- Regarding "Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav"(AKAM Celebration)
- Regarding non- Supply of School Registration Report for Fit India Quiz 2021(REMINDER).
- Regarding Golden Jubilee of Full state hood celebration.
- Regarding sending Replies to items Received Non- Official Members of the Himachal Pradesh "Scheduled Caste Welfare Board ".
- Regarding reopening of School in Himachal Pradesh
- Meeting regarding Solar Power on 29-09-2021
- Regarding School Registration for Fit India Quiz GSSS/ GHS.
- Regarding Provision of Financial Assistance to those working diffrent capacities in case of their death due to COVID-19.
- Forwarding of Order passed by the Hon'ble Supreme Court of India
- Regularization of contract appointees in the Govt. Department- Instructions thereof.
- Regarding Office Procedure and Financial Administration (OPFA) Training status of school Principals/Headmasters.
- 17 सितमबर 2021 से 24 सितमबर 2021 तक "सामाजिक चेतना अभियान " मनाए जाने हेतु प्रस्तावित कार्यकर्मों की रूपरेखा ।
- regarding Disaster Management Plan 2021-22
- हिन्दी विकास मंच द्वारा आयोजित अंतर्राष्ट्रीय हिन्दी ओलंपियाड को हिमाचल प्रदेश राज्य के अंतर्गत आने वाले सरकारी व निजी विद्यालय में आयोजित करवाने हेतु ।
- Regarding Schools Registration for Fit India Quiz.
- Regarding Transfer of Funds under "School Safety Project".
- Regarding Essay Writing Competition to foster the engagement of school students in the campaign on issues of littered single use plastic.
- Regarding Inspection of Pvt. Institution in r/o their affiliation
- Regarding Police inquiry into the fake degrees issued by Manav Bharti University
- Regarding School Disaster Management Plan year 2021-22 (Filled Urgent in Attached Google Sheet)
- Regarding problem of Class IV Employees
- Regarding Work & Conduct Certificate of Part Time Water Carrier
- Regarding fit India Quiz for Schools under Fit India Movement
- Regarding State Level Painting, Slogan and Essay Writing Contest on Wildlife Week-2021
- Regarding Suo-Moto action on the news item published in Divya Himachal Newspaper on dated 05-04-2021
- Regarding adhoc committee meeting to be held on 28-29 September 2021 for unsettled audit Paras at DHE Shimla HP
- सेवा सप्ताह समारोह का कार्यक्रम |
- Regarding Fit India Quiz for Schools under Fit India Movement.
- Regarding Transfer of RTI Application under Section 6(3) of Right to Information Act,2005 to all the PIO-Cum-Principals, GSSS Distt. Sirmour.
- Office order regarding promotion of Daily wager to the post of Peon.
- Assembly Question Dy. No. 13/12/491 asked by Sh. Rakesh Singh (Theog) regarding "Pension to Employee".
- Notification regarding applying on line for compartment, additional subject , English only and improvement of performance August/September 2021.
- Regarding Vaccination of Teaching and Non-Teaching Staff same may be filled with immediate effect upto 26.07.2021 (Open With Google Sheet)
- Regarding Preparation of School Disaster Management Plans.
- Regarding Nationwide campaign about Tokyo Olympics-reg
- Regarding Unsafe School Buildings.
- Regarding Activities under NSS during 2021-22.
- Regarding Inspire Awards-MANAK online nominations for the year 2021-22 opening reg.
- Regarding Not update the Daily online Attendancereport on goggle sheet.
- Regarding infrastructure upgradation in 100 Schools in H.P.
- Regarding Report on Settlement of audit paras of different Higher Education.
- Regarding Extension of ongoing H.P. School Project to Impart IT - Education in Govt. Sen. Sec. Schools of the State ( Renewal of contract which has been expired on 30-6-21 )
- चतुर्थ श्रेणी कर्मचारियों की रिक्तियों की सूचना बारे
- Regarding extension of date of Admission upto 12th Classes.
- Regarding Vaccination of Teaching and Non-Teaching Staff same may be filled with immediate effect (OPEN WITH GOOGLE SHEET)
- Regarding regularization of PTWC/Daily Wages as Peon (C-IV)
- Regarding Preparedness for South-West Monsoon 2021.
- Regarding Requirement of Fixation Proposals for regular service of Class-IV
- Regarding Submission of amount under 50% Building Fund.
- Kindly Submit report on RWH of Shillai,Kaffota,Bakras,Dadahu,Nahan & Nohradahr Blocks by Today
- Regarding high %age of School girls being victim of kidnapping/abduction in H.P.
- Regarding Joint Action Plan on "Prevention of Drugs and Substance Abuse among Children and Illicit Trafficking"
- Regarding submission of BASP Proposals/Estimates for the year 2021-22
- वर्ष 2021 के शिक्षक दिवस के अवसर पर प्रकाशित स्मारिका के लिए लेख एवंम आलेख प्रेषित करने बारे |
- वर्ष 2021 के राज्य स्तरीय शिक्षक पुरस्कार बारे |
- Final Seniority List of Daily Wager of Distt. Sirmour (H.P.) as on 31-03-2021.
- Regarding Essay Writing Competition on theme " A Future without Plastic Waste-through Sustainability and Circularity"
- Regarding launched National Water Mission "Catch the rain Campaign".
- Regarding Physical & Financial Status under Swaran Jayanti Utkrisht Vidyalayas
- Information Regarding RWHTs in GSSS/GHS (Revised)
- Regarding Submission of amount under 50% Share of Scout & Guide Fund
- Regarding Conducting Activities on Disaster Awareness:
- Information regarding RWH in GSSS/GHS
- Information regarding Catch the Rain Campaign
- Regarding providing physical and financial status of the construction works along with UC
- Regarding promotion of NIOS.
- Regarding Swaran Jayanti Super 100.
- Regarding Summer Vacation and Monsoon break in the Govt. Schools in the State.
- Supply of the data Concerning Disaster Disaster Statistics for the year 2020-21.
- Regarding Work & Conduct Certificate of Part Time Water Carrier
- Regarding special vaccination drive for employees (teaching & Non-teaching) on 28,29/06/2021
- Regarding RTI Act,2005 Annual Report.(Reminder-1).
- Regarding Enrolment as on 25-06-2021.
- Regarding Checking Assistants.
- Regarding Group Affiliation and Registration of Government and Private Schools in the State with the Bharat Scouts and Guides.
- Regarding provide the physical & financial status of the construction work along with UC
- Guidelines for conduction written Examination for the persons with Benchmark Disabilities.
- Regarding Submission of amount under 40% Share of Sports Fund & 30% Share of Sports Development Contributory Fund.
- Regarding Annual Confidential Report (2020-21) on Manav Sampada Portal .
- Kindly send the Establishment return of HM in the attached Google sheet (open with Google sheet).
- Regarding Establishment of Lecturer/Class IV Employees as 30.06.2021
- Regarding Evaluation of Answer Sheets of Hindi (Matric) and English (Plus Two).
- Regarding Evaluation of Hindi (Matric) English (Plus Two) Answer Sheets.
- Regarding Covid-19 Vaccination
- Regarding evaluation of 10th(Hindi) and +2 (English) Board examination Paper
- Regarding World Environment day 2021 Celebration through digital means.
- Regarding Formation of Panchayat Level Covid Management Task Force.
- Regarding Prioritized groups for COVID-19 Vaccination
- Regarding category wise Enrollment of IT students from 9th to 12th classes as per proforma.
- Regarding Catch the Rain Campaign
- Regarding Physical Status of Building Work in Schools in r/o Distt. Sirmour (MOST URGENT)
- Regarding Updation E-Service Book on PMIS Portal
- Regarding Ganga Quest- An Online Quiz Competition
- Regarding postpone of selection trial for the Sports Hostels.
- Regarding category wise Enrollment of IT Students from 9th to 12th classes as per proforma.
- Regarding Enrolment as on 30-04-2021..
- Regarding deployment/utilization of staff of Education Department for vaccination and home isolation
- Regarding revising/ revising the syllabus/ original chapters/ concepts of remaining subjects to the tenth and twelfth classes whose annual examinations yet to be conducted by the board.
- Regarding Regularization of Daily Waged Worker/Contingent Paid
- तारांकित प्रशन संख्या 3732 जोकि करुणामूलक आधार पर नियुक्तियां बारे श्री मुकेश अग्निहोत्री हरोली व अन्य विधायको द्वारा पूछा गया है |
- Regarding Re-scheduling of "Digi-Saksham" Training programme for 9 to 10+2 teachers block wise on dated 27th April 2021.
- Suggestions on various issues.
- Regarding celebration of India's 75 years of Independance- Azadi ka Amrut Mahotsav.
- Regarding Restriction the entry in the office of DDHE District Sirmour
- Regarding Orientation workshop on COVID Appropriate Behaviour.
- Regarding guide lines for secure storage of Board Examination materials.
- Postponment of H.P. Board Examination in view of Covid -19 situations.
- Regarding requirement of pending budget demand for teachers appointed under SMC policy
- Regarding Restricting the Entry in the Directorate of Higher Education
- Regarding Presentation on COVID
- emand for teachers appoint under SMC policy-19 Situation in Himachal Pradesh
- Regarding implementation of Joint Action Plan under prevention of Drugs and Illicit Trafficking
- Regarding Rapid Survey questionnaire for online learning -reg.
- Regarding Vaccination of Staff District Sirmour
- Regarding Online Webinar on School Safety
- Appointment as Centre Co-ordinator for Annual Examination April/May,2021.
- Regarding Conducting Activities on Disaster Awareness Day: Marking the Anniversary on the Kangra Earthquake of 1905
- Regarding Opening of Educational Institution
- Regarding regularization of Contract Appointee
- Regarding Implementation of "School Safety Project"
- Regarding Minutes of the High Powered Committee Meeting held on 15.03.2021 at Peteroff
- Regarding Residential Workshop on Govt. e-MARKETPLACE (GeM) &Preventive Vigilence in Procedurement at Mussoorie.
- Regarding participation in Pariksha Sanwad with Hon'ble Chief Minister and Hon'ble Education Minister of H.P.
- अंशकालीन / देनिक वेतन भोगी कर्मचारी के नियमितीकरण बारे
- Regarding Extension of ongoing H.P. School Project to impart IT -Education in GSSS of the State.(Renewal of contract which is going to expire on 31-3-2021)
- Regarding Lecturer/Teacher for spot evaluation.
- Regarding Board examination to be held in April/May 2021.
- Regarding Non Board Classes Final Result March 2021
- Regarding RTI Act,2005 Annual Report.
- Regarding marking instructions for 9th class Social Science Paper , Annual exam March 2021.
- Guidelines /SOP for COVID-19.
- List of Schools who had install the Honor Board but not displayed the Names of Distinguished Achievers regarding “अखंड शिक्षा ज्योति मेरे स्कूल से निकले मोती”.
