble Supreme Court
- Promotion order of Daily Wager to the post of Peon.
- HPBOSE Notification Practical Exam
- Regarding distribute of 9th and +1 classes compartment question papers August -2022.
- Har Ghar Tiranga Campaign
- Regarding implementation of Section 4(1)(a) of RTI Act,2005.
- Regarding detail of Adopted villages Unit Based data NSS
- Regarding complete operationalisation of Manav Sampada
- Google Sheet regarding providing complete status of CCTVs and Adhaar Enable attendance system in school
- Regarding monthwise detail of IT Fee for the session April 2022- 2023.
- Permission to celebrate Swantantrata ka Amrit mahotsav on 1st August 2022
- Regarding Celebration of “75th years of formation of Himachal Pradesh.
- Revised schedule of U-19 Boys/Girls Zonal & Distt. Level Tournament of Distt. Sirmour,2022.
- Regarding regular appointment in Horticulture Department (Class-IV)
- Submission of Twitter Account detail of NSS Units
- Regarding Board results of 10th and 12th Classes for the year 2021-22.
- Regarding Supply of result of 10th and 12th class for the year 2021-2022 (Google Sheet Link)
- NSS Volunteers details from schools
- Regarding up-gradation of ICT infrastructure/ Hardware in 29 GSSS of ICT @ School of Phase -1.
- Regarding provide the Bank Account Number for Contingency for U-19 Boys/Girls Zonal Tournaments,2022.
- Regarding safe transportation of students
- Opening of National Scholarship Portal (NSP) for the year 2022-23
- Vacancy position and Enrollment subject wise of Sr. Sec. Schools as per Google sheet link provided by DHE Shimla (Urgent)
- Regarding Proceeding of the NSS State Level Advisory committee
- Regarding revised schedule for U-19 Boys/Girls Zonal and Distt. Tournament Calender 2022-23.
- Regarding providing of latest Subject-wise Enrolment as on 20-07-2022.
- Regarding refresher course for DPE/PET at Una/Shimla/Bilaspur.
- Regarding Online registration for 30th HP Children Science Congress
- Observation of Eighth International Day of Yoga i.e. IDY-2022-reg.
- Regarding supplementary exmaination Date sheet
- Information regarding yearwise enrolment of minority students for the year 2020-21 & 2021-22
- विद्यालय में छात्रों को स्वास्थ्य सम्बन्धित जागरूक करने बारे |
- Regarding implementation od Centrally sponsored scheme of Pre and Post Matric Scholarship scheme for OBC,EBC,DNT PM(YASASAVI)
- Cooperation during Indian Human Development Survey in schools
- (Urgent matter) Action taken report about Cyber Jagrookta Diwas being celebrated on every Ist Wednesday
- Google Sheet regarding providing complete status of CCTVs and Adhaar Enable attendance system in school
- Regarding providing details NDRF Sheltering capacity in schools
- Regarding revised rates of Regular and Special Camps under NSS
- Regarding Certificates of NSS
- Awareness campaign- Beti Padhao Beti Bachao
- Non submission of the latest Category –wise/Class-wise Enrolment as on 25-05- 2022 (REMINDER-11) & List of Defaulter.
- Regarding Board results of 10th and 12th Classes for the year 2021-22.
- Regarding Supply of result of 10th and 12th class for the year 2021-2022 (Google Sheet Link)
- Training programme for Clerks/JOA(IT)/Jr. Assistants at SCERT Solan w.e.f. 18-07-2022 to 23-07-2022.
- Detail of drop-out students during Covid session 2020-21
- नशीली दवाओं के दुरूपयोग सम्बन्धी चलाये जाने वाले अभियान बारे |
- Instructions to conduct Parent Teacher Meeting.
- Regarding submission of ACRS
- For tentative seniority list of Peons as on 31-03-2022
- For submission of ACP and other cases
- Regarding NSS Special Camps
- Regarding opening of Online Nominations under Inspire Award Manak Scheme.
- Regarding Demand of Question Papers Ninth/Plus One.
- Regarding Demand of Question Papers Ninth/Plus one.
- Corrigendum regarding U-19 Boys Distt. Tournament w.e.f. 31-8-2022 to 03-09-2022 at GSSS Naina Tikker.
- Regarding Tentative schedule for Regular Inspection.
- Regarding Supply of result of 10th and 12th class for the year 2021-2022 (Google Sheet Link)
- Regarding supply of result of 10th and 12th class for the year 2021-2022.
- Regarding Opening of Online Nominations for the session 2022-23 through E-MIAS Portal under Inspire Award Manak Scheme.
- Regarding Sports Calendar & Duties for Zonal Tournament 2022-23.
- Regarding Board results of 10th and 12th Classes for the year 2021-22.
- Regarding Tentative District School Sports Calendar for the year 2022-23.
- Commencing of Audit of Schools under Education Department
- Heads of the schools are requested kindly provide Bank details of of the officers/Officials engaged with Police Constable duty (Only as per list attached on word sheet)
- Regarding Mid Day Meal.