- List of defaulters school who had not Install the Honor Board regarding “अखंड शिक्षा ज्योति मेरे स्कूल से निकले मोती”.
- गैर बोर्ड कक्षाओं की वार्षिक परीक्षाओं के परिणाम घोषित करने बारे
- बोर्ड द्वारा अप्रैल 2021 में संचालित मात्रिक व जमा दो की वार्षिक परीक्षाओं की उत्तरपुस्तिकाओं के मूल्यांकन बारे
- Guidelines Regarding Gathering in Educational Institutions
- Regarding seniority/regularization of clerk/JOA(IT) appointed on contract basis
- Regarding marking instruction for 9th class English paper, Annual exam March 2021.
- Kindly send the Establishment return of LA/Peon as on 10/.03/2021 within two days positively to this office.
- Regarding Distribution of Board Question Papers for 9th and 11th classes
- Regarding Photographs of NCC Activities for Souvenir /Magazine.
- Regarding Contractual Teacher for accepting NCC ANO's assignment.
- Regarding Increase in Participation in Weekly Online Competition
- Regarding Reopening of Educational Institutions
- Regarding Online meeting Instruction with worthy Director
- Regarding opening of Hostels
- Regarding NMMS Examination 2020-21
- Submission of NSS Annual Report for the year 2020-21
- Meeting regarding Swaran Jayanti Utkrisht Vidyalaya on Dated 22/02/2021
- स्कूलों में बालआयुष मेला का आयोजन करने बारे
- Prepare of the list of works for drat Annual Schedule Caste Development Plan for the year 2021-22
- Prepare of the list of works for drat Annual Schedule Caste Development Plan for the year 2021-22
- Regarding scale down on the estimated cost of construction of Science Lab Blocks in GSSSs in HP
- Notification regarding Exam.
- Regarding Swaran jayanti Super 100.
- Latest Physical & financial status regarding R&M works.
- Supply and Distribution of School Uniform.
- All the NSS (POs) District Sirmour Kindly fill in the required information with immediate effect.
- Heads of Schools (As per List) are again directed to submit the Category wise Enrolment and Staff Position as on 15-12-2020 at Google sheet attached before 20-02-2021, as the information has desired by the Directorate for upcoming Assembly matters.
ज़िला सिरमौर में महिलाओं के विरुद्ध बड़ रहे अपराध के संदर्भ में1
Non submission of Distt Share of Sports Fund and Sports Development Contributory Fund.
- All the Principal/Headmaster GSSS/GHS Distt. Sirmour Regarding Attendance and status of COVID-19 Test
- Regarding regularization of Class iv employee
- Notification regarding Exam date for class 9th and 11th.
- Schedule for Free Text Books Distribution.
- Regarding Covid-19 testing of staff and students in the District
- Regarding regularization of Class iv employee in Horticulture Deptt.
- Regarding daily report of COVID Testing and Positive cases thereof
- पूर्ण राज्यातव दिवस की स्वर्ण जयंती को शीर्षक "स्वरनिम हियाचल" के अंतर्गत मनाए जाने बारे
- Regarding submission of Estimate for various construction works
- Regarding contact Numbers of Newly Promoted Headmaster as desired by the Directorate Shimla.
- स्वर्णिम हिमाचल प्रदेश पत्र के अंतर्गत "अखंड शिक्षा ज्योति मेरे स्कूल से निकले मोती "योजना के दिशा निर्देशों को कार्यान्वित व परिपालन करने बारे1
- Regarding Covid-19 testing of staff and students in the District.
- Regarding "Mukhya Mantri Yuva Khel Protsahan Yojna"
- All the Principal having NIOS Examination Centre
- Notification regarding HP Board Exam
- Regarding Guidelines for Tobacco Free Educational Institution
- Regarding CCTV Cameras.
- Regarding last date of Scholarship verification.
- Regarding Swaran Jayanti Utkrist Vidyalya.
- Regarding providing physical and financial status of the construction works along with UC.
- Regarding Catch the rain Campaign
- Regarding Online traing Financial Programme to be Conducted by Reserve Bank Of India
- पूर्ण राज्यातव दिवस की स्वर्ण जयंती को शीर्षक "स्वरनिम हियाचल" के अंतर्गत मनाए जाने बारे
- Regarding the Republic Day Quiz, Essay and Patriotic Poetry Competition
- Regarding Online In-service Training Programme of newly promoted School Principals from 02-01-2021 to 06-01-2021
- Guidelines for conducting written examination for the persons with Benchmark Disabilities.
- Regarding Observance of "National Road Safety Month"
- कक्षा दसवीं व बहरवी की प्री बोर्ड परीक्षाओ हेतु प्राशन पत्रों की प्रतिपूर्ति तथा दिनांक सूची बारे 1
- Re-Opening of Educational Institutions in Himachal Pradesh
- Regarding the availability of FTB e-Indents in r/o Summer/Winter Closing Schools
- Regarding Correction in 10th and 12th Certificate
- Schedule of Distribution of Sanitary Napkin Incinerators.
- Regarding send the names of DPE’s for qualified technical
experts (Referee/
Umpire/Judge ) of your schools for each Olympic Games Played
in SGFI.
- स्वर्णिम हिमाचल प्रदेश पत्र के
अंतर्गत “अखंड शिक्षा ज्योति मेरे स्कूल से निकले मोती” योजना के दिशा निर्देश को कार्यन्वित व
परिपालन कने बारे |
- Regarding providing the physical and financial status of the construction works along with UC by today 22/01/2021 for meeting with EM (MOST URGENT)
- Postponed of Supply of Sanitary Napkin Incinerators /
Free Steel Water Bottles/Disaster
- Regarding write ups for the state level Science, Mathematics & Environment Exhibition for School Children 2020-21
- Regarding contact Numbers of Newly Promoted Headmasters (Reminder-1).
- Regarding Change of Schedule of Supply of Sanitary Napkin Incinerators/Free Steel Water Bottles/Disaster Materials..
- List of those schools who had not submit the Category wise Enrolment & Teachers Strength as on 15-12-2020 are again directed to submit the same on Excel Sheet attached by 28-01-2021 positively.
- हिमाचल प्रदेश में शैक्षणिक संस्थानों को पुन: खोलने बारे |
- Regarding requirement of particulars of clerks for placement.
- Regarding Award of Scholarship in Skiing Courses.
- Regarding State Level Exhibition and Project Competition 2019-20.
- Regarding contact number of Newly promoted Headmasters.
- पंचायती राज संस्थाओं के सामान्य निर्वाचन 2020 के संचालन हेतु मतदान दलों के ठहरने व खाने इत्यादि की व्यवस्था बारे |
- Supply of Sanitary Napkin
Incinerators / Free Steel Water Bottles/ Disaster Materials
- Regarding providing Physical and Financial status of the construction works along with UC.
- Students selected for SLEPC-2019-20.
- Regarding All India Sainik Schools Entrance Examination 2021-2022 Session.
- Regarding Foundation for Smoke Free World (FSFW)
- Regarding Sub- Moto action on the news item published in Punjab Kesri Hindi Newspaper on dated 8/11/2020.
- Regarding contact number of Newly promoted Headmasters.
- Regarding maintain of RTI Act,2005 Register.
- Regarding Schedule of Type Test of clerks.
- Notification regarding 30% Syllabus.
- Regarding submission of Amount under 50% Share of Building fund (Common Pool).
- Regarding Micro Scholarship Program.
- Regarding Reopening of Schools in Summer Closing Areas.
- Regarding Pre-Board Exams.
- Office Order.
- Regarding inviting nominations for State Level Awards.
- List of Students for INSPIRE-2021 in R/O Distt. Sirmour.
- Regarding setting up sealing and training session of EVM for Municipal Council Election,2020-21 (Nahan MC).
- Election duty of Women staff in Panchayat Election Nahan Block.
- All the Heads of the Institutions are requested to provide their Contact Number along with Ministerial Staff and Email Id of the Institutions on the attached Google sheet .
- Regarding imparting IT-Education in all the Govt. Sr. Sec Schools.
- Head of the Institutions are again requested to submit the Category wise Enrolment and Teachers Strength as on 15-12-2020 before 05-01-2021 in the Google Sheet attached ,who had not submitted the same .(REMINDER -1).
- Regarding provide the Account Number & WhatsApp Number of the selected students for the state level csc-2020.
- Regarding Low Performance in Online Study/Quiz.
- Regarding Re-opening of Schools in Summer Closing Areas.
- Regarding Cancellation of Presiding officer Election duty orders.
- Office order regarding Presiding officers in Panchayat Election duty .
- हिमाचल प्रदेश में पंचायती राज संस्थाओं के सामान्य निर्वाचन -2020 के मद्धेनजर 15 से 21 जनवरी 2020 तक कार्यालय खुले रखने बारे |
- Provide the Account Number & WhatsApp Number of Students for state-level CSC-2020
- Regarding facilities in the polling booths Building during Election
- Regarding open schools during election wef 15/01/2021 to 21/01/2021 (List Attached)
- Regarding Election Duties of POs
- Regarding election Duties of ARO
- Information regarding duties of Presiding Officer/Polling Officer in Municipal committee Election Nahan.
- Regarding Suo-Moto on the news item published in Amar Ujala Hindi Newspaper
- Regarding the use of Logo of 50th years journey of Statehood
- Office orders regarding cancellation of ARO's duty in Panchayat Election Nahan Block.
- Duties of Assistant Returning Officers for Panchayat Election Nahan Block .
- Duties of Assistant Returning Officers for Panchayat Election Nahan Block.
- Regarding Assumption of Charge
- Regarding the Requirement of Documents for pay fixation for Class IV employees
- Seeking information regrading installation of Flex and Display of Hoardings at diffrent locations in H.P. from BPO Nahan/Narag/Nohradhar/Dadahu/ Majra.
- All the Principal/Headmaster GSSS/GHS having Board Examination Centers in their schools are directed to fill the latest status as per performa through Google Sheets.
- Reminder regarding CCTV cameras.
- Regarding SOS Centre.
- All the Principals/Headmasters of GSSS/GHS are requested fill the Category-wise/Class-wise Enrolment and Teachers strength as on 15-12-2020 in the attached Google sheet before 20-12-2020.
- Regarding fill, the desire information in attached google sheet (Van Mitra Yojna)
- Regarding Guidelines of Second Term Examination for Higher Grades(9th to 12th Classes).
- Regarding 'Eat right school' programme under 'Eat Right India' movement.
- Regarding All India Sainik Schools Entrance Examination 2021-22
- Regarding Latest status of CCTV Cameras (MOST URGENT)
- Regarding Admission in Tenth, Plus one & Plus Two Classes, Clarification thereof.
- Regarding providing the physical and financial status of the construction works along with UC
- Regarding submission of Consolidate verified list (NSP) Scholarship 2020-21
- Regarding conduct online Distt level CSC-2020
- चतुर्थ श्रेणी कर्मचारी की रिक्तियों की सूचना ।
- All the Principal/Headmaster regarding registation Khelo India National Fitness Programme.
- Regarding supply of Details of Newly promoted School Principals and fill the information on attached Excel Google sheet.
- Regarding Contractual Teacher for accepting NCC ANOs assignment.
- Regarding the information of Lecturer(SN)/ PGT as per proforma
- Fit India Awareness Programme Himachal Pradesh Board of School Education with Sports authority of India (SAI) under the Khelo India National Fitness Programme for Schools in Online mode.
- Regarding Finance department review presentation.
- Board Notification
- Regarding Fit India Awareness Online training Programme Link
- All The BPOs Regarding celebration of Fit India School Week in Dec 2020
- Restrictions/Ban to Organize the Farewell Parties/Lunch Parties/ Retirement Parties in the Educational Institutions in View of Covid-19, Pandemic
- Regarding Fit India Awareness Programme Himachal Pradesh Board of School Education with Sports Authority of India (SAI) under the Khelo India national Fitness Programme for Schools in Online mode.
- Regarding the report on a webinar on sensitization ToFEI Guidelines
- Regarding Reopening of Educational Institutions in Himachal Pradesh
- Regarding Khelo India Fitness App.
- Regarding regularization of left out PTA (GIA) teachers appointed in 2008 and 2009
- Regarding Postponement and rescheduling of NTSE Stage-1 & NMMS Examination 2020
- Regarding the training of teachers on the Ujjwal Bhavishya Career Guidance Program
- Regarding Video Conference Held on Dated 12/11/2020 at Director of Hr. Education HP Shimla
- Regarding District Level Exhibition and Project Competition under INSPIRE AWARD MANAK Scheme for the year 2019-20
- Regarding Postponed Online (Cisco Webex App) Financial Literacy Training
- Regarding Special Vacations in Educational Institutions in Himachal Pradesh.
- Regarding Directives/ Advisories/ Guidelines in view of COVID-19, Pandemic, reg.
- Regarding Reopening of Educational Institutions in Himachal Pradesh
- Regarding the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act (POCSO Act)
- Aadhaar Enrolment and Updation Activities.
- Regarding Vidhan Sabha Assembly Question
- Merit List 2000 Toppers List Under Swami Vivekanand Utkrisht Chatravriti Yojana for General Students for the year 2020-21
- Regarding Merit List 10 Toppers List Under Indira Gandhi Utkrisht Chatravriti Yojana , Arts, Commerce and Science for the year 2020-21
- Regarding Merit List 100 ST Male Toppers Under Thakur Sen Negi Utkrisht Chatravriti Yojana For the Year 2020-21
- Regarding Merit List 100 ST Female Toppers Under Thakur Sen Negi Utkrisht Chatravriti Yojana For the Year 2020-21
- Regarding Merit List 1000 OBC Toppers under Dr. Ambedkar Medhavi Chatravriti Yojana for OBC Students for the year 2020-21
- Regarding Merit List 1000 SC Toppers under Dr. Ambedkar Medhavi Chatravriti Yojana for SC Students for the year 2020-21
- Regarding 2000 Merit List Under Kalpana Chawlla Chatravriti Yojana Scheme for Girls Students for the year 2020-21
- All the BPOs, Principals & Headmasters GSSSs/GHSs of Distt. Sirmour Regarding Online Financial Literacy Programme
- Regarding %age in scholarship cases on National Scholarship portal 2020-21
- Regarding implementation strategy community-based Deworming
- Regarding Nodal Officer for Admission of Children with Disabilities
- Regarding Attendance of Teaching and Non-Teaching Staff.
- Regarding National Scholarship Portal (NSP)
- Regarding Applying Online Scholarship.
- Regarding online scholarship application under pre-matric OBC scholarship scheme
- Regarding participation of Students from 9th to 12th classes in the Weekly Quiz & e-learning responses.
of 150th Birth Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi Ji organizing closing
- Regarding steps to be taken by the State/UTs for continuing Education of Children of Migrant Labourers.
- Regarding Extension of Vacations, Arrangements of Online Digital and Distance Learning of Students w.e.f. 13-07-2020.
- All the Principal GSSS/Headmaster GHS of Distt. Sirmour regarding ACR of Ministerial Staff
- All the Principal GSSS/Headmaster GHS of Distt. Sirmour regarding regularization of left out para teachers.
- All the Principal GSSS/Headmaster GHS of Distt. Sirmour for information and further necessary action.
- All the Principal GSSS/Headmaster GHS of Distt. Sirmour Regarding re-validation of account of NNMMS
- All the Principal GSSS/Headmaster GHS of Distt. Sirmour Regarding vacancy report for the appointment of PTMTW
- All the Principal GSSS/Headmaster GHS of Distt. Sirmour Regarding regularization of the PTA's DPEs
- All the Principal/BPO G.S.S.School of Distt. Sirmour Regarding Organize wall painting and Essay Competitions. (URGENT)
- All the Principal G.S.S.School (NSS) of Distt. Sirmour Kindly send filled NSS Proforma by 2PM today to this office.(URGENT)
- All the Principal GSSS/Headmaster GHS of Distt. Sirmour Regarding regularization of the PTA's
. Regarding detail of IT Fee
. Regarding category wise Enrollment of IT Students
. Regarding Safety Quarterly Newsletter
. Regarding "Akand Shiksha Jyoti Mere School Se Nikle Moti"
All the Block Project Officer/Principal are requested to submit the Daily Feedback report of E-Learning Program on the Proforma attached (Excel Sheet) to this office .
Regardingexpenditure various Tournament at Distt. and Zonal level Tournaments2019-20.
Organisationof e Parents teacher Meeting (e-PTM)an all the Govt. Schools.
Regarding promotion order of Daily Wages to Peon.
Regarding submission of Amount under 40% Share of Sports Fund & 30% Share of Sports Development contributory Fund.
Schedule of Type Test of Clerks.
बजटआशवासन -2020( प्रदेश के पंजाबी भाषी क्षेत्र सेस्कूलों में आवश्यकता पंजाबी अध्ययन का विवरण ) |
Non submission of RTI Act Annual Report(List of defaulter schools) TIME BOUND/ PERSONAL ATTENTION.Regarding submission of Amount under 40% Share of Sports Fund & 30% Share of Sports Development contributory Fund.
Schedule of Type Test of Clerks.
बजटआशवासन -2020( प्रदेश के पंजाबी भाषी क्षेत्र सेस्कूलों में आवश्यकता पंजाबी अध्ययन का विवरण ) |
The Principal/HM GSSS Amboya, Toka Nagla, Barag, Manpur Devra, Marighat, Bankala, Habban Nagheta, Gorkhuwala, Chhcheti, Tatana, GHS Thaina Basturi, Kotri Bias, Apron, Nihog, Bankala-II Regarding SCSP WORKS. Click here for proforma. list of works
Regarding joining report Dy. Director of Higher Education Distt. Sirmour
Regarding Unsafe Building
The Principal Rajgarh, Nahan, Kaffota, Baghani, Jamna, Ngheta, Boghdhar, Naina Tikkar, Jamta, Timbi, Bakras, Bikram ka Bag, Barag, Jarol Taproli, Tatiana Regarding 11th Vidhan Sabha
Arrangements for the conduct of Himachal Pradesh Administration Services Combined Competition (Preliminary) Examination,2019
Regarding Review of Activities for Celebration of 50th year of statehood
Regarding allotment of CWG Flats at concessional rates
Regarding Bad Condition of Classrooms of Govt. School in HP
Regarding Drug Free Himachal App.
Regarding Enrolment/Registration/Admission of Students up to 12th Classes on or before 31st July,2020.
All the Principal Private Sr Sec Schools/Pvt High School of Distt. Sirmour Regarding Publicity of this circular to all thev parents/students
Regarding notification from HPBOSE Dharamsala
All the Principal GSSS/Private Schools/Headmaster GHS of Distt. Sirmour Regarding Inviting nominations for INSPIRE Awards- MANAK 2020-21
All the Principal GSSS/Headmaster GHS of Distt. Sirmour Regarding confirmation of DPEs
All the Principal GSSS/Headmaster GHS of Distt. Sirmour Regarding School safety Project
. All the Principal cum BPOs of Distt Sirmour regarding feedback
. All the Principal GSSS/Headmaster GHS of Distt. Sirmour Regarding Scout and Guide unit registration
. All the Principal GDC/GSSS/Headmaster GHS of Distt. Sirmour Regarding regularization/promotion of PTWC
. All the Principal GDC/GSSS/Headmaster GHS of Distt. Sirmour Regarding regularization/promotion of PTWC
All the Principal GSSS/Headmaster GHS of Distt. Sirmour Regarding regularization/promotion of PTWC in Health Department
. All the Principal GSSS/Headmaster GHS of Distt. Sirmour Regarding Information of damage in the school building
. All the Principal/Headmaster GSSS/GHS who had not submit the RTI Annual Report are again directed to submit the same today at 4.00 P.M. i.e. 18-07-2020 on the prescribed performa.
. All the Principal /HM GSSS/GHS (List attached) Sirmour Regarding providing the physical and financial status of the construction works along with UC
. All the Principal GSSS/Headmaster GHS/Private Schools of Distt. Sirmour Regarding Guidelines for Digital Education -MHRD
Regarding proforma of left out National Means-cum-Merit Scholarship Scheme(NMMSS)
Regarding UC and instruction of NSS activities
Fill up linked proforma Regarding information about CCTV Camera don't having examination center (MOST URGENT AND OPEN WITH GOOGLE SHEET)
Regarding Notification of SDMF & DDMF and Guidelines
Regarding "Har Ghar Pathshala" Helpline Numbers, thereof.
All the Principal GSSS/Headmaster GHS of District Sirmour regarding School Result (MOST URGENT)
All the Principal GSSS/Headmaster GHS of District Sirmour Regarding "Atal School Vardi Yojna"
All the Principal GSSS/Headmaster GHS of District Sirmour regarding Provision of financial assistance
Regarding CM Announcements, The Principal/HM GSSS/GHS Surla, Moginand, Nihog, KW Bhood, Parduni, Birla, Majra, Kala amb, Bohlion, Bikram Bag, Nahan Boys, Bankala 2, Naya gaon, Apron, Sanio Deedag, Basahan,Nai Neti, Kotri Bias, Jarag, Mandwach, Lana Pallar, Nohradhar, Tatiana are requested to furnish the information today by 12:00 PM as per the attached proforma along with the copies of A/A & E/S and Santions of the amount released till date. The Date of announcement made must be provided.
All the Principal GSSS/Headmaster GHS/Private Schools of District Sirmour regarding Mission 2022 and National Conference on the best practices.