- Regarding SCERT Training of Principals
- Google sheet for NSS Monthly Report June 2022
- For preparation of Seniority List of Suptt. Grade-II
- Regarding recruitment of DPE (01 Post)
- Regarding execution of provision contained under section 17 of the Right of Persons with Disabilities Act,2016 thereof.
- Office orders for Centre Superintendents and Invigilators for the conduct of written examination to the post of Police Constable being held on 03-07-2022. All the officers/Officials are requested bring their bank account numbers/IFSC code/Bank name and submit at the time of briefing meeting on 02-07-2022.
- Regarding submission of School Safety Quater Apr to June 2022 Report (Google sheet link)
- Regarding enhancement of remuneration of SMC teachers
- All worthy head of schools are requeted to provide the Name of Bank, Home Adress and Adhaar No(if available) and in some cases date/year of passing Matric class of the girl students mentioned in the Google sheet for NSIGSE Scheme 2017-18 for maturity payment through online. The data is required by tomorrow positively. Thanks
- Regarding submission of Monthly Report of NSS by NSS Unit schools
- Regarding re-scheduled written examination for the post of Constable being held on 03-07-2022 (Change of venue thereof).
- Training programme for Lab Attendants at SCERT Solan.
- Explanation regarding Non attending in-service training SCERT Solan.
- Google sheet to fill detail of Program Officers NSS Units Sirmour
- Google sheet to fill the vacancy details of GSSS
- Google sheet to fill the vacancy status of GHS
- Regarding exemption from Police Constable exam duty and list of substitute thereof .(Second list)
- Regarding exemption from Police Constable exam duty and list of substitute thereof .
- List of Schools who had not submitted the enrolment as on 25-05-2022 are directed to submit the desired information on the Excel sheet attached before 25-05-2022 as desired by the worthy DHE Shimla. (MOST URGENT & TOP PRIORITY.)
- Regarding exemption from written examination Police Constable duty and list of substitute staff engaged in the duty.(MOST URGENT).
- Regarding enrolment of Severe and profound CWSN under HBE programme in neighbourhood schools.
- Seeking Information regarding upgradation of Schools
- Submission of cases for promotion to LAs
- Google sheet for Incentive for Girls 2017-18 benefeciaries (Pending schools only)
- Google Sheet to supply School informatuion related to NDRF Data Govt. and Pvt. Schools
- Tentative Seniority List of Peons (Class-IV) Sirmour
- Regarding duty as Centre Superintendent and Invigilators for the written examination for the post of Police Constable on 03-07-2022.(MOST URGENT & PERSONAL ATTENTION).
- सिरमौर जिले को स्वच्छ एवंम सुन्दर बनाने हेतू प्रयास
- Heads of the Institution as per list attached are requested provide the Bank Account Numbers of Officials/Officers who perform the Police constable Examination duty on Excel Sheet so that the Honorarium can be transferred in their Account nos.
- Heads of Institutions as per list attached are requested to fill the Category-wise enrolment in the Excel sheet before 17-06-2022 at 12.00Noon positively as desired by the worthy Director of Hr. Education Shimla .
- Regarding increase of State Govt. Co-Contribution under Atal Pension Yojana.
- Regarding Government Schools Tournaments should be in COVID appropriate behavior.
- Implementation of " Mukhya Mantri Bal Suposhan Yojna" MMBSY for "Anemia Mukti Himachal."
- Regarding checking of vehicles, ferrying school children.
- National Scheme of Incentive for Girls Google Sheet
- National Scheme of Incentive for Girls(Letter)
- Principal GSSS Nihalgarh , Chhachheti , Kotla Barog regarding Judges For Youth Parliament Competition.
- Principals GSSS Rajgarh , Majra , Nohradhar , Sangrah , Dadahu , Kaffota ,Bankala , Boys Sarahan , Moginand , Millah , Shillai , Nagheta , Girls Paonta Sahib , Narag regarding District Level Youth Parliament Competition for the session 2022-23.
- Permission for International Yoga Day on 21-06-2022..
- Permission regarding holding Magic show at school level.
- To ensure proper monitoring of implementation of PM Poshan (MDM) Scheme.
- Proceedings /minutes of General House meeting of DSSA Sirmour held under the Chairmanship of DDHE on 27-05-2022.
- Regarding Topics for Declamation contest 2022-23 for U-19 Boys & Girls Tournament.
- National Yoga Olympiad from 18th to 20th June,2022 at NCERT reading.
- Transactions under PM Poshan (Mid Day Meal) Scheme at schools level in the State.
- Regarding Non Submission of UC of Road Safety Clubs.
- Regarding Amrita Meditation Session Google Sheet
- Meirt list of Matric 2020 for Laptops
- Merit List of Matric 2019 for Laptops
- Merit List of Plus Two 2019 for Laptops
- Merit List of Plus Two 2020 for Laptops
- Proforma for Laptops to be submiited by students while receiving