- Regarding the instances of wrong distribution of Q. Papers in the Board Examinations
- Regarding the supply of result of 10th and 10+2 class for the year 2019-20.
- वर्ष 2020 के शिक्षक दिवस के अवसर पर प्रकाशित स्मारिका के लिये लेख एवं आलेख प्रेषित करने बारे |
- All the Principals of Private Schools of Distt Sirmour Regarding Collection of fees during lockdown
- The Principal/HM GSSS Nahan Boys, Narag, Amboya, Paonta Boys, Nohradhar, Bakras, Chandni, Ajoli, Rampur Bharapur, Paonta Girls, Nehar Sawar,/ GHS Maina, Jamu Koti, Devna Thanga, Chowki Mrigwal, Thor Niwar, Naya (Regarding R & M Works)
- Regarding Regularization of Lecturer (School New) Commerce.
- Regarding Direction for Disposal of Green Waste under "MID DAY MEAL" in Schools
- Regarding Activities Relating to Constitution Day/Citizen's Duties thereof
- All the Principals of Private Schools of Distt Sirmour Regarding RTI Information
- All the Principal GSSSchools of Distt Sirmour regarding IT Enrollment 2020-21
- The Principal GSSS Sarahan, Sangrah, NahanGirls, Dadahu, Shillai are requested to email the latest information regarding Rain Water harvesting Tanks and Fire Extinguisher of your entire Block as per the given proforma by tomorrow Dated: 03/07/2020.
- The BPO cum Principal Sangrah and Sarahan are once again requested to send the information of your complete Block regarding the transfer of land to the education department on the given proforma to this office immediately.
- Reminder All the Principal cum BPOs GSSS Nahan Girls, Shillai, Dadahu, Sarahan, Rajgarh, Nohradhar, Sataun, Sangrah, Paonta Girls, Narag, Kaffota, Surla. (regarding rainwater harvesting)
- Information regarding transfer of land to the education department. For all BPOs cum Principals to provide the information of your Block tomorrow by 12:00PM positively. Click here for proforma(MOST URGENT)
- Regarding imparting IT-Education Schools
- All the Principals of Private Schools of Distt Sirmour
- Regarding Data of Sexual Harassment committee of Schools 2019-20 (most Urgent)
- Regarding digitization of Service book entries on PMIS & send the report to the attached treasury as per schedule.
- Regarding International Drug Abuse Day and Massage on 26/06/2020
- Non Submission of RTI Act,2005 Annual Report.(MOST URGENT)
- Regarding teaching session on COVID-19 to NSS worker and NCC Volunteers
- अंतर्राष्ट्रीय नशा निवारण दिवस केआयोजन बारे
- All the Principal cum BPOs GSSS Nahan Girls, Shillai, Dadahu, Sarahan, Rajgarh, Nohradhar, Sataun, Sangrah, Paonta Girls, Narag, Kaffota, Surla. (regarding rainwater harvesting)
- All the Principal GSSS Bagthan,Bankala,Bogdhar,Habban,Majra,Millah,Shivpur,Kanti Mashwa regarding Audit Paras
- Regarding detail of Nodal Officer for Disaster management and drug abuse of GSSS/GHS Distt. Sirmaur.
- Reminder Kindly upload three best photographs of a complete building in all respect as early possible on given link:-
- Regarding option/biodata for promotion to the post of lecturer(school-new)
- Regarding providing of Information regarding funds lying unspent in the GSSS/GHS as per the proforma given herewith.
Regarding Publicize and Popularize the use of "Sewa Setu Sirmaur"
All the Principal GSSS/Headmaster GHS/Private Schools of District Sirmour
Regarding month-wise detail of IT FEE
All The Principal GSSS Ditt Sirmour Regarding the demand of pending budget of SMC Teacher
Regarding supply of three best Photographs of completed building in all respects.
link: https://forms.gle/cfQUiNYmAbNhAeex9
- Regarding video meeting of INSPIRE Awards-MANAK 2020 and online nomination for 2020-21
- Regarding Left out Cases of Scholarship Holders of Project NMMSS
- Regarding Residential Schools for SCs
- Year wise information in respect of budget allotted and spent/unspent during the financial year 2001 to 31/03/2020. MOST URGENT
- Submission of Actual Enrolment of Classes 6th to 12th for the distribution of school Uniform under "Atal School Vardi Yojna" for the year 2019-20.
- Regarding Nominations for the NSS National Award 2018-2019
- Regarding the effective management of plastic waste
- Regarding Logo and Tagline of the 50th Statehood Celebration (most urgent)
- All the GSSS/GHS are directed to submit the Annual Report of RTI Act,2005 for the year 2019-20 as on 31-03-2020 on the Excel sheet before 06-06-2020.
- Regarding 10+2 Board Examination Sub- Geography
- Regarding Registration of all Schools for Fit India Movement.
- Onboarding National (JEE/NEET) & Govt. Recruitment Exam. Aspirants with Embibe -Al based Learning Platform.
- Regarding Collection of Fee by Private School During COVID-19 Lockdown.
- Regarding PTWC to Daily Wages
- Regarding Regularization of Daily Wages to Peon
- Regarding PTWC to Daily Wages
- All Principal GSSS/Head Master GHS Distt. Sirmour
- Information regarding total amount of Fees/ Funds realized by private schools till date.
- All the Principals/Headmasters GSSS/GHS/Private Schools of Distt Sirmour
- Regarding Regularization of Daily Waged Worker/Contingent Paid Worker and Contract employees
- Regarding Enrollment of classes from 6th to 12th for session 2020-21
- Regarding Enrollment/Registration/Admission of Students up to 12th Classes
- Regarding unutilized fund in bank account --
- Regarding Regularization of contract appointees of Lecturer/PGTs-School Cadre of Distt. Sirmour
- Regarding salary of IT teacher for the month of 04/2020
- Distribution of Free Text Books to Students.
- All Principal GSSS/Head Master GHS Distt. Sirmour regarding one day salary
- Regarding detail of funds lying unutilized in bank account as on 30/04/2020
- All the Private School Management(s)/Principal/Headmaster (affiliated to any board) Regarding fees
- Proposal regarding evaluation of Matric and +2 Standard Board Examination Papers.
- All the Principals/Headmasters GSSS/GHS/Private Schools regarding e-content
- All the Principals/Headmasters GSSS/GHS/Private Schools regarding e-content (urgent)
- Regarding Digital Learning Initiatives for students of class 9th to 12th
- All Principal GSSS/Head Master GHS Distt. Sirmour regarding NSS,NCC & Scout n Guid
- All the Private School Management(s)/Principal/Headmaster (affiliated to any board)
- Regarding closure of all the Govt. and Private (SSS/HS) Schools w.e.f. 01-04-2020 to 14-04-2020 in view of the threat of the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Regarding Extension of last date of deposit of school fees (Private Schools).
- All Principal Pvt.S.S.School/Pvt.High School for Compliance
- Regarding Postpone the 10+1 and10+2 Examination.
- Office order for Teaching Staff regarding not to come to the the Institutions till 31-03-2020.
- Regarding prepare of Roster for Teaching & Non-Teaching Staff.
- Order U/S 34 of National Disaster Management Act,2005.
- General instructions regarding Chaitra Navratra Mela Trilokpur -2020.
- Final Seniority list of PTWC as on 31-12-2019 of Distt. Sirmour (H.P.).
- All The Principal/Headmaster are directed to update e salary code as per attached link tomorrow before leaving school (treated most urgent)
- Kindly update your e salary code in the attached link of your school by today
- Regarding Action Plan for Swachhata Pakhwada 2020
- All the Principals having NSS Unit
- Celebration of constitution day
- Regarding Annual Report Proforma.
- All Principal GSSS/Head Master GHS Distt. Sirmour
- All Principal GSSS/Head Master GHS Distt. Sirmour
- Regarding scouts and guides 50% share
- Regarding appointment of Head Examiner/sub-Examiner for spot evaluation
- Advisory regarding coronavirus
- Kindly update Bad condition of Classrooms of all Govt. School Of Distt. Sirmour in Performa Attached by today (MOST URGENT)
- Regarding Implementation of " EK Bharat Shrestha Bharat (EBSB) Programme and Activities in School of H.P.
- Regarding Supply of consolidated month-wise detail of IT Fee deposited from Sep-2019 to March-2020.
- Regarding Celebration of POSHAN Pakhwada.
- Regarding the Kangra Earthquake Anniversary.
- Regarding CWPIL No. 33/2019- Bad Condition.
- Regarding Press Release.
- Regarding various demands.
- Regarding the collection of UDISE + data online as on 30-9-2019.
- Regarding Organizing Youth Parliament Competition.
- Regarding biometric attendance
- Regarding CCTV cameras information.
- Regarding exam duty.
- All Principal GSSS/Head Master GHS Distt. Sirmour
- All Principal GSSS/Head Master GHS Distt. Sirmour
- Regarding celebration of Fit India Week in the school in the month of December 2019 and encouraging all school to acquire of Fit India Certificate.
- Regarding document for pay fixation
- All Principal GSSSS/Head Master GHS Distt. Sirmour
- All Principal GSSSS/Head Master GHS Distt. Sirmour
- Regarding biometric attendance & attendance register
- Please collect Q. Papers of class 9th & 10+1 WEF 03/03/2020 to 05/03/2020 from DDHE Sirmour.
- Regarding the meeting of DISHA
- Regarding Notification
- Regarding minutes of SL-SMC meeting under MDM scheme
- Regarding activities to be performed on bag free day in 2020-21
- Regarding updating of mobile no. and e-mail id in r/o teachers in PMIS
- Regarding regularization of PTWC /Daily Wages
- Regarding Question Paper of 9th & 10+1 Classes
- Regarding biometric attendance & attendance register
- All The Principal GSSS & HM GHS of distt. Sirmour
- Reminder regarding notification of HPBOSE Dharamsala.
- All The Principal GSSS & HM GHS of distt. Sirmour
- All Principal(Having Sci. Classes) Regarding assembly Question
- Regarding Regularization of PTWC/Daily wages in health & family dept.
- Schdule & Mechanism for Free Textbook
- Regarding updation of e Service book on PMIS
- RegardingCCTV cameras for the incoming Board Examination.
- Regarding Laptop Proforma Session 2017-18
- Regarding Contractual Teachers for Accepting NCC ANOs Assignment.
- बेटी बचाओ बेटी पदाओ योजना के अंतर्गत वर्ष 2019-20 के लिये मेधावी छात्रों का ब्यौरा भेजने बारे |
- Notification regarding Board duty.
- All Principal GSSS/Head Master GHS Distt. Sirmour. Regarding Poshan Abhiyan
- 💁💁Its very sorry to say thatMajra, Shillai, Dadahu, Sataun, Bakras, Nohradhar, and Narag Blocks have not Submitted there Status on RECTLARR ACT 2013They are requested to do the needful at the earliest.
- 💁💁Its very sorry to say thatNahan(Girls),Nohradhar, and Narag Blocks have not Submitted there Status onFire Extinguisher InstallationThey are requested to do the needful at the earliest.
- Minutes of the 7th "State Level Committee (SCL)Meeting held under the chairmanship of Smt. Rajwant Sandhu at 11:AM on 04-12-2019.
- Regarding Submission of Monthly report of campaign against Drug Abuse.
- Regarding Up- gradation of GMSs to the level of GHSs.
- Regarding strict Prohibition on caste based discrimination in Educational Institution.
- Notification from HPBOSE for Examination Centres.
- Notification from HPBOSE for supervision.
- Notification from HPBOSE for PGT(IP) or teacher.
- Regarding poor result.
- Regarding Evaluation of Model EC-555B1 of Cell Phone Jammer of M/S ECIL.
- Regarding Boundary Wall and Fencing
- Regarding INSPIRE Award
- Regarding Dismantle and Status of Building
- Notification from HPBOSE regarding Practical Examination for +2 class.
- Notification from HPBOSE regarding Practicals for 10th class.
- All Principal GSSSS/Head Master GHS Distt. Sirmour
- Regarding Inspire Official Duty
- Regarding POCSO Act,2012
- All Principal GSSS/Head Master GHS Distt. Sirmour. Regarding Intoxication
- भारत की जनगणना 2021 फील्ड ट्रेनर , पर्यवेक्षक और प्रगणकों के नियुक्तियों के बारे में (नाहन तहसील
- The Principal, Regarding Inspire Award
- The Principal GSSS Kamrau,Ajoli,Kolar,Pabiyana,Dharampur, Wasni,Jaiher, Deva Manal,Mattar
- All The Principal Cum BPOs
- Tentative Seniorty list of PTWC as on 31-12-2019 of District Sirmour (HP).
- Notification from HPBOSE Dharamshala regarding Annual Examination of 9th and 11th classes.
- Notification Regarding HPBOSE Dharamsala
- Holding of Himachal Pradesh Subordinate Allied Service (Preliminary) Examination-2019 on 9th February, 2020.
- Training programme at HIPA Shimla for Principal &; Officials 27-01-2020 to 31-01-2020.
- Celebration of National Girl Child Day on 24.01.2020
- Regarding guidelines for conducting written examination persons with Benchmark Disabilities.
- Regarding free from intoxication to Himachal Pradesh.
- Guide line regarding implementation of POCSO Act, 2012.
- Regarding Fee & Fund of Private Schools 2020-21
- Regarding National Voter's Day
- Regarding NSS Volunteers Participation
- Non submission of Distt. Share of Sports Fund.
- Non submission of Distt. Share 30% of Sports Development Fund.
- All the Principal's/Head Master's of School
- The Principal GSSS Birla/Nainidhar/Dhaun/Shargaon/Puruwala/Jamniwala/Burma Papri/Galanaghat/Jadol Taproli/Jamna/Gorkhuwala/Panjahal.
- Reminder to supply information regarding Board Examination centres.
- Training of School Heads under Leadership Programme (2019-20) at DIET Nahan.
- Training programme at HIPA Shimla for Principal w.e.f. 27-01-2020 to 29-01-2020.
- Regarding Preparation of school Management Plans.
- Regarding PFMS Transaction Failure of INSPIRE Award
- Installation of Fire Extinguisher in the Schools/Implication of direction of the Hon'ble Supreme Court of India regarding issuance of "NOC'.
- Regarding name of Lecturer , TGT , C&V for centre Superintendent & Deputy Superintendent for Annual Examination March-2020.
- Regarding Regularization Order 2020
- Regarding Purchase of Sanitary Napkin Incinerators
- Regarding Pariksha Pe Charcha 2020 at Talkatora Stadium, New Delhi on 20-01-2020 (MOST URGENT ) Report Today at 2.00P.M..
- Regarding 7th State Level Committee constituted vide Hon'ble NGT orders OA No. 606 of 2018, compliance of solid waste Management Rules , 2016.
- Regarding celebration of Fit India Week in all school in the month of December 2019 and encouraging all school to acquire Fit India Certificate.
- Pariksha pe Charcha on dated 20-01-2020 at 11.00A.M.
- Regarding Supply the panel of eligible Lecturers for Setting & Moderation of question papers.
- Training Programme at SCERT Solan for School Lect. in Biology w.e.f. 15-01-2020 to 17-01-2020.
- Regarding Notification & Date Sheet of Regular 10th & 10+2 , SOS 8th , 10th & 10+2 March 2020.
- 💁💁Its very sorry to say thatAjoli, Bagthan, Bankala, Burma Papri, Bechar Ka Bag, Bheron, Birla, Boghdhar, Bobgli Khetch, Chachheti, Chakli, Chambidhar, Chhogtali, Dadahu, Dahan, Daya, Dothi Manjgaon, Dhyar Tikri, Dhaun, Drabil, Galana Ghat, Gorkhuwala, Haripurdhar, Hallan, K W Bhood, Kala Amb, Kathwar, Khood, Killour, Korag, Koti Dhiman, Kota Pab, Lana Pallar, Madia Ghat, Manal Dhouchi, Mandwatch, Mangarh, Matter, Mugla wala Kartarpur, Nahan(boys), Nahan(Girls), Naina Tikker, Narag, Nihal Garh, Pabiana, Pallion, Panog, Panwa, Phagoo, Punnar Dhar, Puruwala, Rajgarh, Deva Manal, Rama, Rampur Bharapur, Rampur Ghat, Sainwala, Sangrah, Sanio Deedag, Sanora, Sarsu, Sataun, Manpur Devra, Shawga, Shillai, Shivpur, Soda Dhiayari, Surla, Tatiana, Toka Nagla, Trilokpur, Bhuira, Bardhal madana, Chawki Mrigwal, Shakoli, Diuri Kharakan, Gehal Dimaina, Malhoti Schools have not updated PMIS Progress Status to 100% on the given siteYou are directed to do the needful with in a week .
- Regarding Fecing or Boundary Wall
- Regarding RFCTLARR Act 2013
- Regarding minutes of meeting & expansion of Union HPNTEF
- Regarding upgradation of GMS to GHS
- Regarding work & conduct of PTWC
- Regarding promotion of peon
- regading use of mail and blog spot
- Regarding Installation of Sanitary Napkin Incinerators in Private Schools-CWPIL No. 2455/2017 titled as M/s Prem Mohini Vs State of H.P. and others.
- Regarding awards for Enterise Development and promotion of Brand MSME.
- Regarding re-scheduling of INSPIRE AWARD MANAK DATE
- List of Local Holidays Distt. Sirmour for the Year 2020.
- All the Principal/Headmaster of Govt./Privately Managed Sr. Sc./High School of Distt. Sirmour for Information and necessary compliance.
- Regarding upgradation of GMSs to GHSs
- one day meeting regarding inspire 2019 on 19/12/2019
- Instruction regarding Medha Protsahan Yojna.
- Regarding Pariksha Pe Charcha 2020 at Talkatora Stadium, New Delhi on 16-01-2020.
- Regarding Ensuring the Saftey and Security of the school Student during Tournaments.
- Regarding 7th State Level Committee constituted vide Hon,ble NGT orders OA No. 606 of 2018, compliance of solid waste Management.
- Regarding imparting IT- Education in all the Govt. Sr. Sec. Schools of the State.
- Regarding submission of Revised Consolidate varified List(NSP) under Pre Matric and Post Matric Scholarship for the year 2019-20.
- To enclose the schools permises with Fencing or Boundary wall-issue of instructions thereof
- एक दिन स्कूल के नाम- पल्स्टिक कचरा उन्मूलन
- Scheme for Rehabilitation Supportnto Minor Victims of Rape, Child Abuse & Ojectification Background.
- Office Order (DLEPC)
- महात्मा गाँधी जी के १५०वी वर्षगांठ सम्बंधित सूचना भेजने हेतु परफॉर्मा
- Information regarding PTWC particulars
- Regarding Awards for Enterprise Development and Promotion of Brand MSME.
- Measures regarding Underage Driving amongst School Children.
- Application for Cash Awards 2019-20.
- World AIDS Day celebration Report
- 💁💁Its very sorry to say thatDahan, Dhaun,Dudham Matyana,Hallan, haripurdhar,Jaihar, Jamna, Jamukoti, Jhakando, Kaffota, Kamlahar< Kathwar, Korag, Kotla bangi, Kota Pab, Lana Cheta, Manal Douchi, Mughlawala Kartarpur, Nahan(Girls), Pabiyana, Panar, Panog, Panwa,Phagoo, Punnerdhar, Rampur Bharapur, Sangrah, Sarahn(Boys), Shwga, Shillai, Tatiana, Wasni, GHS Sainwala, Chowki Mrigewal, Sakholi, Diuri Kharan, Gehal Demaina, and Malhoti Schools have not updated PMIS Progress Status onThey are requested to do the needful at the earliest.
- Submission of ACRs for the years 2017-18 & 2018-19
- INSPIRE AWARD MANAKscheme regardingorganisation of DLEPC 2019-20
- Regarding Pradhan Mantri Shram Yogi Maan Dhan Pension Scheme
- All the Block Project Officers to supply the information as on 30-09-2019 as per performa attached
- स्वामी विवेकानन्द जन्मोत्सव समारोह |
List of teachers whose service book required correction in E-Salary Code
- Regarding Permission to NGOs thereof.
- **Top Priority-All heads are requested to update google sheet listed below (Copy and Paste on address bar) with the overall employees of various categories (who have been allotted E-salary Codes) of your schools with in three days and then further periodic targets after 7 days intervals(You have to update only in cell with grey color):-
- Complete updation and verification of PMIS E-Service Books of Employees
- List of teachers whose service book required correction in E-Salary Code
- Regarding Hardware status of ICT Labs installed under Phase-1.
- Regarding Non-submission of Consolidate varified List(NSP) under Pre Matric and Post Matric Scholarship for the year 2019-20.
- List of defaulters of PMIS Progress Updation. All are requested to update the progress report at after verifying e-service books in PMIS portal.
- PDF file of all Inspire Awardees (pages 43-47 Sirmour)
- List of Selected Students under Inspire Award Scheme for the year 2019-20 in r/o Distt. Sirmour.
- Pl. ensure Collection of 9th Class Board Question Papers (Winter School) on 30th Nov 2019 positively
- Requested to send the report on Constitution Day celebration activities(Annexure I & II) as per proforma by today
Please send the ATR as per format above along with pictures/videos |
- (Urgent Matter**)Updation of E-salary codes and date of joining in PMIS
- Regarding Nodal Officer of Swachhta Pakhwara
- Regarding various instructions and information for conducting Pre Board Examination 2019
- Updation of PMIS eService Books Instructions
- 9th Class Board Exam(Winter Schools) -intimation of Question Papers
- Dying Cadre Sweeper:Reminder-I
- Regarding Detail of Bad Condition of class rooms
- HP Board Registration :Explanation thereof
- PMIS Verification status report of schools as on 25th Nov 2019
- (Urgent Matter**)Updation of actual Subject of teaching in PMIS Portal for the employees listed in the sheet
- Special Drive Launched by Department of Posts for opening Sukanaya Samridhi Account-reg.
- (Urgent Matter**)Updation of E-salary codes and date of joining in PMIS
Updation in e-Salary Codes can be done from the "My Profile" Section by selecting "Update Contact Details" through Data Entry Login.
- Celebration of Constitution Day on 26th November
- Reviewing the decision of declaration of Dying Cadre of Sweeper
- Training programme at CCRT w.e.f. 02-12-2019 to 24-12-2019 for School Lect. at Hyderabad.
Inviting enetries for ICT Mela
Modified CCS (Pension) Rules-1972
Activity Calender regarding special Drive on Abuse & Alcoholism w.e.f 15-11-2019 to 15-12-2019
Regarding purchase of items for model schools from HP state handicrafts & handloom Corporation Limited.
Notification from HPBOSE Dharamsala (Only for winter schools )
Regarding creation of Nodal Officers role in respect of AEBAS(Biometric systems in schools). Please correct the entries if you find it wrong.
- Training programme at SCERT Solan w.e.f. 25-11-2019 to 30-11-2019 (School Safety).
- Regarding celebration of Flag day on 7th November,2018.
- स्वच्छ भारत मिशन -ग्रामीण के अंतर्गत स्वच्छता पुरस्कार बारे
- Formation of Buddy Groups-Special DriveDrug Abuse and Alcoholism
- Regarding status of CCTV cameras.
- Updation of Anti Sexual Harassment Committee
- Regarding Special Drive on Drug Abuse & Alcoholism w.e.f 15-11-2019 to 15-12-2019.
- Regarding Eighty Percent of Syllabi of Pre - Board Examination 2019 for 10th and 12th classes of Government School.
- Training programme at HIPA Shimla for School Principal w.e.f. 21-11-2019 to 23-11-2019.
- Regarding write ups for the State Level Science, Mathematics & Environment Exibition for School Children 2019-20.
- Training programme at HIPA Shimla for Principal w.e.f. 25-11-2019 to 29-11-2019.
Regarding creation of Nodal Officers role in respect of AEBAS(Biometric systems in schools). Please correct the entries if found wrong by tomorrow
- Training Programme at RIE Chandigarh for School Lect. w.e.f. 18-11-2019 tp 20-02-2020.
- Training programme for School Lect./PGTs at SCERT Solan w.e.f. 14-11-2019 to 16-11-2019 .
- Notification regarding Bye-Election (Panchyat) 17-11-2019.
- Regarding convening of Meeting of Heads (Shillai/Bakras/Kaffota Block)
- Release of First Installment of Grant- in aid for undertaking NSS Activities (Regular as well as Special (Camping) during current financial year 2019-20.
- Regarding Commemorating 150th Birth Anniversary of Mahatama Gandhi and conduct of activities thereof.
- Training programme at SCERT Solan w.e.f. 25-11-2019 to 30-11-2019 (School Safety).
- Training programme at SCERT Solan w.e.f. 18-11-2019 to 21-11-2019 (School Safety).
- Training programme at SCERT Solan w.e.f. 13-11-2019 to 16-11-2019 (School Safety).
- Training programme at CCRT for School Lect./PGTs in the month of November,2019.
- Regarding Pre-Board Examination
- Regarding State level Role Play and Folk Dance Competition (PrincipalsGSSS Jamta and Bhatgarh )
- Regarding "Atal vardi Yojna" 1st to 12th Class
- Detail of Zones for Transfer portal
- Regarding supply of Zone wise information for Transfer portal by 5 PM today (Treat it most urgent)
- Information regarding +2 Passout students (Competitive exams)
- Training programme at CCRT for School Lect./PGTs in the month of November/ December,2019.
- Office order for Zonal Tournament In-Charges for submission of Income Expenditure Register.
- All Heads of Schools with ICT Phase-II facilties are requested to provide the information regarding taking over the complete Hardware from ILFS company as per proforma enclosed
- Proposal for up gradation of school
- Regarding Observance of Rashtriya Ekta Diwas or National Unity Day on 31st October.
- Deputation order for DPEs for Long and Middle Distance race.
- Deputation order in R/O Sh. Sachin Mehra, PET, GSSS Trilokpur.
- Training programme at SCERT Solan for School Lect/PGT w.e.f. 04-11-2019 to 07-11-2019.
- Training programme at SCERT Solan for Principals w.e.f. 04-11-2019 to 09-11-2019.
- Regarding status of CCTV cameras.
- Inspection Schedule(Inspection wing) for the month of November 2019
- Refresher Training ICT Phase-II
- Office Order regarding PTWC and Water Carriers-Cum -Peon on Daily Wages (combined) till 31-3-2017.
Regarding availablity of F.T.B e-Indents inr/o Winter Closing School.
Regarding monthly report of Weekly Iron Folic Acid (IFA).
Regarding submission of Hard copy along with undertaking under Scholarship 2019-20.
संस्कृत स्पर्धाओं के सन्दर्भ में
National De-worming Day on 1st November 2019 celebration.
Updation in e-Salary Codes can be done from the "My Profile" Section by selecting "Update Contact Details" through Data Entry Login.
- Submission of information regarding building fund available in GSSS/GHS.
- Regarding updation of details in NSP of Nodal Officer at Institute Level.
- Regarding provide the information before 2:PM today whether these school under your control or not.
- Training programme at SCERT Solan for School Lect./PGT on dated 18-10-2019 (Drug Abuse)
- Regarding Updation of Pending eSalary Codes.
- List of employees needing updation/correction in PMIS Esalary codes
- List of employees with E- Salary Code status in PMIS for correction and updation as per format (IP99-99999) within two days
- Regarding National Commission of Saffai Karmcharis.
- Implementationo f Pradhan Mantri Shram Yogi Maan-Dhan Pension Scheme. Reminder-3
- Regarding Maternity Leave to Women employees working on Period Basis.
- Press Release regarding Scholarship 2019-20.
- Training programme at SCERT Solan for School Lect/PGT w.e.f. 30-10-2019 to 02-11-2019 .
- Training programme at SCERT Solan for School Lect/PGT w.e.f. 22-10-2019 to 24-10-2019 .
- Regarding Celebration of 'Samarth-2019" State Level Mass Awareness and Capacity Building Campaign on Disaster Risk Reduction(11 to23 October, 2019.
- Mock Drill on Smarth-2019. Office orders thereof.
- Bye- Election-2019-Regarding opening of school and other buildings have been identified Polling Stations.
- Bye-Election,2019 to 55-Pachhad(SC) Assembly Constituency deployment of staff.
- Notice of absent under Section 134 of Representation of the People Act 1951(From the Election Rehearsal on dated 06-10-2019 ) GSSS K.W. Bhood/Moginand/Kala Amb/Jamniwala/Bhagani/Sataun/(G) Paonta Sahib/Bata Mandi/Pallion and GHS Dahar.
- Training programme for School Principal at HIPA Shimla w.e.f. 14-10-2019 to 18-10-2019.
- Training programme for School Lect./PGT at SCERT Solan w.e.f. 21-10-2019 to 24-10-2019.
- Awards for Enterprise Development and Promotion of Brand MSME.
- Regarding Minutes of 6th Meeting of the State Level Committee held under the Chairmanship of Smt. Rajwant Sandhu on 17-08-2019, at HP secretariat Shimla w.r.t. the orders dated 16-01-2019 passed by the Hon'ble National Green Tribunal in O.A. No. 606/2018.
- Regarding Implementation of "Pradhan Mantri Shram Yogi Maan -Dhan " Pension Scheme.
- Regarding Organizing Science Camp Under INSPIRE Internship Programme at Laureate Institute of Pharmacy , Kathog Jawalji. Kangra H.P
- Extend of Date of Sainik School Entrance Examination .
- Regarding non completion of Esalary Codes on PMIS Portal.
- Regarding pendency of Esalary Codes on PMIS Portal.
List of E-Salary Status in PMIS Portal for information of all
ग्राम पंचायत विकास योजना के लिए जन योजना अभियान के अंतर्गत अग्रिम पंक्ति के कर्मचारियों की नियुक्ति बारे |
Regarding Organizing FIT India Plogging Run on 2nd October 2019.
अटल स्कूल वर्दी योजना के अंतर्गत सरकारी पाठशालाओं में शिक्षा ग्रहण कर रहे कक्षा पहलीसे बाहरवीं तक के छात्र छात्राओं को वर्ष 2019-20 में प्रदान की जा रही निशुल्क स्कूल वर्दी बारे |
Regarding Organizing FIT India Plogging Run on 2nd October 2019.
अटल स्कूल वर्दी योजना के अंतर्गत सरकारी पाठशालाओं में शिक्षा ग्रहण कर रहे कक्षा पहलीसे बाहरवीं तक के छात्र छात्राओं को वर्ष 2019-20 में प्रदान की जा रही निशुल्क स्कूल वर्दी बारे |
PMIS-Please Ensure entry of E-Salary Code into E-Service Book to avoid deletion of PMIS Record after 30th Sept. 2019 - Atal School Vardi Yojna- Guidelines
- PMIS Help: How to Transfer Employee in PMIS Service Books
- Science Camp at Shoolini University
- Explanation regarding Non-Attending of Training programme at SCERT Solan w.e.f. 29-7-2019 to 03-08-2019.
- Training programme at SCERT Solan for School Lecturers w.e.f. 23-09-2019 to 26-09-2019.
- Regarding conduct of Pre-Board Examination,2019.
- Manav sampada Updation of E-Service Records
- Regularisation/Promtion list Class IV
- Deputation of DPEs for the smooth conduct of U-19 Boys and Girls Distt. Chess Tournament on trial bases at GBSSS Nahan.
- Information regarding to organized the U-19 Distt. Boys and Girls Chess Tournament at GBSSS Nahan.
- Regarding settlement of Audit Para.
- Promotion List Class-IV
- Regarding Organizing Science Camp at Shoolini University Bajhol , Solan (H.P.)
- Regarding Head of Accounts for RTI Receipts.
- Regarding collection of question papers for 9th and 11th classes on 11-9-2019 and 12-9-2019.
- Collection of Question Papers for 9th and 11th Classes
- Swachhta Pakhwara for compliance and reporting
- Training programme for school Lect./PGT at SCERT Solan w.e.f. 16-09-2019 to 28-09-2019..
- Training programme for school Lect./PGT at SCERT Solan w.e.f. 16th to 19th September,2019.
- Regarding submission of Enrollment of student for Medhavi Chhatrivriti Yojna) Middle scholarship
- Notification from HPBOSE regarding guide line.
- Notification from HPBOSE syllabus.
- Cancellation of Affilation of Grameen Mukt Vidyalya Shiksha sansthan New Delhi
- Regarding Building Infrastructure Information 2019-20
- Duties of Officials for U-19 Boys Distt. Tournament at GSSS Majra.
- PMIS updation/Verification and submission of report/certificate
- Invigilators Duties for Police Constable Examination to be held on 08-09-2019.
- Notification from HPBOSE.
- National Role Play and Folk dance Competition
- Office Order Bharat Scout and Guide.
- Regarding compliance report of Audit Paras
- Tentative Schedule of Regular Inspections for the month of September 2019
- Press Release-NSP (Scholarships)
- Instructions issued by the Hon'ble National Green Tribunal in O.A. No. 606/2018.
Kind Attention: PMIS verification and Updation All Heads of the schools are requested to submit the report regarding No. of students who viewed the Fit India Movement Event, along with Photographs to this office before 12.30 today -
Space quiz of the students of 8 to 10 classes
- Scholarship- Press Release/ Departmental copy
- Regarding Non- Providing latest Category-wise /Class-wise Enrolment as on 20-06-2019 list of defaulter schools thereof (Reminder-111).
- Regarding upgradation of GHS Gadol Pirag and GHS Dharoti (Sarahan &Rajgarh) , requisition of information thereof.
- Regarding Updation of PMIS Service Books
- Revised schedule for U-19 Boys Zonal Level Tournament of Nahan Zone.
- Revised schedule for U-19 Boys Zonal Level Tournament of Sangrah Zone.
- Scholarship for all Divyang (more than 40%) Students in the schools
- Information regarding damage in any school building
- The Guidelines for Tobacco Free Educational Institutions
- Information regarding closing of Schools due to heavy rain.
- Information regarding closing of Schools due to heavy rain.
- All India Sainik Schools Entrance Examination for Admission to Classes VI and IX -Session 2020-21.
- Regarding appointment under SMC Policy.
- Training programme at SCERT Solan for School Lect.PGT w.e.f. 26-08-2019 to 29-08-2019.
- Training programme at SCERT Solan for School Lect./PGT w.e.f. 02-09-2019 to 05-09-2019.
- Training programme at SCERT Solan for School Lect./PGT w,e,f, 27-08-2019 to 29-08-2019.
- reminder regarding latest vacancy position on excel sheet
- reminder regarding latest estalishment return on excel sheet/ format in respest of part time water carries/ daily wades
- Reminder regarding Pension of retired employees
- Reminder regarding adjustment of PTWCs/ Water Carries-cum-peon on daily wages basis on promotion as peon ( Class-4).
- Regarding change of venue U19 Girls Distt. Tournament GSSS Gorkhuwala to GGSSS Paonta Sahib.
- Children Science congress Dated Venue and Schedule
- Philately Scholarship Scheme "Deen Dayal Sparsh Yojna"
- Regarding Contingency for U-19 Boys/Girls Zonal Tournaments.
- Regarding Payment Transfer of Funds through NEFT.
- Application form, admit card and General instructions regarding NTSE & NMMS Exam for VIII and X classes
- Pl. find attached list of Schools sirmour whose K-Yans have not been synced with Internet so far. Requested to do the need full and send compliance.
- Basic Course Scout and Guide- Urgent matter
- Time Line activities under Pre Matric Scholarship scheme for Minorities/Disabilities for 2019-20
- National Scholarship Portal -Digital initiative
- Time Line activities under Pre Matric Schoalrship scheme to the children of those engaged in unclean occupation for the year (2019-20)
- Regarding status of BASP w.e.f. 2008 to 2019
- Low Result of board classes:Explanation thereof for non attendance of meeting held in this office
- Regarding new games Chess and Hukpwondo introduce in U-19 Boys/Girls Distt. Tournament from 2019-20.
- Regarding Accessible India Campaign (Sugamya Bharat Abhiyan)
- Training programme at SCERT Solan foe School Lect. w.e.f. 19-08-2019 to 21-08-2019.
- Training programme at SCERT Solan foe School Lect. w.e.f. 19-08-2019 to 22-08-2019.
- Training programme at HIPA Shimla for School Principal.
- Regarding Promotion of Sun exposure programme in schools.
- Permission to conduct "Bhartiya Sankriti Gyan Pariksha"under the aegis of Akhil Vishwa Gayatri Parivaar.
- Regarding change of venue of U-19 Nahan Zone Boys tournament.
- Regarding online application for Pardhan Mantri Rastriya Bal Purskar.
- Regarding Non providing of latest Category-wise /Class-wise, Subject-wise Enrolment as on 20-06-2019 list of defaulter schools thereof. (REMINDER-11)
- Duties of Invigilators.
- Submission of performa for future promotion as JLA
- Training programme at CCRT for School Lect./PGT.
- Regarding duties of DPE/PETs for Boys/Girls U-19 Distt. Tournament.
- Chief Minister Harit Vidyalya Abhiyan 2019
- Participation of NSS Volunteers of schools in Independence Day" at State, Distt. and Block Level
- Submission of latest vacancy position of class IV employees
- Latest Establishment detail of Class IV employees
- Regarding meeting of u-19 Boys/Girls Zonal incharges on dated 06-08-2019.
- Submission of detail of Non Teaching staffengaged by the Head of Instt. by their own without permission
- Regarding deposit of affiliation fee fro Zonal/Distt. Tournament
- Regarding the justification of Construction work in the schools of the Distt.
- Regarding Judges / Expert /Account Number/Instructions for U-19 Boys/Girls Zonal Tournament.
- Regarding providing estimates of various construction works in GSSS/GHS Rajgarh Division immediately.
- Regarding providing estimates of various construction works in GSSS/GHS Rajgarh Division immediately.
- Submission of Status of Work under BSP 2008-09 to 2018-19 by 5.00 PM from school/PWD Office
- Swachhta Pakhwara 1st to 15th August Action Plan Regarding
- Regarding duties of DSSA Zonal level committees for U-19 Boys/Girls Zonal Tournament.
- Regarding duty of Lady Teacher in Tournaments.
- Sanskrit Scholarship Scheme from Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan
- Implementation of Philately Scholarship Scheme "Deen Dayal SPARESH"
- List of Nodal Officer designated in schools for Road safety
- Press Note: Ministry of Minority Affairs
- Updation of details in NSP of Nodal Officer at Distt. and Institution level
- Building and other infrastructure detail of Schools Most Urgent/Time Bound
- Clarification regarding marking of Attendance by the School Principals,Headmaster, Lecturers and PGTs.
- स्वर्णिम हिमाचल पत्र के अंतर्गत "अखंड शिक्षा ज्योति, मेरे स्कूल से निकले मोती " योजना के दिशा निर्देश बारे |
- Awareness creation and Community Education Activities(Jan Andolan) Jal Shakti Abhiyan
- CCTV Camera status-Reminder
- Regarding one month free of cost summer vacation batch for meritorious students studing in +1 and +2 medical stream.
- Collection of Airtel SIM for schools with Biometric Machine installed in Phase-II (Reminder-1)
- Regarding admission of SOS June 2019 Passed out
- Training programme at SCERT Solan w.e.f. 05-08-2019 to 08-08-2019 for Lect. (IP).
- ग्रीष्मकालीन स्कूलों की समय सारणी बारे |
- Training programme for Clerks at SCERT Solan w.e.f. 05-08-2019 to 10-08-2019.
- Pre-matric scholarship scheme to children engaged in an occupation involving cleaning and health hazards. You can get more info. on www.socialjustice.nic.in
- Regarding Non providing latest Category wise/ Class wise, Subject wise Enrolment as on 20-06-2019 list of defaulter schools thereof.
- Implementation of Pradhan Mantri Shram Yogi Maan Dhan. The detail of PMSYMD
- Regarding Pension of Retired Employees
- Updation of PMIS of Employees
- Regarding adjustment of PTWC/Water Carriers cum Peon
- Regarding requisition of Computers Hardware for office work.
- Submission of actual enrolment of Classes 1st, 3rd, 6th & 9th for the distribution of school bags during 2019-20 under "Atal School Vardi Yojna" (Indenting Officer wise).
- Clarification Regarding Usage of Aadhaar.
- Regarding Updation of Name, Gender, and Date of Birth in the Aadhaar Records.
- Measures to improve performance in Board examples
- Regarding NSP Upgradation of institution profile session 2019-20
- Regarding Disaster Management and Rescue Training in Winter Season School of Distt. Sirmour.
- Urgent Attention(by 17th July)):On line filling of vital infrastructure data of schools
- Observing International Drug Abuse Day on 26th June 2019
- Latest status regarding Mukhya Mantri Adarsh Vidyalaya as on 24/06/2019. Kindly provide the status by today.
- Office Order Scount and Guide.
- लेखा परीक्षा(ऑडिट)केपैरों के समायोजन बारे
- Demand of Budget for the financial Year 2019-20 of Grat-in-aid to SMC Teachers in r/o the DDO's of District Sirmour(HP)
- Meeting of members of Bharat Scout 7 Guide on 21-06-2019 at DDHE Sirmour at Nahan.
- Office order regarding appointment of Judges for Distt. Level Youth Parliament Competition.
- Schedule for Type Test of Clerks at Directorate Level.
- Organisation of Distt. Level Youth Parliamnet Competion at GSSS Puruwala on 25-06-2019
- National Incentive Scheme Maturity data-Urgent matter Reminder
- Training programme for DPEs at SCERT Solan w.e.f. 24-06-2019 to 29-06-2019.
- Final seniority list of matriculate LAs
- Submission of Establishment of class-IV and LAs
- One day general information course Principals and Headmasters
- Regarding rescheduled of HSSA Meeting on 05-07-2019 at Dev Sadan, Distt. Kullu.
- Decision of High court (retrenchment) LPA 146/2010
- Regarding IT fee for Jan 19 to June 2019
- जिला महिमा पुस्तकालय द्वारा प्रतिवर्ष राजकीय वरिष्ठ माध्यमिक विद्यालयों को निशुल्क दी जाने वाली पुस्तकों के सन्दर्भ में |
- Regarding rescheduled of HSSA Meeting on 21-06-2019 at Dev Sadan, Distt. Kullu.
- Non-submission of Annual Report RTI Act,2005 for the year 2018-19 as on 31-03-2019.
- Participation of NCC Cadets in Yoga on International Yoga Day(IDY) 21st June,2019.
- Training programme for School Lect. /PGT (Mathematics) at SCERT Solan w.e.f. 08-07-2019 to 13-07-2019.
- Regarding providing the information regarding inspection of Pvt. Schools inspected by inspection team.
- Regarding National Awards to Teachers of Initiation of selection process.
- Regarding registration of Scout and Guide and 50% share of Scout and Guide.
- Regarding International day of Yoga 21st June
- Regarding providing latest Enrolment from class 6th to 10+2 as on 20-6-2019 (Private Schools only).
- Regarding submission of cases for the promotion of eligible in service peons to the post of LA as per R&P Rules for the promotion in the year 2019.
- Meeting of BPO(Block Project Officers) regarding general Instructions on 12-06-2019.
- Training programme for Clerks at CCDU Mandi at Dhangshidhar w.e.f. 25-06-2019 to 06-07-2019.
- Tritya Prativedan Vidhan Sabha (Urgent matter)
- Enrolement of adoloscent girls private schools only
- लेखा परीक्षा (ऑडिट)के पैरों के समायोजन बारे
- Corrigendum regarding U-19 Boys/Girls Zonals Level DSSA Committees Meetings on dated 12/06/2019.
- Prakalan Smiti 3-Prativedan(Vidhan Sabha)
- Off-line proforma to Fill-up Status of repair work as desired by above letter
- Distt. Level World Environment Day celebration 5th June 2019
- Fill-up the data related to Repair work Praklan Vidhan Sabha-13 (Urgent)
- Training schedule at SCERT- Office Orders
- Regarding Celebration of Distt. Level World Environment Day on 5th June,2019.
- Regarding U-19 Boys/Girls Zonals Level DSSA Committees Meetings on dated 12/06/2019.
- लेखा परीक्षा (ऑडिट ) के पैरों के समायोजन बारे
- Organisation of World Environment Day Distt. Level at Nahan Boys school
- Upgradation of Schools Distt. sirmour H.P.
- Training of officials at SCERT and HIPA
All Schools-Celebration of No Tobacco Day on 31 May 2019 |
- Duties of DPEs for the recruitment of Forest Guard 2019.
- Inspection Schedule for the month of June 2019
- Sanctioned Earned Leave of Principals/Lecturers
- Office order regarding organization of Annual Meeting of General Council of HSSA Dated 20-06-2019.
- Complaint regarding Dummy Admission in Private Schools.
- Misc. representation by Private Schools
- Action against schools where Dummy admissions are being made
- Regarding the award of Enhanced grade Pay to the post of Clerks
- New Policy Appointment on Compassionate ground
- State Level Advance course Training of Scout and Guide 01/06/2019 to 07/06/2019
- General Instructions to Principals/Headmasters Schools
- Submission of IT Enrollment for the year 2019-20
- Regarding online Nomination of Students for INSPIRE Awards MANAK for 2019-20.
- Proforma to supply the info. related to the activities done to control Drug Abuse in children
- Regarding Topics for Declamation Contest 2019-20 for U/19 Boys & Girls Tournaments.
- Proforma to supply the result of Matric and Plus Two Classes for the year 2018-19
- Regarding Organizing Science Camp at Shoolini University, Bajhol, Solan (H.P.)
- Office Order of NSS Officers for training at SCERT Solan
- Court Matter Nitin Vyas Vs State
- Training Programme at SCERT Solan for School Lecturers/PGT w.e.f. 24-05-2019 to 25-05-2019.
- General Instructions to schools from inspection wing
- Regarding Organizing Science Camp at Shoolini University, Bajhol, Solan (H.P.)
- Regarding Purchase of Sanitary Napkin Incinerators in Private Schools of H.P. as per the directions of Hon'ble Court specification thereof.
- Regarding DSSA Meeting at Zonal Level U-19 Boys and Girls
- Extension in admission to +2 classes
- List of Girls applied under NSIGSE w.e.f. the session 2012-13 to 2017-18.
- Regarding enrollment of Hostels for the session 2019-20.
- **Information from schools where the Biometric Machines have been installed, still awaited**
- Urgent Matter: Please submit Status of Biometric Machine installed in your institution before 12.00 Noon of 14th May 2019
- Annexure for a status report of Biometric attendance
- Regularisation of services as Peon Class-IV
- Maintenance of Law and Order
- Most Urgent-Regarding Parliamentary Assembly Election 2019
- National Incentive Scheme for Girls -Supply of Data-Most Urgent
- HIPA Training (Principals)
- Officer Orders Training a SCERT
- All the Principals/Headmasters GSSS/GHS/PVT Schools requested to provide the 10+2 and 10th Class result data for the session 2018-19 as desired in the above-said letter. Treat it most Urgent
- DSSA Meeting14-05-2019 at 10.00 AM in the o/o DDHE Sirmour Nahan
- National Yoga_Olympiad from 18th to 20th June 2019 at NCERT New Delhi
- "अटल वर्दी योजना" के अंतर्गत आपूर्ति एवं आंबटन के लिए आवशयक निर्देश
- Deputation of staff in newly upgraded schools
- Supplying of data related to Disaster Management
- Inculcation of life skills in students
- Urgent-Regarding Parliamentary Assembly Election 2019
- Verification dates of Scholarship schemes extended
- दिनांक12-09-2018 एवं 13-09-2018 की तदर्थ समिति बैठक द्वारा विभिन्न उच्च शिक्षा कार्यालय के समायोजित प्रतिवेदनो व् पैरों का विवरण
- Extension in Admissions
- Regarding of depositing IT-fee in timely manner and submission of report
- Regarding regularisation of Daily wagers/Contingent paid and contract employee
- All Block Nahan Heads of schools please ensure deputation of NSS/Scout/Volunteer in each polling booth as per list attached
- Election-Matter: Cleaning of Water Tanks of schools
- HIPA Training for Heads GSSS Kujji and GSSS Bogdhar
- Regarding 1st installment of NSS Grant for the Financial year 2018-19
- Organizing Youth Parliament Competition in schools
- Support National Deworming Day(NDD) campaign,1st round on 1st May 2019 and Mop up Round on 8th May 2019.
- Assignment of duty to NSS/NCC/Scout and Guide volunteers at polling station.
- Regarding inspection schedule for the month of May 2019https://drive.google.com/file/d/1DZMxAxwxZiaz_sW7uACbJBKP-NXtt669/view?usp=drivesdk
- Regarding submission of Audited Utilization Certificate of NSS grant for the year 2018-19.
- Regarding submission of enrollment of NSS volunteers for the year 2019-20.
- विद्यालयोँ में शहीदों के स्मारकों की स्थापना के बारे में
- Regarding Safety of children
- SCERT Training of resource key persons
- Regarding meeting of executive members of DSSA Distt. Sirmour on 03-05-2019
- Non-Submission of Class-wise Enrolment from Class 6th to 10+2 and Teachers Position from Class 6th to 10+2 as on 31-12-2018.
- Regarding completion of all the requirement of election department for smooth conduct of election process.
- Submission of status report regarding installation of Incinerators.
- Instructions for online registration and submission of Application to join Indian Army.
- I.E.C. Printing Material on control for Dengue/Malaria and others vector Borne disease under NVBDCP for year 2019-20.
- Regarding filing of Court Cases
- Regarding Support to observe National De-Worming day and Vitamin A on 1st May 2019 in Himachal Pradesh.
- Polythene Hatao, Paryavaran Bachao Abhiyan-2019.
- implementation of stretagy for the Management of Nob-Biodegradable waste/plastic waste
- Regarding implementation of Student Police Cadet Programme
- Providing facilities to persons with disability during Loksabha 2019
- Meeting regarding preparedness of ensuing Loksabha 2019
- Guidelines for the conduct of Govt. Servant during elections.
- Submission of status report regarding installation of Sanitary Napkin Vending Machine CWPL No. 2455/2017 titled as M/s Prem Mohini Gupta Vs. State of HP and Ors.
- Support National Deworming Day(NDD) campaign,1st round on 1st May 2019 and Mop up Round on 8th May 2019.
- Guidelines for the conduct of Govt. Servant during elections.
- Regarding preparedness of ensuing Lok Sabha-2019
- Proceeding of the meeting held on Dated: 10/04/2019 on Scholarship issues 2018-19.
- Himachal Day Celebration-2019
- Submitting the names of volunteers from schools for Election Duty at polling stations
- विधान सभा निर्वाचन क्षेत्र - पावटा साहिब के समस्त मतदान केन्द्रों मे इलेक्ट्रिक लोगो लगवाने हेतू
- Performa provisional character certificate
- Office order Scholarship 2018-19.
- Opening of online nominations for 2019-20 under INSPIRE Award MANAK Scheme.
- Utilisation of free Uniform status
- Office order Bharat Scout and Guide.
- Providing Proper Electricity/facilities/furniture/water/ramps/signage in the Polling Stations
- Training programme of Sr. Asstt. at HIPA w.e.f 08-4-2019 to 10-04-2019.
- Regarding Trail For Talented Players for Sports Hostel
- Regarding meeting with management of Private Schools and Provided of information thereof.
- No Teaching Day on 6th April to selected JNV Exam Centres
- Final Seniority List of Daily-wagers Distt. Sirmour
- Remembering 4th April Kangra Earthquake:Shake out Drill in H.P.
- Regarding Deposit of Distt. Share of Sports Fund & Sports Development Fund.
- Urgent Please: fill the data in the sheet Enrollment and Teachers as on 31-12-2018 GHS
- Urgent:Please fill data in the sheet Enrollment and Teachers as on 31-12-2018 for GSSS
- Providing proper Electricity/Furniture/Water/Ramps/Signage facility in the Polling Station.
- Clarification regarding usage of Aadhaar.
- Guidelines for improvement of learning level of students
- Allottment of Budget under O E/M&S/M& eq. for the Finacial Year 2018-19. to different schools
- For Private Schools to follow
- Demand proforma for supplementary textbooks demand for Summer Closing Schools
- Regarding involvement of PET/DPE during Self Defence Training as well as Awareness amongst the girl students of class 6th to 12th of all GHS/GSSS of H.P.-reg.
- Press Release Scholarship 2018-19.
- Regularisation of contract appointees in the Govt. Deptt.
- Suo Moto action on news item published in Amar Ujala
- Establishing Monuments in schools/colleges for Martyred
- Regarding Grace in marks 8th and 9th Sanskrit
- Regarding Annual Report RTI Act,2005 .
- Regarding District level verification under Scholarship 2018-19.
- Regarding seniority/regularization of clerks appointed on contract basis.
- Regarding WIFS Programmes.
- Regarding conducting J.N.V Enterence Exam on 06-04-2019.
- Regarding Fee and Fund structure Private/Aided Schools of the Distt.
- Matter regarding enhancement of Honorarium of Cook cum Helper
- Regarding Mensural Hygeine Scheme
- Training programme at HIPA Shimla for School Principal w.e.f. 01-04-2019 to 03-04-2019.
- Guidelines for conducting written exam. for children with benchmark disabilities
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